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Old 05-04-2011, 05:07 AM   #1
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那天晚上,他们草草在公主府吃了晚餐后,便各自找了厢房就寝了.麦晴跟赵子幸的房间就在红叶大众的闺房旁边 .麦晴深夜醒来,模糊听到嘤嘤的哭声,刚要起身,就被赵子幸拉住了衣服.
"她始终在那里哭哭啼啼.我能睡得着吗?谁像你啊,猪似的,一倒头就睡了."他气呼呼地说,还把背对着她, 好像他睡不着,全是她引起的.
麦晴也来了气,狠狠推了他一把,道:"你才是猪呢!我累坏了,知道吗?这几天,我们忙东忙西,一会儿爬隧道 ,一会儿过河,一会儿又剖析案情,是人都得趴下,onitsuka asics!"
"我也累坏了,可刚闭上眼,她就在那里哭哭啼啼.我的睡眠本来就不好,谁知道,21世纪这样,到了明朝也这 样."赵子幸恹恹地说.
麦晴听他这么说,气登时消了一半.她想到他们过去住在一起时,他有很长一段时光得靠安息药能力入眠,有时候 ,为了让自己能尽快睡着,他还会擅自加大药的剂量,为此,两人也不知吵过多少次.
"那时,我又累又怕,哪还有力量再谈话,一回到屋里,我就睡了.丫环也问过我,我也勤得理她,自顾自睡了. 第二日早上,我一睁开眼,就想着去马厩看看,谁知赶过去,却什么都没发明.我怕在永幸园呆久了不好,便回去 了."
"我是想看看那东西有没有被发现.还想再探听一下太皇叔的消息,可我到了永幸园才知道,他的那些妃子们,谁 都不知道他的着落,我正六神无主呢,后来又想到了那池子里的东西,于是便到那里去走了一趟.那时它们还没被 发现,底本我认为它们会在池子里,永不见天日,谁知第二天就被李总管发现了."红叶公主看看李怀茗,微微叹 气了一声.
"我认为那声音是从马厩的角落里传出来的.我也不知道那是什么声音,好像是人呼吸的声音,也好像是脚步声, ……我听不清,但我感到有人在那里,于是我就朝那里走……我越往里走,那声音就越明白,ferragamo salvatore,等我走到那里时,我听到一阵很响的声音,从那里传出来,似乎是脚步声,接着很快又没有了……马厩里很暗, 我瞧不清,我只听到声音……且那时,我瞧见了角落里的货色,……那,armani black,那是东方的一块身子……我破时昏死了从前……"
"如果她说的是真的,"赵子幸对麦晴和李怀茗道,"那最有可能的情形是,当她走到马厩的时候,凶手正在马厩 的角落里处理尸体,她的突然呈现,让他措手不迭,于是他仓促逃跑……你那时手里有没有兵器?"他问红叶公主 .
"对方一定是看到了那把剑."赵子幸道,"我猜,他以为你是一个武林高手,由于担忧自己凑合不了你,于是就 抉择了抱头鼠窜.他把没来得及处置的两块尸体留在了那里——.请问,你是怎么处理你看见的尸块的??"赵子 幸又朝红叶公主看了过去.
"我……我是见过……见过他……"红叶公主小声道,随即又立即大声申辩,"我不杀他,我见到他的时候,他已 经逝世了,而且,他已经被……"她闭上眼睛,仿佛在逼迫本人回想当时的情景.
"他那件衣服我曾见过,看身体也应是他,之前又听太皇叔说,他会把东方旭兰约到园子里来教训一番,因而,因 此,我想就是他."她说到这里,声音忽然又尖利了起来,"我瞧见他的时候,他已经被人砍成了好几块,只是头 颅不见了!"
紧接着,麦晴攻破了缄默."好吧,你说说你是什么时候,在什么地方瞧见他的!当时你身边还有谁 ."
"红叶,你胡言乱语!王兄跟东方旭兰向来如兄如弟,王兄怎会设计害他!"碧玉公主怒道,但随即,她又意识到 了什么,回头瞪着赵子幸道,"王兄,你听见她说什么了没有?你好歹说句话啊!"
"我说什么说!过去的事,我哪记得那么多."赵子幸道,"我估量,过去的我,可能的确是在她眼前埋怨过东方 旭兰,但是……东方旭兰被杀的那天,我确实不在现场,这可是真的."
"只不过没人瞧见你罢了,太皇叔武功高强,要躲过世人的眼光,还不是轻而易举!"红叶公主小声道 .
"哼!说来轻盈!会武功也不即是会变戏法,他的武功再高,也不可能神不知鬼不觉地在马厩把人杀了之后,再把 尸体分了!这事须要场地和帮手,一个人是不可能实现的!再说,假如他就是凶手,几天之后他干吗还要回来?" 麦晴大声反诘.
"太,太皇叔无非是想狡兔三窟……"红叶公主仰头瞄了赵子幸一眼,立刻又垂下了眼睛,显然,这样的指控也不 是她的本意,她有点心虚.
"呵呵,兴许人不是她亲手杀的,然而她支使的,你别忘了,她是个公主,良多事不必她亲身着手.实在,这跟她 自己杀人也没任何差别,而且,那个马夫好像也不见了,不是吗?"赵子幸看着红叶公主道.
麦晴留神到她跟赵子幸对视了两秒钟,不知道是什么东西感动了他,他的心软了,移开了那把刚一直搁在她肩上的 剑,"你那天是什么时候到的?带了几名马夫?"他避开了她的目光,语气平和了一些.
红叶公主盯着赵子幸的脸,怒道:"太皇叔在出门云游前曾来过我处,与我商定那日在永幸园会晤,并教我剑术, 可太皇叔却背信弃义!"
"我跟你约好的?"赵子幸一脸怀疑,随即回首朝麦晴看过来.麦晴朝他笑笑,心想,看这情况,赵王爷跟红叶原 来就有多少分暗昧,搞不好还有点小动作,只不过,红叶慑于有外人在不敢明说罢了.
"太皇叔!东方旭兰怎会是我杀的!"红叶公主尖声辩论,"他是当朝武将,工夫了得,而我只是个弱女子,即使 会使剑,也是花拳绣腿,如何制服得了他!"
"他也是男人,还不是被你手到命除?既然东方旭兰跟你有婚约在,他天然对你没什么防范,如果你再使点阴谋, 色诱他,他还不是乖乖就范?"赵子幸突然一拍大腿,"对了,马厩!我怎么之前没想到呢?"
"还用问?那可是约会的最佳地方.这处所必定是她提的,东方一想,嘿,那地方好,两人衣服一脱,往草堆上一 滚,就算弄出点什么声音来,也没人闻声.其实,他哪知道,那里也是杀人的好地方.是不是啊?红叶?"赵子幸 将剑往下一压,红叶公主立刻发出一声苦楚的呻吟.
"太皇叔!"红叶公主一手撑在地上,声音软绵绵的,好像已经膂力不支,"蔡驸马之死,我已认了.可东方旭兰 之死,确切非我所为,太皇叔,你,你可不要委屈红叶……"
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Old 05-04-2011, 05:28 AM   #2
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142572 2009 年 01 月 04 日 12:52 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
1. I can leave everything in this life is not to leave the rostrum.

2. only know how to stop people know how to speed up.

3. from inferiority to self-confidence among the people is the real self-confidence, self-confident from the outset, the blind person actually does not self-confidence.

4. there are only two people's success is inevitable. The first is through a severe test of life, through success and failure of repeated alternately, and finally National Cheng Kung University. Another without ups and downs of life, but in the technology reached the top level. Such as chemistry major who eventually became world-famous chemist, this is a success.

5. When you are a grass on the horizon, do not expect people will see you in the distance, even if they walk past you even stepped from you, there is no way,You simple, life is simple! - Qzone log, because you is a grass; and if you become a tree, even in very remote areas, others will see you and admire you because you are a tree!

6. a woman if it feels just like a handsome boy to marry him, it is lust; boys because the girls beautiful and marry her, is aesthetic.

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9. older people no longer value the look, not your handsome or not, but by the charm of your heart: your spirit, spirit.

10. The world has a lot of talent,WLK 40 hours using random copy of the system level, genius is to enjoy, not for comparisons.

11. You say I am a pig, and do not, in fact, I do not like the pigs.

12. Many people lost their happy, because he was too sensitive. Other words, a comment to make yourself angry month. At this time very boring. Ma Jiajue became serious, because people do not eat at your own *** to be depressing.

13. to more than a day to some than others to an hour.

14. to make this world is not bright sunshine, but the girls smile.

15. to introduce respect, we must study a highly specialized in that field, you're the top, at least in the top 10 names, so whatever time you have something to say, there is it can be. I think Mr Yu had become of the top 100 English language, but later found impossible. So I back the word, with 1 years recited an English dictionary, the word China expert, I published the Little Red Book series: GRE vocabulary from junior high to a dozen, the annual sales of 1 million, royalties than Oh, I officially have a much higher work.

16. Students should do is:

(1) professional, became the top 100;

(2) the humanities, reading 500 books.

(3) English.

17. If you want attention, we must make to become a tree standing proudly in between the earth; and not to do a grass, have you seen the one who stepped on the grass, but I'm sorry land on the grass, said: Excuse me?

18. Learning English is like learning a bird, you study birds in the woods, when four birds fell on your shoulders to show that you have the English four, when six birds fall When your shoulders to show that you have the English six, when there are many birds fall on your shoulders that you become a bird.

19. woman's gentle and is directly proportional to the achievements of men.

20. (Mr Yu in the

both by day and also by the way, but also on their own.

accept defeat calmly.

man to be generous, the atmosphere, do not give up!

the world is not absolutely fair, fair only one point.

heart level, the world will be flat.

opportunity to learn to others.

rank and honor, just like the clouds, can not lie in, lie down or go to. Rank and honor is a beautiful scene, only appreciation.

just out of compassion and face done, almost always fail.

Each river has a dream: toward the sea. Yangtze River, Yellow River are toward the sea, a different way. Open hilltops Yangtze, the Yellow River twists and turns, not the same trajectory. But have a water spirit. The process of flowing water, if the precipitation in the sediment, to never see the sun.

21. a man such as water, things like a mountain.

22. the most important value in life is a spiritual being, and not to any worldly possessions.

23. hardship is the source of happiness, love of ease is the suffering begin.

24. Let us wholeheartedly harvest life every day, ordinary day in the life of feeling good, feeling the hard work in the happiness and harvest expectations.

25. life actually does not despair. Impasse is to not open your own heart. You put your mind closed, it caught in a dark, how can you have a bright life! Closed mind, like a room without windows, you will in the eternal darkness. But in fact only a piece of paper around a barrel to break the outside is a bright sky.

26. Thought is one of the wings, with people flying to want to go.

27. God made man, when put into not perfect we make, we strive to the process of life is to make themselves more perfect process, we have all the virtues of their own to overcome the shortcomings from the struggle.

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37. light the struggle and the spirit is not enough, also need to do it step by step, down to earth. Must first analyze your current situation, what is now in the position of their own, in the end with what kind of capacity, which is a scientific spirit. You've set goals, you have to know how to step by step to achieve this goal. In a sense, set specific goals and work at it are equally important.

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[Michael Yu] never-ending success, life did not end the hardships of life in our tests did not end after the hard work we have to be a rewarding and joy without end. When you fully understand the

39. ,

you though alive, is growing every year,

but you, after all, a grass,

you absorb the sun and rain,

but not long large.

people can tread you,

but people do not because of your pain, and he produces pain;

people will not because you were stepped on, from mercy You,

because people themselves do not see you.

So each of us,

should be the same as the tree growth,

even if we are nothing,

but as long as you have a tree seeds,new balance 574,

stepped on the soil even if you are the middle,

you are still able to absorb soil nutrients,

their growing up.

when you grow into towering trees later,

far away, people can see you;

approached you, you give people a piece of green.

live is beautiful scenery,

dead still pillars of,

living dead are used.

This is our standard of each student's life and growth standards.
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