The Magic Square Lo Shu by Jakob Jelling
According to ancient Chinese legend, the numbers of the Lo Shu square were on the shell of a huge turtle that appeared from the river Lo. One wise man noticed the turtle and memorized the numbers on its carapace.
The aboriginal square was first mentioned thousands of years ago; about, its original schemes were lost, and no specific descriptions are available either. Even Confucius had not seen the original schemes.
In its modern form, LoShu was appear in the Chinese treatise in around 1200 AD. Since ancient times, Lo Shu was regarded as a nonary scheme which “portrays the vital properties of matters”. In Chinese aesthetics, this square represents the concept of space affiliated with the concept of time.
The square has many alarming backdrop, like mathematical and metaphysical ones, which are advised and used in Chinese numerology. However, we will discuss the backdrop of the square that affect to feng shui.
In feng shui, this square is used for the analysis of energy in any limited breadth of space (abode, apartment, room, surface of a table, etc.). The activity map based on LoShu is usually called a geomantic map (this is a avant-garde Western appellation, not ancient Chinese one). Both the trigrams of the Early Heaven and the trigrams of the Late Heaven can be used to understand the numbers of the Lo Shu square. The Late Heaven trigrams are used for the analysis of the indoor energy.
The square is called magical because the sum of the numbers in its rows, columns, and diagonals equals one and the aforementioned amount - 15. If we divide 15 by the number of rows or columns (3), we obtain 5. Number 5 is in the centermost, apery the calm of the middle. The remaining numbers are about it. The beyond numbers can be admired as Yang,
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Since the Sung aeon, the Chinese started to transform LoShu by adding or abacus numbers to it. There are countless other options for such transformations. For instance, you can bandy the numbers in opposite corners, you can rotate the arrangement like swastika, and you can circle it clockwise or counterclockwise.
Another similar method to bisect the space into sectors is a Bagua map. People often ask: what's bigger - the Lo Shu aboveboard or Bagua map? Both, the square and the map are acclimated to determine the sectors in space. Different schools accord preference to either the square or map, and so do altered feng shui practitioners. Once you apprentice more about anniversary,
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Bagua sectors: There are 9 Bagua sectors, each of which is 45°.
LoShu sectors:
- Sector 1 is in the North, its value is 30°, and its element is Water.
- Sector 2 is in the Southwest, its value is 60°, and its element is Earth.
- Sector 3 is in the East, its value is 30°, and its element is Wood.
- Sector 4 is in the Southeast, its value is 60°, and its element is Wood.
- Sector 5 is in the Center,
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- Sector 7 is in the West, its value is 30°, and its element is Metal.
- Sector 8 is in the Northeast,
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- Sector 9 is in the South, its value is 30°, and its element is Fire.
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