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Old 05-14-2011, 04:31 PM   #1
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Default 【引用】如果 极大犯罪遭遇毛泽东【图文】

原文地址:【引用】如果:极大犯罪遭遇毛泽东【图文】 原文作者:爱在原地
在毛主席心目中,历来容不得官员的贪污和浪费,他把这两种行为看成是"极大的犯罪",应该给予严厉打击.1 934年1月毛主席提出:应该使一切政府工作人员明白,贪污和浪费是极大的犯罪.1943年10月毛主席发 出号召:"在一切党政机关中讲究节省,反对浪费,禁止贪污";1951年1月,毛主席指出:"对于贪污、浪 费和官僚主义的严重现象,如果不彻底肃清,它就要腐蚀我们党,腐蚀我们政府,腐蚀我们军队,腐蚀一切财政经 济机构和一切革命群众组织,给国家造成极大灾害.一句话,有亡党、亡国、亡身的危险."同年12月,毛主席 再次严肃指出:"浪费和贪污在性质上虽有若干不同,但浪费的损失大于贪污,其结果常与侵吞、盗窃和骗取国家 财物或收受他人贿赂的行为相接近,严惩浪费必须与严惩贪污同时进行,不能厚此薄彼."
毛主席一再提请全党:"必须严重注意干部被资产阶级腐蚀,发生严重贪污行为,并当作一场大斗争来处理.反贪 污、反浪费一事,需要来一次全党的大清理,彻底揭露一切大中小贪污事件,着重打击大贪污犯,对中小贪污犯, 采取教育改造不使重犯的方针,务请你们加以注意."1952年初,毛主席在《新年献辞》中号召:"我国全体 人民和一切工作人员一致起来,大张旗鼓雷厉风行,开展一个大规模的反对贪污、反对浪费、反对官僚主义的斗争 ,将这些旧社会遗留下来的污毒清洗干净!"随之展开了"三反"运动,到1952年1月,全国县以上人员参加 三反运动的总共383万多人,共查出贪污1000万元【旧币】以上的有10万余人,贪污总金额达6万亿元. 判处有期徒刑的9942人、无期徒刑的67人、死刑的有42人、死缓的9人
自恃是革命功臣的刘青山、张子善腐败堕落,毛主席亲自过问并批准了对其处理.当有人求情时,毛主席问道:是 要他俩,还是要中国?1965年,毛主席重上井冈山深情地说:"一回到井冈山,脑子里看到的,是那些牺牲了 的一张张年轻的面孔.他们都是有坚定信仰、有牺牲精神的好同志啊!"他深深地思考和担忧,千百万革命先烈用 鲜血和生命换来的人民江山,会不会因为我们队伍中逐步滋长的特权思想而改变颜色?毛主席高瞻远瞩地论断着后 事.
改革开放初期,社会就开始了"复制"解放初期腐败严重的状况,特别是从"国有企业改制"和将"房地产行业定 性为经济领域"开始,特权阶层就有了生根发芽、开花结果的土壤,于是,一小嘬犯有"原罪"的富豪和贪官污吏 随之产生,由于制裁措施没跟上,造成今天这无法收拾的局面.随之而来就产生了两大社会问题:一是无法解决的 失业率高企;二是基尼系数大大超过警戒线.从而导致的民心失衡危机,在社会出现扩大趋势,不满情绪日益增强 ,社会和谐稳定遭到严重挑战.我们以房地产"畸型发展"带来的社会影响进行探讨:
刻意将房地产定性为经济领域,这不是经济问题了,而是社会问题."人为"的促进房地产发展,2010 nike air max,导致房价飚升,得利的是财政和开发商.一方面共和国很多城市的财政收入,大部分来源于溢价土地出让和房地 产相关行业,这种方式是非正常非理性的,但却是最省力的,土地飚涨推动房价飚升,大把大把的钱流入政府和开 发商的口袋里,GDP增长了;业绩上升了;官位升级了;口袋装满了.依靠人为的抬高地价,大量出让土地,获 取资金促进城市发展,这就是畸形发展.另一方面全国绝大部分工薪阶层倾其所有都买不起房,供不起房.这是我 们想要的结果吗?是我们竭尽全力发展经济的最终目标吗?如果是这样,我们发展经济、发展城市的意义何在?老 百姓到底从中获得了什么好处?
而房地产业的大发展,也成就了贪污腐败的"大发展",不是吗?算算贪官们的脏款来源,有几个不与房地产有关 .共和国有个成语叫"安居乐业",如果大部分老百姓连房子都住不起,如何安居,又如何乐业,我们党的宗旨何 在、声誉又何在?共和国现在的房价已成为世界笑话,如果你不是三大式人物,而想在北京买套100平方米总价 300万的房,社会阶层所付出的代价是:农民:种三亩地每亩纯收入400元的话,要从唐朝开始至今才能凑齐 ;工人:年薪工资2万元,需从鸦片战争上班至今;白领:年薪6万,需从1960年开始上班至今,不吃不喝才 行.当然只是开个玩笑,可别当真哦!
还有,近年来共和国对反贪污腐败,已引起了重视,采取了措施,取得了效果.但是,对浪费所造成的危害则认识 不足,重视不够.特别是没把反浪费与反贪污放到同等重要的程度,以致于浪费现象比比皆是:餐桌上、车轮上、 会议上、办公上的浪费等等随处可见,而因领导"有意无意"的决策失误,造成的浪费那就更加瞩目惊心了... ...
据调查表明:我国每年仅"三公挥霍"就达到9000亿元,这还不包括资源浪费、办公浪费,决策失误等所造成 的浪费,如果算进去,将是令人瞠目结舌的天文数字,其危害性不见得比腐败轻,或许更重也未可知.为彻底扭转 这个局面,我们应该借鉴并倚重毛主席"贪污和浪费是极大犯罪"的惩腐方略,在法律上从速设立"挥霍浪费罪" ,把浪费提升到和贪污腐败一样的打击层面,像惩治贪污那样惩治浪费,建立健全惩腐兴廉的长效机制,更加"给 力"地严惩腐败和浪费,力争在较短的时间内,使惩腐兴廉取得令民众满意的成效.
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Old 05-14-2011, 06:09 PM   #2
General of the Army
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2080443 2009 年 09 月 29 日 21:56 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

text: count before the first】 【
1. Sun Tzu said: soldiers who affairs of state of life and death, the survival of the Road, must be aware also.

2. It follows that the order to five things, the school of the seven terms, and claim their feelings.

3, one said channel, second is days, the third is, the Si Yue will, Wu Yue law. Tao , so that people on the consent of death with which it can be with them live, and afraid of danger too. Days were, yin and yang, cold and heat, when the system also. To persons, compete with, far and near, dangerous trade, Guang Xia, and death too. The person, intellect, faith, benevolence, courage, strict also. Laws are the curved system, Guan Dao, the main use it. Where this five, they will be heard all working, knowledge of who wins, I do not know the person victorious.

4. Therefore, the school of the seven terms, and claim their feelings. Said: Lord what proper way? There will be what? What was heaven and earth? Order what line? Strong public what soldiers? Shizu what training? What out rewards and punishments? I know the outcome of this carry on.

5. will listen to my count, with the win, leaving them ; will not listen to my account, doomed to failure used to it. Total interest to listen to, is worth the potential to rank and file out of it. And powerful, has the right to take advantage of the system.

6, soldiers who deception too. It can and can not be said of, not with the show of the past and show the far, far away and show the close. The lure of profits, chaos and take it, and prepare the real, strong without fear, anger and scratch it, humble and proud of, lost the labor of, and away from the parent, focusing on non-prepared,Reprinted friends to see it, to strengthen vigilan, surprise. The military commander of victory, not the first pass also.

7. husband did not fight the winner of the temple operator may also count more; not count numerous battle of the temple, who was considered too small. Multi-operator wins, numerous small operators, while the situation in almost no count ! I this perspective,nike air max360, the outcome see the carry on.

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1. Sun Tzu said: The war is a national priority,air max 90, related to the military and civilian life and death,エアマックス 2009+, the country's survival, can not but seriously careful to observe, analyze, study.

2. Therefore, the five aspects must be two sides of the analysis, seven compared the situation to get the details, the possibility to predict the outcome of war.

3. First Avenue, Second day, third, the fourth is, five is the law. Road,学你常把微笑愉悦挂嘴边, refers to the monarch and the people the same objective, unity of will, you can with the total death, without fear of danger. Day, that night,A Forever Friend 永远的朋友 , confront, summer and winter, seasons change., The mean level of the terrain, the distance is the distance, strategically located and difficult terrain, flat or not, the vast battlefield, narrow is the habitat or kill other geographical conditions. Will, refers to the general resourcefulness, rewards and punishments have faith, true love of his subordinates, courageous and disciplined. Act means the organizational structure, division of responsibility and authority,air max 91, staffing , management systems, resource protection, material allocation. These five, the generals can not do a deep understanding. Understanding will be able to win, otherwise it can not win.

4. So, to pass on both sides of all the circumstances of the investigation, and thus to compare, so to predict the outcome of a war. The monarch is the proper way which party could maintain, to win popular support? Which party better able to generals? Which party holds the right place? Which side of the laws, regulations more strictly enforced? Which side resources are more abundant, better equipped, soldiers wider? Which side of the soldiers training in more elements, more fighting? Which side of the rewards and punishments more fairness? Through these comparisons, I know the outcome.

5. generals to listen to my plan, appointing him win,エアマックス 90, I'll leave him; generals did not follow my plan, appointment he goes before a fall, I will dismiss him. Follow the plan in favor of defeating the enemy, but also to create a state of affairs, to help our military action as the external conditions. Potential, is in accordance with our established strengths are, have the needs of the war the initiative , according to specific conditions of different measures.

6. military forces in war, deceit. Therefore, do not have the ability and the ability to install, in fact, to attack and pretended not to attack, but want to pretend to attack attack near distance, but pretended to attack attack near distance. Temptation to use the other Menthods him, the other to take the opportunity to invade his confusion, the person must guard against his strong, the other can be spun to his irritable and irrational anger, low self-esteem and care for each other made him arrogant, the other energetic to make it tired,airmax95 レディース, the other to sow discord within the close unity, there is no preparedness to attack the other side where the other did not expect the timing of the attack. These are all tricks to defeat the enemy military strategist, not the first mass release in the people.

7. in without a fight before, after careful analysis and comparison of planning, if the conclusion is that we occupy more favorable conditions, there are eight, nine in the victory sure; or if the conclusion is that we occupy less favorable conditions, only six Qicheng grasp the victory, only the former case only likely to win in combat. If you do not do well in the pre-war analysis altogether, compare, or analyze, compare us to the conclusion that only five to grasp the victory into the following, it is impossible to win in actual combat. Calculated based only on the results of the temple, not actual combat, the outcome obvious.

Vernacular Art of War generals party label rewards and punishments
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