Article Marketing might produce excellent results but will you have the patience to post all your articles one by one into multiple article directory sites? Steve Evans has reported on his experience with Article Submission Software which can accelerate your article submission into profit much more quickly than manual submission.
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ShareArticle directories are services that aggregate articles and make them available for publication. These directories require fresh and informative content from authors. Directories of articles are businesses in their own right, and most exist to make money. This means they generally receive a substantial income through affiliate sales or advertising. These directories are a good place to start if you wish to promote your website. They allow you to post your articles for other web masters to copy and paste into their own websites.
So here is my list of things I like about them:-
1.Article directories are a good place to start if you wish to promote your website. They allow you to post your articles for other web masters to copy and paste into their own websites.
2.They are usually rated high in the search engines. Submitting an article with a link to your web site in a directory means that you are getting One-Way links from a very highly rated web site which will surely increase your Search Engine Rank Placings (SERPs).
3. Article directories are HOT and getting tons of traffic every day for doing nothing but being there. They can become one of the critical tools in your SEO strategy. Article directories are a wonderful way to get traffic and backlinks to your website. There are many well established article directories that have been proven to get websites traffic. These directories are essentially on line websites that display content, often with links. The links they provide in the author-bio section at the end should link readers directly to your website, whether it be an on line store or a content site.
4. Article directories are everything link directories used to be: responsive, fair, fast, no-fee, relevant, and quality sources of not only links but information. Most of their pages are PR0 and the rest tend to be PR 1-2 especially on the better established directory sites.
5. They all provide a submission system for you to provide your articles to them.
6. They are teeming with fresh content everyday, and they are constantly updated. Not to mention, the keywords crammed into each article are search engine ��magnets��. They articles you submit draw traffic to your site and allow you to make money, especially when they are affiliated with Google Adsense, and other PPC advertising companies.
7. They are also a great place find lots of content for your web site. A quite significant purpose of placing articles from these directories is that there will be many different sites which can decide to place some links to your site.
8. They are a good place to start if you wish to promote your website over a long period. They allow you to post your articles for other web masters to copy and paste into their own websites,
,623, and unlike blogs where news becomes stale after a while and may be deleted, your article will still be held within the article site for as long as the site survives.
Article Directory :