his neck to see who it could be. Through an opening in the
branches ahead he perceived a large grizzly bearlying along an inclined
limb and hugging it desperately to maintain his position. The herd had
now thor- oughly pervaded the timberand the bear was likewise hemmed
in. He had taken to his unac- customed refuge after making a brave stand
against several bullsone of which lay dead near bywhile he himself was
bleeding from many wounds.
Antoine had been assiduously looking for a friendly treeby means of
which he hoped to effect his escape from captivity by the army of bison.
His horseby chancemade his way directly under the very box-elder that
was sus- taining the bear and there was a convenient branch just within his
reach. The Bois Brule was not then in an aggressive moodand he saw at
a glance that the occupant of the tree would not interfere with him. They
werein factcompanions in distress. Antoine tried to give a war-whoop
as he sprang desperately from the pony's back and seized the cross limb
with both his hands.
The hunter dangled in the air for a minute that to him seemed a year.
Then he gathered up all the strength that was in himand with one grand
effort he pulled himself up on the limb.
If he had failed i
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