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Old 04-27-2011, 06:22 PM   #1
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Default 我想要个安泰窝有什么错

   这是一个粉红色的节令,多少幸福的女孩儿准备披上婚纱,多少幸福的男孩儿准备迎娶自己的新娘。蒲月结 婚季行将降临!
    这是一个多变的时节,明明是一对甜蜜、繁忙的准新人,却在准备结婚的过程中,不知哪个环节出了问题 ,就把婚礼取消,两个人也形同陌路各奔前程!
    想起一位朋友。三年前,收到他的喜帖,他说要结婚了,语气里满是高调的幸福。很为他愉快,备好礼金 ,只等日子一到就去讨喜酒喝了。
    谁知风波渐变,差6天就结婚了,他突然又打电话告诉:婚礼撤消了!问及原因,他说是因为对方嫌给的 钱不够多。这个起因令我大跌眼镜,甚至后来每次在网上碰见他,都忍不住要问:“你们两人之间到底有没有感情 ?”
    朋友家不是很富饶,为准备婚礼家人是掏了老本的,本想以此展示诚意,不想最后还是输在 了钱上。
    也许女方家也是有道理的,谁不想自己的女儿嫁得风景色光呢?我只是不懂那个差点嫁给朋友的女孩儿, 如果重视金钱的话何必还跟人家谈了两年多的恋爱?如果看重爱情的话又何苦婚前变更,损害一个爱 她的人呢?
    看名字就晓得是一部恋情片。实在我良久都不看这种电影了,无聊的时候,我宁肯下载那些荒谬搞笑的山 寨电影,也不碰爱情片。但这次,我看了,而且还是在电影院看的。我也说不清是为什么。可能是由于我有许多问 题想不清楚,所以想在电影里找到谜底吧。
    片子很短,只有一个半小时,讲了好多君子物的爱情。我记得最明白的是里边张学友和刘若英坐在沙发上 梦想开法拉利的情景。
    张学友对刘若英说:“你不是问过我有没有梦想吗?我的妄想就是带你去开法拉利,一边听莫扎特,一边 游车河。当初,我的梦想能够成真了。”
    电影演到这里时,我留神到前排有个女孩子在擦眼泪,还把自己的头靠在男友肩上。我也有点儿想哭,但 不是打动,而是心酸。
    屏幕上蜜意绝对的一对恋人,男的是个靠给人开车、打小工过活的苦力,女的是一个洗脚妹。他们都是生 活在社会最底层的穷人。虽然一个设想着自己是威风的法拉利赛车手,另一个则梦想着自己能成为优雅的钢琴家, 可睁开眼睛,他们还是要回到现实,一头钻进人群,在烈日下苦苦挣扎,给自己和家人挣一日三餐。
    走出片子院时,天已经黑了。翻开手机,看见苏朴发来的短信:“固然我不在你身边,但我的怀念会给你 暖和。”
    对这样的情话我已经没感觉了。如果思念真的可以给我温暖的话,那为什么我还会在路边冻得发抖呢?说 再多的情话,还不如给我一杯热咖啡来得更实际。
    回家的路上,我还在回忆电影里的情景。他们的爱情诚然感人,可在这个感人瞬间的背地,却是流不尽的 汗水、吃不完的苦。兴许他们操劳毕生,到老时,能回想起来的也只有这一霎时的激动罢了,其余的人生,还是要 在苦争苦熬中渡过。这样的一辈子,2010 air jordan shoes,值吗?
    如果这辈子,我和苏朴也只能坐在客厅沙发上,闭着眼睛,用理想中的法拉利来诈骗自己……这种生活, 想想都让我不寒而栗。
    咱们公司的这类培训良多,名字起得都很诱人,“七天让你成功”“做胜利白领,拥名车豪 宅”,asics gel kayano,个个都像房地产广告。来我们这儿听课的都是跟我一样盼望成功的人。他们大多还在职场的中下层煎熬,工资2 000元到8000元不等,有的委曲够得上中产阶层,但都很不情愿,prada shoes
    苏朴当时自己开了一家小公司,正在发展期。他想学些治理课程,还想考MBA。那时他迟疑满志地对我 说:“我的理想是做一名成功的CEO!”
    对这样的理想我只是笑笑。当了三年多的培训讲师,像这一类的豪言壮语,我听多了。真正成功的有多少 个?这个城市是很事实的,要想成功,只能一步一个足迹地去走、去拼,把幻想挂在嘴边,没用。
    大学毕业,我没听爸妈的,回老家去做他们给我支配好的工作。在办公室里接接电话、打打毛衣,不是我 要的生活。从小我就看着父母像电影里演的那样,为一家人的衣食奔波。二十年来,一家人始终挤在不足50平方 米的斗室子里,为了抢厕所,我每天不得不早起半个小时。那时我就在心里想,有一天我一定要一个人领有一套大 房子,我要在城市里给自己争得一席之地。从给别人当跟班到当上正式的讲师,我走得很辛劳,但我从不懊悔。我 相信只要心中有梦想,就一定会成功。
    记得苏朴也问过我这个问题。我说:“我要过更好的生活。”他问:“什么样的是更好的生活?”我没告 知他。那时,我们还只是个别的朋友。
    苏朴爱好和我聊天。他从不叫我“宋老师”,而是直接叫我的名字。他比我大3岁,天津人,但父母都不 在了,姐姐也嫁到了本地。他是个挺有思维的人,很爱思考。和他谈话是很高兴的,因为他的主意总能对我有所启 示。
    我并没想过要让他成为我的男友人,不是因为他长得不帅,而是他的前提离我的冀望相距太 远。
    他的公司一直没发展起来,虽然他后来真的拿到了MBA证书,可生意还是赔得乌烟瘴气。那已经是他第 三次创业了,前后共赔进去了近一百万,不仅房子和车都卖了,还欠银行几十万。
    有些人,不是没能力,也不是没机遇,可不知为什么,成功就是躲着他走。我承认,得悉苏朴的失败时, 我对他有了一种同病相怜的感觉。也许就因为这一点同情,我才和他越走越近。
    那阵子,我正在考虑要不要跳槽。在一家公司苦干了5年,却还是个不起眼儿的小讲师,每个月拿几千元 钱,连买一套高等化装品都不够。我什么时候才能过上从容优雅的生活?
    苏朴倒是很乐观,背着一身的债,还能笑得出来。他劝我说:“别焦急,缓缓来。你看看我,就知道‘心 急吃不了热豆腐’了。过好日子,也是要有运气的。”
    他让我再保持一下,“你们公司年轻人未几,像你这么有能力的就更少了,主管的地位早晚 是你的。”
    我是被他“蛊惑”的。他天天给我发短信嘘寒问暖,说很多让我觉得温暖的话。他理解我的孤独,懂得我 在什么时候需要抚慰,又什么时候须要激励。他说,他生成不适合冲锋陷阵,却合适做一名智囊。对我的工作,他 冷眼傍观,总能一语中的。有他的提示和指导,我度过了几回不大不小的危机。
    也许他说得对,女人一个人毕竟是不行的,总要找个男人做伴,就算要追求幻想,也不能错过爱情。他说 他就是那个“时刻筹备着为我毕生做伴”的男人。
    他那时不再自己创业,而是应聘去一个企业当了经理。虽说他的能力不差,待遇也可以,但他究竟是个“ 三无”男人――没汽车、没房子、没存款。都三十岁出头了,还要所有从零开始,是不是太晚了?
    我跟他约定,给他三年时间,让他卷土重来,起码要能买得起一套房子,否则,我们就分别 。
    他说我是个现实的女人,为了一套房子可以拿情感当筹码。我笑说:“我就是这样的,你不喜欢可以走。 ”他摇摇头说:“我尝尝吧。”
    送他走时我还是笑嘻嘻的,在站台上拍着他的脸说:“好好尽力啊,不然休想娶我。”可火车一开,我的 泪就止不住了。不是我心狠,也不是我不懂爱,是生活太残暴,让我不敢完整相信爱情。
    分隔两地,苏朴也一样每天给我打电话。他的关怀成了我每晚最温暖的夜宵。他还是我的军师,指挥若定 地帮我解决工作困难。每次挂电话前,我都会说:“好好加油!别忘了我们的约定啊!”
    有内涵,并有生活的保障――这是我找老公的两个最基础的条件,苏朴已经具备了一个。另一个,就看他 奋斗的结果了。
    “看来我真的没有运气。”他苦笑着说,递给我一个存折。存折里底本有六万元,是我借他的,现在只剩 了两万元。我接过存折,忽然有种赌输的感觉。
    他没对我讲在北京到底遭受了什么,我也没问。结果已经摆在这儿了,再去追问进程还有必要吗?我不想 听他的任何说明或者报歉,对我来说,那些都毫无意义。
    春节前,他问要不要送我回家。我明确他的意思,但我还不想带他去见父母。我需要一个人冷静一下,想 想到底该拿这段爱情怎么办?
    我很想相信他,但我不相信我自己,已经由了三十岁的门槛,是不是还有耐心去等一个遥遥 无期的承诺?
    他把我看成是一个物资女人,我不否定。但我并不是必定要嫁给大款,而是,娶我的那个男人至少要能给 我平稳的生涯,就算我的薪水能赡养我自己,我丈夫也该具备养我的才能,最少收入不比我差。这才是婚姻有保障 的基本,不是吗?
    难道真要让我们像电影里演的那样,为了给爱人买一部二手空调,就要站在烈日下,挣一小时50元的外 快吗?
    我说:“我们再做一个商定。一年之内,我们要在市内买一套房子,首付各出一半,贷款由你来还。假如 你能做到,我们就结婚。否则……”我狠了狠心,还是说出了后半句:“我们就停止!”
    苏朴的眼睛一直没有看我,此时,他的身子似乎猛地抖了一下,但表情没有涓滴变更。他那天正在预备简 历,朋友推举他去一家公司口试,还不知是什么职位。
    【后 话】
    信是这样写的:蕾,让我最后一次叫你一声“敬爱的”。我知道,我让你扫兴了――不,是十分绝望。你 生机我能给你物质保障,这并没有错,错的是我,不该爱上你,却又让你疼痛。这次面试,本想争夺一个更高的职 位,那样,也许我还有勇气接收你的约定。可是……唉,看来我的运气还是不太好。那就这样吧,我不能再延误你 了,你有追求幸福的权利。祝你早日梦想成真!
    记得小时候,随父母去副食店,总会在糖果柜台前观望。那些色彩斑斓的玻璃纸对人充斥了引诱,让人对 纸下的厚味产生无穷而神秘的遥想。然而一旦剥掉了玻璃纸,袒露在空气中的糖块只管还是那么壮丽多彩,却忽然 会让人失去品味的愿望。那种心境应该与宋蕾此时的感觉是一样的吧?
    和许多女孩子一样,宋蕾对自己的未来生活有着美好的向往:宽阔的住房,靓丽的汽车,从容的花费,优 雅的生活……于是,她对自己父母奋斗了二十多年,却依然住在蜗居里、整日为柴米油盐奔波的日子 不屑一顾。
    其实,今天的无数个殷实之家或成功人士,他们大多数都是从青年时代的梦想开始奋斗的,有梦能力让心 翱翔。在梦想的幻灭与重织中,历经磨难,一直地贴近梦想、实现梦想,终极在美梦成真中共享有情人的幸福和快 活。然而,追寻梦想需要消耗的时光太长,许多人都已不习惯耐烦等候。梦幻的恋爱使无数年青人陷入既想站在深 谷之巅、却又不想付出艰苦努力的狂想之中。到最后,只有可望而不可即的无奈。
    恋爱是心对心的实在碰撞,恋爱中的男孩儿和女孩儿应当学着沉着地面对现实。宋蕾也不例 外。
    其实宋蕾也否认,她在和苏朴刚意识的时候,并不感到他是理想的恋人。只因为认为与他惺惺相惜,才和 他抱在一起取暖。但苏朴的睿智真的帮了她,指点她避过了一些危险并顺利升职。她在信赖和依附苏朴的同时,也 对他发生了爱。
    爱一旦开端,她对他就要赋予盼望。可是,越是烦躁地等待着他成功的喜讯,她得到的就越不是想要的成 果。她把美妙生活的宏图全体涂抹在苏朴身上,几经风雨的侵蚀,已变得四分五裂,即使是读了苏朴带着炙热和思 念的短信,仍会意寒得颤抖。
    宋蕾是个不甘平淡、寻求高品位生活的女孩儿。她敢于谢绝不观赏的生活方法,取舍个人斗争,令人钦佩 。同时,她也渴望远在他乡的自己能碰上一个心仪的恋人,在嘈杂的大城市中,给自己一个温馨的归属。任何人对 此都不会有太大的异议。
    然而,宋蕾首先要弄清什么是自己的心理需要?在未来家庭的建构中,彼此欣赏和彼此支持是基石。我们 看到:在宋蕾的期盼中,苏朴一直在努力地工作,尽管阅历了失败与打击,却不埋怨、不泄气,兢兢业业,倔强地 站起来向前走。但在宋蕾眼中,苏朴却是个“三无”的失败者,令她失望,tory burch clothing
    为什么一个乐观、坚强的男子汉在宋蕾眼前却变得一无是处?他身上所具备的那些成功者的素质,她看见 了吗?也许,只有和他联袂走过最艰巨的日子,成功就会在前方招手。失去苏朴,说不定会是宋蕾今生的一大遗憾 。
    爱情是两个人的游戏,承诺是彼此间心理需要的交流与碰撞。只有在独特的许诺下相互贡献、彼此播种, 才干享受到甜美与幸福。
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Old 04-27-2011, 06:36 PM   #2
Major General
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,020
c8xlkf2hb is on a distinguished road

Men will be handed the pole to save men were successfully rescued a woman will drift to save the old lady handed pole 11 am July 28, floods hit the city in Jilin City Yongji County, a man photographed at home for a while was friends known as the most wrenching in the history of the video. A middle-aged man was rescued
Video From network called xiaoxinxingfu
Video: Real beat old man was swept away his moment of
uploaded videos, there is tension,tory burch bags, there exclaimed, with regret, However, there is a more valuable human nature. Click to rate this video more than 240 million nearly 7000 comments, is still rising.
11 am, the flood reached a peak value (most up to 3 meters). Waterfront Station Road through the area were all rushed to the river behind Building 7.
video, under the water the flow is not fast, but mixed with a large number of dead trees and corn stalks, in water, a middle-aged man in the water only to reveal the head, from time to time float, the hair has been immersed in water tresses.
rapids in the middle-aged man about to be swept away when the men reached out the window in the pole piece of wood on the ride.
rescued men, hands clutching the rope, while the window of the rescue men 大半个身子 out of windows, and then his knee on the windowsill, then, the window appeared a man to help, the water men pulled up.
a woman disappeared in the lens

camera shake, the rescued man appeared behind the floating debris on a woman, short hair. Then the lens After saving the pole, the video in the men shouted rapid and tense, Indeed, the woman grasped the rope tied on the pole, but when the applause sounded again, the startling scene appeared, even sell the rope. Subsequently, the woman disappeared in the lens ... ...

an adult man and a boy was washed away

User xiaoxinxingfu then uploaded the second video: then, the flood occurred adult men and a boy, the boy slightly immature. Both acute as the debris down the river, the pale, as far from the rescue of the pole, the two quickly disappeared in the torrent of the video. Both the water holding a large sack being washed into the river ... ...

- Press survey

was washed away woman called Liu Fenglan

concern is to find friends save the man and the two men and a woman was washed away. 12 am yesterday, the reporter came to the flood according to friends shout attack Yongji County Waterfront Station Road, Town district.
At this point, Station Road, the street on both sides of each area of ​​Jilin Province to carry out dredging work drawn fire fighters. Muddy ground, with the flood rushed into the thick mud street shops, indoor to one meter.
in Station Road, the reporter all the way to find out to find witnesses. tone), while downstream from east to west, in front of the building after them, the missing Liu Fenglan, and Wang Ziying along Station Road was washed away. Then another neighbor told Sister Jiang, Wang Ziying did not die the next day he began to find his wife, Yongji County high school placement test point, a roster of the disaster were found in the name of Wang Ziying. However, he had left the settlements, the reporter could not be found.
According to one witness said, the couple hold in the roof of the phase, but eventually broken up by the flood.
rescued the wife of missing man million Xiu Jiang

At this point, a man involved to tell the time of the flood situation briefing to reporters, he referred to his rescue incident, but also to seize the rope had been rescued. It turned out that he is rescued, the name, I say show river.
million Xiu Jiang recalled, floods come quickly, he and his wife moved into the house when the electrical higher ground outside the door to block the flood has pushed not open.
At this point, the roof is like a vast ocean, constantly shaking the boat.
million Xiu Jiang, 46, rescued in the floods struck. His wife, Zhao Chunyan, 47, is currently missing.
treasure house of the wife of Lee, a reporter making inquiries, no less for its neighbors and learned their names, have been swept away, missing.
Roof of the water quickly gone neck. Wife said to him,
Zhao Chunyan Jiang holding million show loosened grasp the wire with the hand, fluttering down at little cost. let go, his wife.
If it is not the vortex, he can hold on, might be able to trust his wife to the second floor area, or a little higher, so be saved.
comes here,prada leather handbags, he punched a phone to the public security departments (in the public security department of the new discovery that a man whose body, being statistics related departments to find the body check by hand), but No news of his wife.
He said his wife, dressed in flowers on the shirt,mulberry handbag, the next wearing green pants,tory burch handbags, long hair and a scar on his chin, tall at 1.56 meters.
He has landed in mind, but still one day to ask again, if not this person, he still has hope.
million show at the river's arms and legs, are wound. The gaps fifty-six cm long, there are two centimeters smaller. the air force.
come up with his people called Lu continued, 25 years old real estate company in Changchun days of work only two months out of the pole is now the lens foot tower, the construction used to measure the height, was friends known as the rope is fire hose.
was trapped in the second and three a total of six employees of the company. washed down,prada handbags, anxious to come and help his colleagues also sprained foot.

hold of the rope, and really caught the old lady, but she just pulled the rope, but he is not strength.
old woman caught fire with water and floated forward four or five meters in front of a whirlpool.
Lu added that he did not want to look at later, he nearly collapsed, found a house he was in there crying. He now knows that the old lady called Liu Fenglan.

father and son were rescued after being washed away

Subsequently, the district has washed over a father and son. Lu added that they are lying in the debris, the children shouted at them, too far, he and his colleagues watched two people were washed away.
climb to catch the rain, but the two did not go, because in all mud, slid down a grasp on, come and help, and then came an picked up his assault boat. This man may be the staff of Railway Police Department.
journalists under the User to provide clues and find the Yongji County high school placement test points, including a father and son was washed away in the video is the father and son, the father called Wang Zhimin,handbags uk, 51-year-old son named Wang Chao, 16 years old, are eight times living room, unfortunately they were not living in the settlements, only knew the two were rescued.
Kut thirty-five in the settlements, the reporter in the registration roster victims lucky enough to see the name of the treasures of Li, unfortunately he is not in, perhaps looking for his wife, and perhaps is participating in the reconstruction.
DV photographers name is Pan

reporters continued to provide under the direction of Lu came to the area opposite the 4th floor, Building 3, Unit 5, it is understood, the photographer name is Pan, 20 years old, his mother surnamed Zhao.
According to report, on floods, river boarding million show house roof 3 of 6 people missing. Respectively, Zhao Chunyan, Li's wife, treasury, and Liu Fenglan. According to official statistics, at present there are 18 people missing Yongji County city. Their loved ones still struggling to look forward to ... ... (Reporter Tang Qi) Source: New Culture News
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