The reason why website dealers can offer their goods at a small fraction of the bags' usual price is the low cost that is needed to run their online stores. Because they don't need much to maintain their operations, they don't have to charge much for their products, either. Another reason why wholesale designer handbags can be cheap yet of good quality is the nature of the offer itself. When you buy wholesale, goods are always priced cheaper. This is because maintenance costs for each of the bags in the package are collected at once and as one. Hence, you can save by not having to pay for such costs per item.
Online wholesale dealers have quite an array for you to choose from, including wholesale jewelry and handbags. And these are bags that bear the most famous names in the world of fashion, by the way - Louis Vuitton,Prada, Christian Dior
Christian Audigier Bikinis,, Dolce & Gabbana, Valentino, Jimmy Choo, Marc Jacobs, Miu Miu
Prada Belt, Abercrombie & Fitch, Hermesd, Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Ferragamo, Versace Gucci and Miu Miu. Such variety that comes at incredibly affordable prices is a treat you can't possibly pass up on.
The first key to buying a new-to-you purse is to do your research! You must learn the name of the style. Then get familiar with the style and brand. What kind of hardware does the manufacturer use? silver, nickel, brass, leather coated? Is the hardware stamped? If so, where? What colors was the model made in? What leathers were used? What kind of stamps or seals does the manufacturer use?A lot of this research can be done online and there are a ton of resources out there that will help you familiarize yourself with the purse model you're interested in getting. This is why blogs are so awesome! They serve as a catalog of the purses that each manufacturer has made. Some consignment shops have great research kits that will help you familiarize yourself with the brand and how to spot ########s.
Women are women and if you're like every other woman on the block, you're most probably crazy about handbags, too. You must have collections in your closet. Different styles, colors, shapes and cuts - these are the stuff that women want in their handbags. On the other hand, if you have been collecting these items, you may be seriously bothered by the price tags they come with. These days, though, there is no need for such worries. There are many websites that sell wholesale designer handbags for so much less. All you need to do is to make sure the site is legit and their products are of good quality. And then, you can keep growing your collections for as long as you've got something to add. has excellent research tools to help learn more about various labels, especially for Louis Vuitton.2. CONSIGNMENT SHOPS:
You can buy at consignment shops. This again requires a lot of research and you should ask fellow purse lovers which consignment shops they recommend. My favorites are: Fashionphile, Yoogi'sCloset, Ann's Fabulous Finds, Let Trade, Castira and Bag, Borrow or Steal. These sites are very well regarded and stand behind their product.Just note one thing: Generally
Converse Women sneaker, consignment shops have higher prices. The upside is they do the research, they authenticate the product and you can buy worry free.
Some women think twice about buying wholesale designer bags, thinking these are no more than cheap imitations of low quality. This is not always true. These bags are cheap because they are bought at manufacturer's prices which means there is not much additional cost the wholesaler has to pay when purchasing stocks. Hence, the prices remain in control by the time they land in consumers' hands.