eable little dinner
and was waiting at the bar for the glass of warm mixture in which
Mr. Pickwick had requested him to drown the fatigues of his
morning’s walkswhen a young boy of about three feet highor
thereaboutsin a hairy cap and fustian overallswhose garb
bespoke a laudable ambition to attain in time the elevation of an
hostlerentered the passage of the George and Vultureand looked
first up the stairsand then along the passageand then into the
baras if in search of somebody to whom he bore a commission;
whereupon the barmaidconceiving it not improbable that the
said commission might be directed to the tea or table spoons of the
establishmentaccosted the boy with—
‘Nowyoung manwhat do
you want?’
‘Is there anybody herenamed Sam?’ inquired the youthin a
loud voice of treble quality.
‘What’s the t’other name?’ said Sam Wellerlooking round.
‘How should I know?’ briskly replied the young gentleman
below the hairy cap. ‘You’re a sharp boyyou are’ said Mr. Weller;
‘only I wouldn’t show that wery fine edge too muchif I was youin
case anybody took it off. What do you mean by comin’ to a hot-el
and asking arter Samvith as much politeness as a vild
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Moon-Face and Other Storiesbdt