re botnets very first U.S. hit Brazil's 2nd BBC documented,Microsoft right now introduced a safety report,the text shows the United states of america turn into a zombie Network of the hardest hit,
Microsoft Office Professional 2007,a handful of virus infection via the formation of a enormous botnet,contaminated a lot more than 200 million units. botnet size of second place in Brazil, from 55 million units,
Microsoft Office 2007 Professional,that is Microsoft's use of their Malicious Software Elimination Instrument to account for numbers. Despite the fact that the usa and Brazil,
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise, the largest number of bot network computers,
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007,but security is not the worst but they're South Korea,
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010, South Korea 14.6 ‰ in the pc is component of a botnet,compared for the U.S. only five.2 & permil ; . Microsoft's botnet warning towards the Internet has brought great risks,the distributed computing resources and even turn into a commodity for sale price . Vista Home ,love the Internet, fell in love with