r a good amount of time and of course
LV Tie, I didnt have insurance so really there was no other choice. Two months after (finally have health insurance) i was diagnosed with mild chronic gastritis
christian louboutin shoes cheap, Ibs and took nexium for a good year. My doctor was an ******* who really didnt look into my case so much so its a good chance i was misdiagnosed. So for a good year i took nexium, 40 mg daily. Then another year which is this year
skechers coupons printable, age 22 and finally i decide i should check it out again. This year in OCT I have been diagnosed with idopathic gastroparesis and mild gastritis= which is nothing and everyone has mild gastritis and IBS (not so severe just constipation and cramps). At this point i was off nexium due to constpation and was taking omeprazole. Iliked omperazole alot better.. but im still constipated. The doctor said gastric emptying test was abnormal meaning i have gastroparesis.Doctor said the ultra sound they found a polyp in my gallbladder and i need to have another ultra sound in 6-12 mo. It is a cholestrol deposit and benign but if it grows i would have to remove gallbladder. As for medicines i can try to ween off omeprazole slowly. As for the reglan just prescribed I should take only as needed, when i feel discomfort. I should take thiyilai:
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