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Old 05-04-2011, 04:09 AM   #1
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Default 待嫁新娘被邻家男子纵火烧伤去世

  本报记者 刘国成

  ■事件回放:去年12月18日晚,昌黎县荒佃庄镇大营村发生纵火事件,村民陆洪良携一25公斤容量的塑 料汽油桶来到同村待嫁女青年何玉家中,向自己以及何玉身上泼洒大量汽油后纵火,何玉父母、大姐夫等人闻讯后 立即扑火,但何玉以及陆洪良已经被严重烧伤。事件发生后,纵火者陆洪良以及何玉先后不治身亡,何玉的父母、 大姐夫也被烧伤。陆洪良纵火行凶原因至今不明。本报于12月22日进行了报道,monster beats dr dre

  ■事件进展:近日记者获悉,纵火事件中被严重烧伤的21岁姑娘何玉在生死线上苦苦挣扎了38天后,最终 因伤势过重于1月26日离开人世。

  据了解,惨案发生后,被严重烧伤的何玉一家4口和纵火者陆洪良被送到秦皇岛市第二医院。其中陆洪良和何 玉伤势最重,入院时已经休克。经检查,何玉身上的烧伤创面高达98%,只有在头顶和腹股沟处有丁点皮肤完好 ,四肢冰冷,已经测量不到血压。由于何玉烧伤太重,第二医院无法医治,经抢救使何玉休克纠正后,连夜转往北 戴河281医院。而陆洪良于当晚被送到秦皇岛市第一医院,医治无效于去年12月19日晚死亡。

  经全力抢救,医护人员暂时挽回了何玉的生命,但何玉全身多处部位已经高度碳化,内脏器官也逐渐衰竭。此 后一个多月,何玉在北戴河281医院的特护病床上,苦苦挣扎于死亡边缘,令人遗憾的是最终离开 了人世。

  何玉的大姐夫高宝说,何玉父亲的烧伤面积有10%,母亲的烧伤面积达25%,主要集中在面部和上肢。经 过一个多月的治疗,何玉的父亲伤势逐渐好转,但右手仍不能活动,目前已转回昌黎继续治疗,何玉母亲伤势仍很 严重,双手全部手指已被截肢,由于承受不起医院高昂治疗费,何玉的母亲已回青龙老家养伤。

  为抢救何玉,治疗何玉父母以及大姐夫高宝的烧伤,一家人已花去了12万多元的医疗费,大部分是向亲戚朋 友借来的,目前已欠下近10万元外债。更让高宝发愁的是,岳父岳母后续治疗所需的三四万元钱至 今没有着落。
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Old 05-04-2011, 04:22 AM   #2
Major General
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,013
1obh8t8p3c is on a distinguished road

Yesterday, Wuhan hotel manager Huang Rong small head (left) is to take care of injured Yi Xiuqin.

text / reporter Lin Huijie

Map / reporter Kim Yoo thinking

alone in the Chinese people working in the Bristol Hotel Ai Xiuqin was a dishwasher, after the resignation of , she accidentally fell from the second floor platform, in order to grab the gold in eight hours during the rescue surgery, Huang Rong Yi Xiuqin former boss did not hesitate to pay the medical expenses of 3.5 million yesterday, the reporter in the Zhongshan Hospital, see to post-operative Yi Xiuqin, attending physician, said the operation was very successful in time, Yi Xiuqin successfully out of danger.
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noon yesterday, the reporters in the tenth floor, Zhongshan Hospital,tory burch wedge, 41 bed inpatient saw Yi Xiuqin, just had surgery 3 days, she can not got up, left leg has been restored, free activities, waist and right leg still in recovery,tory burch outlet, a few more days to stitches.
34-year-old Bristol man Yi Xiuqin working for many years in Wuhan, in the second half, she came to the little bald Po Fung Road hotel to do a dishwasher, after the Spring Festival, she intended to resign for a job 14 February morning, she made a small bald Huang Rong hotel owner did not want to have to leave the hotel. February 15 number two in the afternoon, Yi Xiuqin finished clearing wages to the hotel,tory burch sales, and before leaving the hotel remembered her bike on the second floor of the platform, she wanted a bike on the platform to move out, but, actually slipped and fell from the platform to the open space outside the hotel, the waist the ground, unable to move, short of vertigo,tory burch us, she opened her eyes to see, Huang Rong, and the store's employees are concerned around around her.
late will be paralyzed, yellow boss on the spot out of the brush over 30,000 bank card dollars, I am very touched, thank you yellow boss saved my life. estranged husband, the son left home in Bristol, by her mother to take care of, alone came to Wuhan to work, earn most of the send home raising the children. Yixiu Qin fell from the platform, the yellow boss older brother and her mother are playing with the phone. The day before yesterday at noon, Yi Xiuqin's father arrived in Wuhan yesterday, along with her brother over from Beijing in time.
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that yellow boss, the small horse head chef with the hotel's chef is a good man: surgery, I feel great, after all, wages are settled at Ai Xiuqin, and can say nothing to do with the yellow boss, but the hospital said I need surgery, she immediately paid the money card, a little did not hesitate to return Ai Xiuqin invited one of the best care workers, and taking the time to visit Yi Xiuqin every day. , a few chefs in this dry, very happy, never thought to quit.
did not intend to come back, as long as her to take rest and recuperation on the line. her family did not come,tory burch on sale, I intend this to be responsible for her discharge. February 15 the same day, Huang Rong in the hospital until 2 am to accompany many of the Yi Xiuqin pain continued comfort, but also to help her pain medication from the anus at the plug. A man thought Yi Xiuqin no one to take care of in Wuhan, and she also requested a carer, and to the care workers and buy lunch money to buy milk. Huang Rong found that care workers are not hired professional care fracture patients care workers, lack of experience, has also repeatedly urged the carer, which seeks to replace a more professional care workers to.
see Yi Xiuqin time when Huang Rong is not only concerned about the condition, but also from the spiritual comfort her and help her and the heart. Yi Xiuqin very worried about their poor recovery hard to find if the hospital after work,
Yi Xiuqin the attending physician Dr. Wang told reporters at 17:00 on February 15th or so, Ai Xiuqin transferred from the emergency ward, when the explosive fracture of the lumbar spine, spinal cauda equina injury, if not timely surgery, it is likely paralyzed Yi Xiuqin, taking into account the rescue of gold within eight hours of time, they immediately arranged a multi-contact operation, from about 21:00 to do 3:00. Very successful surgery, stitches, after recuperation, recovery takes a waist should be similar before.
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