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Old 03-19-2011, 11:46 AM   #1
Private First Class
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 24
picker7770 is on a distinguished road
Default In order to stimulate the spoiled rich kid kidnapp

wood: This is not what I want, these are my parents. I want to live in his own way of life superior.

The investigation of a 24-year-old Chai village Baqiao District Department of the villagers, the father is the village director, his family was well off. His parents in the village built a single hospital, seven or eight rooms. Chai has been a primary school after mixing in the community, the early years have been moving through the relationship between contracting out to earn some money, but squandered over. The past three years, my father invested nearly 100 million for its opening two dredging plant, but also because of poor management and loss.

arrest: police arrest people posing as plumbers
in mind: his family was so good, parents do not give you money?
for the recent high-tech zones in the rear-end by Pengci then robbed the victim's case, Sun Pingyun remind the drivers: driving alone, women must be careful. After a car accident, the first response should be reported immediately. In the traffic police and patrol the presence of treatment would be more fair, at least no threat to personal safety. If a small virtually scratch, best to sit in the car owners, view the status of the other vehicle. If the person is unlicensed vehicles to be vigilant. In addition, motorists should pay attention to the other person's appearance. An emergency situation, we must skillfully to ensure personal security from the threat to the surrounding circumstances call for help, or timely report.

starting from June this year,Nike Total 90, they make excuses Pengci rear-end accident, created a series of robbery, kidnapping, so Jia Juzu especially women drivers caught in extreme fear.
Mo Pai and access by data surveillance video near the crime, the police found living in the long-song Yang Andover have a major crime suspect.
in mind: the ability of robbery is what you call it?
With the arrest of a principal wood, the police found that: planning and participation in these cases, an original wood behind the family was well off the angel of the father is the village director villages, have their own wood in a single dwelling, there their own businesses.

June this year, he and his associates by the rear-end Pengci, the implementation of injury, robbery, kidnapping more than. Robbery, two luxury cars, property worth 12 million yuan.
yesterday morning, according to the Criminal Investigation Branch, deputy director of public security high Sun Pingyun introduction, Alarm task force set up immediately after the branch. Police found on November 27 at 2 pm, Xi'an Beilin white damiaocun similar case occurred, and the two suspects are driving a vehicle, it is a BMW Mini. The ratio of the traces, the police concluded that the two cases the same persons for the Department.

a wood (the wood): money spent.

11 月 26 evening, they took away Ms. Ding's BMW car, but also in the early morning of November 27, drove to the Beilin white BMW near damiaocun remote place, using the same means of robbery another female victim's cell phone, cash and so on.

reminder: have a car accident before the alarm
12 o'clock noon, firewood were brought to a police car wearing a hood, to the crime scene to identify.

The investigation, Department of diesel more than a robbery, injury case, the main suspect. August 20 this year, diesel mastermind involved in a violent kidnapping of an organ with a vicious case of female leaders escape after being online pursuit. Dec. 13 at noon, police posing as plumbers knocked on wood by the door of a hiding, threw himself to the ground.

by the police on a diesel, the Tu Shen Yang, identified in addition to November 26, line 27, the two robberies as they are, the two starting from June this year, still Baqiao area, Weiyang, Beilin, implementation of high-tech zones and other injuries, robbery, kidnapping a total of 5 cases, robbery and two luxury cars, the value of other property (including cash) of 12 million yuan.

dialogue suspect
12 月 10 am, Yang was arrested at home, Ms. Ding seized the victim was robbed of cell phones, cameras and other items. Account, according to Yang, this year early in June, a wood (another perpetrator) to find him, talk through the robbery, He uses his own black identity rented a car. Their license plates removed before committing the crime, loitering around the District in Xi'an Find opportunistic robbery.
11 月 26 evening 9:30, 27-year-old DING attended the reunion, after driving BMW Mini Kam Yip Road and Zhangba three-way cross, he was rear-ended a black car without a license. DING off View cart loss, the black car coming down the two men, took out an ax to her neck snapped Le, brought her to the car lira. DING Jizhongshengzhi, said she was pregnant, hoping not to hurt yourself money for something will do.

surprised: robbery principal family was well off

warning: abnormal desire to be in a timely manner to contain

firewood: Because usually see a car accident on the road virtually scratch Tingduo to think of ways to manufacture rear-end accident Pengci, this generally does not care about others, but also to my surprise, a good escape after committing the crime.

two men snatched the package, were driving a black BMW car and left her. The whole process lasted for ten minutes. In addition to the value of 380,000 yuan of the BMW car, Ms. Ding was taken away six or seven hundred dollars in cash, mobile phones, cameras and bank cards and other items.
Chai: I do not want their parents money, I want to engage in their ability to money.
8 月 20 日 issued after the robbery, the police told the parents to do the work in a wood, I hope they can persuade the wood of a surrender. Chai Police keen on the idea of a family on the one hand, on the other hand, and wood to maintain a single contact, to provide flight information. November 27 after the incident, his family and his girlfriend managed to hide in a wood, and provide convenient conditions, the mother also has a 10,000 yuan to the wood as the living expenses money.
event: more than 4 hours robbed twice

need the money to quickly superior
Reporter: Do you have your own business, there are single dwelling, why?
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Old 03-19-2011, 12:28 PM   #2
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 983
t9yun0ig4fg is on a distinguished road

  解说:看得出邵帅拉面片的伎俩还不是很娴熟,邵帅说,只要是妈妈喜好吃的,他都市学着做一 做。
  解说:这位对着视频摄像头与邵帅招手的女人恰是43岁的邵丹,颠末骨髓移植手术之后,她的身材状态到底 怎么样了呢?


  导视:一岁时失去父亲心疼,十二岁时母亲突患白血病,Dress of knowledge - Qzone log
  讲授:2010年2月24日,年仅12岁的邵帅,在北京市面培病院担当了骨髓移植手术,为挽救妈妈捐募 骨髓。

  解说:一位70多岁的老奶奶据说邵帅的事变之后,带同百口人一起来看望邵帅。采访:我头一次是看《京华 时报》的头条晓得的,其时看完了我眼睛就含糊了,我以为太不简略了。


  解说:吴医生说,邵帅头晕、恶心的征象跟他终日奔忙太甚操劳有干系,只有细致苏息就行。为了利便患者和 眷属互相交流,医院特地设立了亲情毗连间,家眷可以通过视频和患者晤面。邵帅说,本身曾经有1个多月没和妈 妈在一块儿了,每天只能在半夜的时候,与妈妈在视频窗口聊上半小时,所以只管自己身体不惬意,但一见到妈妈 ,邵帅却涓滴不表露进去。
  主持人:在我们看来,pandora online,这12岁的年龄还是个孩子,大少数都是被父母经心地庇护着,或是在父母身旁撒娇的年纪,尤为是男孩子,那 更是0b874a40ec5e35c27b902a27a895c0f一、玩心最重的时候。可接下来我们要 说的这个小男孩,名字叫邵帅,是江苏徐州人,固然春秋只有12岁,但他却做了一件连我们成人都不易办到的事 。那就是为了救他身患白血病的母亲,而捐献自己的骨髓。2月24日上午,北京市道培医院已经为她们母子顺利 地完成为了骨髓移植的手术,那么邵帅和他的母亲邵丹,现在的身体状况毕竟怎么样了呢?

  艰巨 波折 他将怎么面临坎坷的运气?


  同期:把钱给哥哥,False - Qzone log,说要坚强。

  解说:本来,邵帅从住地点北京市道培医院单程是14公里摆布,必要乘坐3趟公交车,门路19站,全程快 要1个半小时。也便是说往返的行程是28公里,公交车道路38站,全程近3个小时。如果按来回 3趟来算,pandora jewelry,邵帅每天要乘坐114站公交车,有将近9个小时是在公交车上渡过的。



  主持人:因为邵丹住在无菌病房,以是现在她只能通过视频摄像头与外界交换,在拍摄以前,我们的记者已经 与邵丹通过一次电话,通过德律风中的声音我们觉得到,邵丹的精力照旧不错的,语言的声音对比宏亮,底气比力 足,一点都听不错这是一名方才做完骨髓移植手术没多久的病人,那末邵丹的身体状况到底怎么样了?要是统统顺 遂,她甚么时光能够走出无菌病房呢?

  解说:因为手术是在无菌区进行,记者们只能在手术室外着急地等候,几个小时以后,小邵帅被 推了出来。

  主持人:从邵帅稚嫩的脸上,我们看到了刚强和勇气,这不得不让我们每小我私家都心生敬仰,终究他只有1 2岁,仍是一个孩子。我们的记者返来报告咱们说,邵帅是一个特殊懂事、分外仔细的孩子,我们的摄制组第一天 去他们香山住所拍摄的时间,邵帅还一个劲儿地提示我们记者“这路欠好走,警惕后面的谁人坑”,您瞧瞧,何等 细心的孩子啊!我们祝贺在与病魔作奋斗的邵丹早日病愈,也祝福复学半年多的邵帅,能尽快回到学 校学习。

  解说:为了让妈妈增补片面的养分,邵帅每天变着法地给妈妈变更差别的口胃,真是难为他了。2分钟之后, 面片也差未几可以起锅了,可以让我们稀罕的是,邵帅为何将锅里的浮油,战战兢兢地撇了出来呢?

  这是一次凝结爱心的传递,和哪一个星座在一块儿会幸福一辈子 - Qzone日记,各人用暖和的双手谱写了世间真情。


  解说:爱心人士,济困扶危。在邵帅的事被各大媒体报导之后,每天都有几十拨的人来到医院看望邵帅,捐钱 捐物。这是一对不肯透漏姓名的匹俦,他们为邵帅和他的母亲带来了10万元的善款,但愿可以匡助她们度过难关 。邵帅说他之前和妈妈相约,两个人都要坚强,不能哭,现在邵帅和妈妈都做到了。
  解说:邵帅的孝心和勇气震撼着我们每个人的心灵,俗话说“百善孝为先”,年仅12的邵帅用他现实举措, 解释了我们中国这一精良传统的真理。在他小小的心愿中包罗着期盼与希望,我们信赖那一天不会太 远。
  字幕:2010年2月24日8:10 北京市道培医院的医生为邵帅抽取骨髓血干细胞
  解说:由于邵丹住在无菌病房,所以邵帅每天只能将饭送到病房门口,而后再由内里的医护职员帮助转送给邵 丹。

  解说:记者一进门,我们就发明姥姥党国英的脸上,弥漫着发自心田的高兴。我们摄制组赶来的时候,邵帅正 在和姥姥筹备给妈妈做中饭,pandora beads。医生说,为了邵丹的身体康健,每一顿饭都必需由家属亲身摒挡,以包管饭菜相对的洁净卫生。

  解说:就在送完饭之后,邵帅骤然觉得身体不适,莫非是捐献骨髓对他的身体发生了极大的影响?为此我们的 记者赶快扣问了主治医生――吴彤。

  解说:间隔邵帅捐献骨髓已经已往半个多月了,到底他出院之后,身体和糊口环境怎么样呢?记者赶往了她们 在香山的暂时住所。

  解说:由于姥姥的身体不好,加之腿脚不方便,所以每天去医院送饭时,邵帅都对峙不让姥姥去 。


  解说:姥姥奉告我们说,pandora charm,邵帅捐完骨髓入院后的第2天,身体尚未彻底规复,但却顿时负担起了给妈妈做饭和送饭的使命,他本日中午要 给妈妈做的是西红柿煮面片。
  邵帅同期:总之我是不会畏惧的,她可总算没救了,我曩昔身体里流淌的是她的血,pandora uk,她如今流淌的是我的血。

  解说:邵帅和妈妈的情感很好,他说过妈妈就是他的全体,在他一岁多的时候,父母就仳离了,邵帅不停和妈 妈、姥姥、姥爷相依为命。但大概是这个缘故,让邵帅很早就知道了义务的涵义。邵丹抱病后,他当仁不让的负担 起了照应妈妈的重任。

  解说:强大的身躯却承当了庞大的义务,小大年纪笑对苦楚,画面中的小男孩名叫邵帅,2010年2月他成 了人们心底一个暖和的角落。2009年6月,邵帅的妈妈邵丹被诊断出患有急性白血病,需要举行骨髓移植,最 佳的骨髓源是来自自己的兄弟姐妹,但是邵丹独一的妹妹身在外洋,远水解不了近渴。情急之下,邵帅自动提出要 把自己的骨髓移植给妈妈。






  解说:听医生说,邵丹移植后的情况相比拟较乐观,我们大家伙的心也稍稍地塌实了一些。固然,最开心的人 还是邵帅。

  解说:由于邵帅和妈妈的配型只有一半是符合的,所以还要进行二次手术,2010年2月25日,邵帅再次 被推动手术室,进行二次的外周血干(gan第四声)细胞采集。这次手术进行了4个小时。
  解说:思量到邵帅和姥姥去医院送饭时道路太远,一位好心人帮她们在医院相近找了一间房子。这是由4户人 家一起合租的屋子,屋内有专用的厨房,如许能每天给邵丹做饭。这间就是邵帅和姥姥的房间,巨细在10平米左 右,邵帅的姥姥说,这里离医院相称近,走路的话六、七分钟就能到。

  徘徊 无助 他又是如何一笑了之?请接着收看《十二岁少年献髓救母》!

  字幕:2010年2月25日8:30 北京市道培医院的大夫为邵帅收罗外周血干细胞


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