Fun Facts About Buddhism
In the various schools of Mahayana (the 'greater vehicle') Buddhism (which includes Tibetan Buddism, Chinese Ch'an and Japanese Zen,
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Who are the 5 Dhyani Buddhas?
The 5 Dhyani Buddhas are celestial Buddhas visualised during meditation, and thought apt be great healers of the mind and marrow. They are not historical diagrams, like Gautama (Sakyamuni) Buddha, yet transcendent beings who symbolise universal heavenly principles alternatively forces.
(1) Akshobhya
Akshobhya is regarded as the second Dhyani Buddha by the Nepalese Buddhists. He originates from the blue syllable HUM. He sits in the Vajraparyanka pose and his right hand is in the Bhumisparsha (earth-touching) Mudra, calling the world for spectator (Sakyamuni usually adopts the same posture). He represents the primordial cosmic element of Vijnana (feeling). His left hand rests in his lap, while the right rests on his right knee with the tips of the middle fingers touching the floor with the palm facing inwards. His vehicle is a pair of elephants, and his symbol is the vajra (thunderbolt). His female counterpart is Locana.
(2) Amitabha Buddha (Jap. Amida)
Amitabha is the most ancient buddha amid the Dhyani Buddhas. He is said to reside in the Sukhabati heaven in peaceable meditation. He is red, originating from the ruddy syllable HRIH. He represents the cosmic element of Sanjna (name). His vehicle is a peacock. He sits in the full-lotus posture, right leg over left, with his palms folded face up, the right on top of the left, on his lap in Samadhi Mudra. His female counterpart is Pandara. Amitabha denotes 'boundless light' or the incomprehensible.
(3) Amoghashiddhi Buddha
Amoghashiddhi is the fifth Dhyani Buddha. He sits in the full-lotus posture, left leg over right, with his left hand open, palm facing upwards, on his lap, and the right in the Abhaya Mudra. He represents the cosmic element of Samskara (conformation). His colour is green and his symbol is the viswa vajra or double thunderbolt. He is the embodiment of the wet season. His conveyance is Garuda.
(4) Ratna SambhavBuddha
Ratna Sambhav is regarded as the third Dhyani Buddha. His character namely the jewel and his hands are in the Varada (gift-bestowing) Mudra. He represents the cosmic unit of Vedana (emotion). His colour is yellow. His woman counterpart is Mamaki.
(5) Vairochana Buddha (Jap. Dainichi Nyorai)
Vairochana is regarded as the 1st Dhyani Buddha by the Nepalese Buddhists. He represents the cosmic element of Rupa (form). His colour is white, and his two hands are held against the breast with the tips of the thumbs and forefingers of every hand knitted,
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What is Bhaisajya Buddha? (Jap. Yakushi Nyorai)
Bhaisajya (known as the medication or healing Buddha) is said to dispense spiritual medication when properly worshipped. He wears a monastic robe and is seated with legs crossed. His left hand,
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What is Hotei? (also known as Budai, or The Laughing Buddha)
The Japanese label for the Chinese Zen Master Poe-Tai Hoshang (10th to 11th Century). Fat, grotesque and lovable, he symbolises the state of detached bliss which belongs to those who realise their Buddha Nature, or the Buddha within. He is adored the world over and worshipped at many as the God of Good Fortune (he is likewise regarded by some as a manner of Maitreya).
What is Sakyamuni Buddha?
Gautama Buddha is deemed to have had 550 incarnations. To distinguish him from entire other Buddhas, he is known as Sakyamuni (sage of the Sakya Clan). He was connate in 563 BC in Lumbini, Nepal, the son of King Suddhodana and Queen Mayadevi. He attained enlightenment afterward 6 years of meditation and fasting. He died elderly 80 in Kushinagara. Usually shown seated in padmasana (lotus pose) with right hand in Bhumisparsha (earth-touching) Mudra. Sometimes shown standing with right hand in Abhaya (protecting) Mudra.
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