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Old 05-16-2011, 12:09 PM   #1
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Default nike free escape and 红烧肉的15计经典做法

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葱.......................................... 150克­
2 将煮过的五花肉切小方块.­
4.倒入无花肉炒至变色,倒入酱油,咭汁,加一碗的冷水,大火烧开,关小火,炖20分钟左右.(可用筷子试 戳烂即可)­
?砂锅里放料酒,一点老抽,水一次加足,没过肉就可以了。放一段葱,一粒八角,一段肉桂就好了。觉得红烧肉 其实不要放那么多复杂的调料,肉本身的香最好吃。­
原料:五花肉500克 桂皮1根 八角(也称大料)3颗 姜5片 红枣6颗(也可不放)­
  猪肉为人类提供优质蛋白质和必需的脂肪酸。猪肉可提供血红素(有机铁)和促进铁吸收的半胱氨酸,能改善缺铁 性贫血。­
  主治热病伤津、消渴羸瘦、肾虚体弱、产后血虚、燥咳、便秘、补虚、滋阴、润燥、滋肝阴,润肌肤,利二便和止 消渴。­
肉切寸长大块, 油锅烧热, 放花椒, 米, 用中火炸出香味; 火改成大火, 放葱姜, 略炒几下, 放肉, 煎到微微有点金黄。­
  5.猪肉贮存:1、将肉切成肉片,放入塑料盒里,喷上一层料酒,盖上盖,放入冰箱的冷藏室,可贮藏1天不变 味。2、将肉切成片,然后将肉片平摊在金属盆中,置冷冻室冻硬,再用塑料薄膜将肉片逐层包裹起来,置冰箱冷 冻室贮存,可1个月不变质。3、将肉切成肉片,在锅内加油煸炒至肉片转色,盛出,凉后放进冰箱冷藏。&sh y;
1)五花肉切成2厘米大小的块儿,姜去皮切片。锅中倒入油,趁油凉时放入桂皮和八角用小火炒出香味后,改成 大火,倒入五花肉翻炒变色后,继续煸炒2分钟直到出油。­
主料:五花肉、 干豇豆­
二、锅内放少许油,下配料炒香,捡去花椒粒。下猪肉翻炒至吐油。移至砂锅中,掺黄酒、老抽,放冰糖。如果要 加水,一定要加热水。我没有加水,成品带着酒香,我喜欢。有的做法是先炒糖色,如果没有时间或者操作炒糖色 不够熟练,可省略。本人属于第一种,嘿嘿­
2、平底锅里放油,只将肉皮那头朝下放,肉的本身不要接触油。把肉皮煎至收紧略发黄,关火取出。(注意,这 一步只煎肉皮,不煎肉)­
  3.猪肉应煮熟,因为猪肉中有时会有寄生虫,如果生吃或调理不完全时,可能会在肝脏或脑部寄生有钩绦虫。& shy;
材料:五花肉600G 笋干200G 老抽200ML 啤酒250ML 五香粉5G 冰糖10G 大蒜4瓣八角1枚 开水250ML 盐5G­
水........................................... . 4杯­
1、锅倒底油少许,凉油入糖小火慢炒,至出棕红色泡沫,下控干水分的肉块翻炒均匀上色,加入料酒少许。直至 肉上全部裹入色泽,下姜蒜添水未过食材,大火煮滚,倒入沙锅中,放入香料(其实应该用个香料盒或者用纱带, 可是我忘了一股脑的都扔了进去),上盖,煮沸后,小火一个半小时­
1 将整块的五花肉放入沸水中,同姜片,葱白,花椒,桂皮,茴香煮15分钟­
  红烧肉是采用半瘦半肥的猪肉,切成匀称的切状,再用上等酱油加少量的糖烧制而成,色泽呈金黄,味道糖而不腻 。 冬笋炒腊肉,是以腊肉为主原料,配以营养丰富的嫩冬笋佳制而成,如果再加些白辣椒、大蒜茎叶、豆豉便配制成 了一份很有特色的菜肴,作为佐酒佳膳。­
开锅后,放捻烂的腐乳。小火炖45-60分钟(要根据肉的质量,火的力度掌握)。觉得肉快烂时,用大火收汁,同时放少许红糖,如果味道还有点淡 ,就加些盐。汁微微收干就行,大概比原来加的水少一半左右吧。­
5、倒入热水至与材料平齐,开中火炖半小时左右,放入盐调味,再继续炖至汤汁收干,倒入麻油炒匀,关火即可 。­
  6.由于猪肉也含有腥味,因此有很多人也不喜欢,这是由于脂肪经过长时间所产生的油臭味,然后具有光泽且按 压住时具有弹性者,即是新鲜的肉;肉质不坚实,而颜色不新鲜者,其包含在肉中的脂肪无论如何烹调也不会好吃 ,脂肪一旦氧化之后,便容易引起胃部的不适。猪肉变质的期限比牛肉快三倍,保存时应特别注意。 ­
白砂糖...................................... 3大匙­
三、大火烧开后打去浮沫。转至小火慢慢炖……要有耐心……我用了两个半小时。最后如果汤汁过多,可大火收汁 。但切不可收干,汤汁可是拌饭极品!!­

加料酒, 蒸发差不多时, 放老抽, 先放1勺,看肉的上色,不够红在放多一些。炒半分钟,加入热的高汤或热水,水刚好覆盖肉。&s hy;
加水时要热水,要不然肉不容易烂。盐要后放。我一般是让肉在锅里闷熟,这样肉不会老,不过什么时候开始收汁 ,什么时候关火要掌握好。花椒给增添了淡淡的麻味和香味。­
五花肉1斤、牛蒡1根、冰糖1小把、老抽3汤勺、生抽1汤勺、黄酒小半碗、葱1节、姜1块、八角2粒、干辣 椒2粒、百果1粒、香叶1片、­
  3.巧识含“瘦肉精”的猪肉:喂过“瘦肉精”的瘦肉外观鲜红,纤维疏松,时有少量水分渗出,而正常的瘦猪肉 是淡红色,肉质弹性好,没有“出汗”现象。另外,要看该猪肉是否具有脂肪,如该猪肉在皮下就是瘦肉或仅有少 量脂肪,则该猪肉可能含有“瘦肉精”;­

红烧肉这道家常菜,可说是好吃又美味又有故事的菜,而且不同的地方,做法也不同,千变万化,变着花样做。& shy;
五花肉...................................... 600克­
3、将煎五花肉的油倒出不用,锅内加入开水,放入肉,老抽、啤酒、五香粉、冰糖、大蒜和八角。大火煮开,撇 去浮沫后转小火,炖约30分钟。­
3)放入红枣和姜片,盖上盖子,转小火炖40分钟,期间要留意锅中的水量,不够时添加少许开水。40分钟后 打开盖子,调成大火收汤,这样才会有一层黏稠浓郁的汤汁包裹在每块红烧肉上哈。­
  2.猪肉烹调前莫用热水清洗,因猪肉中含有一种肌溶蛋白的物质,在15摄氏度以上的水中易溶解,若用热水浸 泡就会散失很多营养,同时口味也欠佳;­
5 最后洒上鸡精和香芝麻油就可以拉!­
3、冷锅内放油,加白糖2勺,开中火炒至起泡。再将五花肉、泡椒、花椒、干辣椒、八角、香叶、盐放入锅内翻 炒,加入适量水入锅蒸2小时。­

空心菜...................................... 200克­
2)倒入老抽,nike free run plus,糖和盐,把所有调料炒拌均匀后,继续翻炒5分钟,以便上色和入味。然后倒入开水(一定是开水哈),水量要 没过肉面,煮开后撇去浮沫。­
最有特色的肉类菜要数红烧肉,要知道当年毛泽东也是最喜欢吃这道菜的,遍布全国各大城市的毛家餐馆都用红烧 肉来作招牌菜,并美其名曰“毛氏红烧肉”。­
?炒糖色是很重要的一步。三四勺白糖放锅里,加一勺水,然后小火慢熬。不用心急,一边用筷子搅搅,一边看着 糖水起泡,慢慢粘稠,然后颜色开始变黄,一点点成了焦黄了,就迅速加上一点点开水,并更迅速地把肉块放入, 放肉沾染上糖液,这样肉的颜色就深了,亮亮地好看。如果不做这一步,也没什么,就是有点不专业:)&shy ;

4、锅置火上,把老姜、肉块入锅中爆至油出、肉成金黄色,下八角、葱段微炒几下放入酒,加沸水(漠过肉), 加入糖色,大火烧开后撇去浮沫、浮油转小火煨至肉块8成熟。­
熬出来的白油用处很多啊,可以做中式点心,也可以留着炒青菜(用肥油炒青菜可是很香的哦,当然不适合减肥人 士),我准备留着偶尔拌拌米粉。 锅内留一点底油,倒入冰糖 ,小火慢慢把冰糖炒化至金黄色。­
酱油........................................ 3/4杯­
步骤:1、笋干清洗干净后,放入锅内加适量水(没过它2CM为宜),大火煮开后关火,放置冷却,然后换凉水 浸泡2小时,中间换一次水。五花肉洗净,切成一厘米见方的块状,用厨房纸吸干表面水份&shy ;

调料:老抽2汤匙(30ml) 盐1茶匙(5克) 糖3茶匙(15克) ­
制作:1)五花肉刮洗干净,切成块,焯水后再清洗干净.2)炒锅上火加油,将葱和姜炒香,然后关火,把五花 肉排放在葱姜上,再加入香料和所有的调料,开火将调料和肉融合一下,上点色,然后加入适当的沸水(必须沸水 ),盖上锅盖,烧开后,转小火来焖制.3)等到肉质变酥烂,汤汁变稠浓的时候,转大火来收一下汁,让汁和油 融合一起,然后撒上葱段就可以出锅.­
3、做红烧肉用啤酒代替料酒或绍酒可以使肉的口感更鲜嫩,因为啤酒内的酶能使肉类的蛋白质迅速分解。&sh y;
300克猪肉,五花比较好;2勺老抽,2勺料酒(我用的是加饭酒);1块红腐乳,dunk low sb;10颗花椒;1根小葱;1小块姜;少许盐,少许红糖;1/4杯巴斯马帝米(没有可用黑米/紫米代替); 热高汤或热水­
再转小火慢慢焖至汤汁收干即可 ­
  4.生猪肉一旦粘上了脏东西,用水冲洗是油腻腻的,反而会越洗越脏。如果用温淘米水洗两遍,再用清水冲洗一 下,脏东西就容易除去了;另外,也可拿来一团和好的面粉,在脏肉上来回滚动,很快就能将脏东西粘走。&sh y;
  2.在肉铺中往往有上肉、中肉分别标示,此时只要看肉的颜色,Gold Yellow Black Nike Shoes,即可看出其柔软度。同样的猪肉,其肉色较红者,表示肉较老,此种肉质既粗又硬,最好不要购买,而颜色呈淡 红色者,肉质较柔软,品质也较优良。­
3 起热油锅,将五花肉煎至两面金黄色.再将事先烧好的火锅汤料倒入加少许清  水炖一小时至软烂.&sh y;
步骤3:炒锅中加入糖与少许水以中火拌炒,待糖汁的颜色变成深褐色时,加入炸好的肉块一起翻炒均匀,接着加 入所有调味料大火煮开。­
3、炒锅烧热里把之前煎肉皮的油倒入,再倒入冰糖,开小火慢慢翻炒 至糖融化,倒入肉继续小火慢慢煸至出油,炒至上色。­
4 在出锅前的10分钟将红薯块放入一起炖炖.­
一次性加够水(这个很重要,中途加水就不好吃了),盖盖儿焖20分钟。20分钟后倒入豆腐结和鹌鹑蛋。继续 焖15分钟。出锅前调入适量盐就可以了。­
米酒........................................ 1大匙­
  1.食用猪肉后不宜大量饮茶,因为茶叶的鞣酸会与蛋白质合成具有收敛性的鞣酸蛋白质,使肠蠕动减慢,延长粪 便在肠道中的滞留时间,不但易造成便秘,而且还增加了有毒物质和致癌物质的吸收,影响健康;& shy;
小贴士:1、笋干在烹调之前反复用水浸泡是为了去除它的酸味,如果是夏天最好放入冰箱冷藏室浸泡,&shy ;

一、红烧肉的材料要选好,肥肉多了容易腻,瘦肉多了又失去了红烧肉的本质,而且发柴。最好的是带皮肋条肉, 肥瘦各半。配料:冰糖,老抽,黄酒。葱白、姜、蒜、花椒粒各少许。­
  1.猪肉要斜切,猪肉的肉质比较细、筋少,如横切,炒熟后变得凌乱散碎,如斜切,即可使其不破碎,吃起来又 不塞牙;猪肉不宜长时间泡水;­
调料:八角、 盐、冰糖、老姜、大葱、白酒、小茴香­
材料:五花肉一盒(市场上没好的五花肉,只能去超市买一盒一盒的),洗净去毛,切成麻将大小的 块,air jordan sell,放入冷水中,煮开,捞出冲去血沫,控干水分备用。­

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Old 05-16-2011, 12:11 PM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2011
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g3sh7sf0mf is on a distinguished road

Andrea Pirlo Andrea Pirlo
(Andrea Pirlo, 1979 年 5 19 -) is an Italian football player who midfield, the effectiveness of the Italian Football League Football AC Milan club. Andrea Pirlo is a member of the 2006 World Cup winning team, also won two European Champions League (2003,2007) of the title. Chinese name: Andrea Pirlo Foreign Name: Andrea Pirlo Nationality: Italian Birthplace: Brescia, Italy Date of birth: May 19, 1979 Height: 177 cm Weight: 68 Kg sports: football belongs Sports Team: AC Milan football club
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Andrea Pirlo Andrea Peel Luo
Role: Midfielder contract expires :2011-06-30 dominant foot: feet Hometown: Brescia (Italy) on behalf of the national team: 70 appearances, 9 goals into three major European Cup: played 104 times, into the 8-ball Champions League: 82 appearances, 7 goals to participate in competition events into the year 2010 on behalf of the Italian World Cup team number Confederations Cup 2009 Italy 21 21 Italy 21 Euro 2008 Club World Cup 2007AC Milan, Italy 21 World Cup 2006 Euro 2004 Italy 21 21 Italy Olympic Games 2004 Olympic Games in 2000, the Italian Olympic team, Olympic team 10 10 Andrea Pirlo came profile small club Brescia in Italy,skechers shoes online, served as captain of the Italian national youth team, won the 2000 European 2 Andrea Pirlo
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Pirlo has gypsy blood, Roma is now widely distributed in Europe, but the overall small number of Gypsies in Italy is only 0.22 of total population %. In 2001, the 22-year-old Pirlo to his childhood girlfriend and Deborah were married. With them through thick and thin, Deborah Pirlo accompany most of his career through a difficult period, she also brings her husband good luck - the tenth day after marriage, the honeymoon is shared with his wife Andrea Pirlo move to AC Milan's joy. After two years of marriage, they have a lovely son, there is no scandal there is no argument that they are the envy of family of three. Technical characteristics of the Italian media said Andrea Pirlo is the king of Italian football, but the Spanish sports newspaper world football will be over what he called Andrea Pirlo

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, AC Milan, the same array, many attacking players, Pirlo's play space is limited, but also the outside world that he was not suitable for AC Milan. But Pirlo did not give up, more successful transition, he was named defensive midfielder, and the composition of AC Milan midfielder Gennaro Gattuso middle, as if the row array of tailor-made for him, Gattuso's defensive ability to make up his body mass the shortcomings of weak factors, he only need to focus on the offensive impetus for the team is AC Milan's midfield commander. In addition, Andrea Pirlo free throw good deal, so is any team who kick the ball. 2002--03 year season, led by AC Milan Pirlo won the European Champions League and Italian Cup, next year will also help the team win the Serie A title. Since then he became the club's midfielder, he also is considered the world Gattuso the best midfield combination. In 2006, AC Milan for the Serie A scandal involved have been points, Pirlo was to recruit Spanish giants Real Madrid, but then Pirlo was rejected. Although this season, Serie A AC Milan can only obtain the fourth, but won the Champions League title successfully, Pirlo free throws in the final main shoot, creating the first open teammates F. Inzaghi record. Pirlo's career began in his hometown club Brescia team. May 21, 1995 Brescia team in the league game against Reggina, 16-year-old Pirlo played in Serie A in his debut. Brescia few seasons in the outstanding performance of the team attracted many wealthy Russian note,
Andrea Pirlo
1998, when Inter Milan coach Luqiesiku worth 600 million dollars will be He brought to the city of Milan. 1998-99 season, Pirlo played 18 times for the Inter did not score, this is the only force him to Inter Milan for a season from 1999 to 2001 Pirlo rented by the team for two consecutive seasons, has played for Reggie Brescia team and the team is satisfied. The summer of 2001, Andrea Pirlo worth 1200 million transfer to join the city of Milan giants AC Milan another. Pirlo's fate the moment in the transfer to complete a fundamental change in the Rossoneri Pirlo step by step towards becoming the world's top stars of the hall. 2002 World Cup Rivaldo joined Milan after the Rossoneri in the AMC position overcrowding: Rui - Costa, Rivaldo, Clarence Seedorf, Andrea Pirlo has become the fourth candidate for this position. Ancelotti, a decision that would change at this time the fate of Andrea Pirlo Pirlo ,2002-03 season, the team appears in the lower back position, security commander of the classic as the center, consisting of his two-midfielder Gennaro Gattuso on offense against each other, Pirlo also won this season, This season Pirlo pass per game 90 times, is the largest of all Serie A players. AC Milan Pirlo has been effective in nearly nine seasons, the team won a Serie A league titles, one Italian Cup and one Italian Super Cup, two Champions League titles, two European Super Cups and one world club championship. In 2009, went to leave AC Milan's Carlo Ancelotti Chelsea coach wants to bring to Stamford Bridge with Andrea Pirlo, but the $ 12,000,000 + Claudio - Milan, Pizarro's offer was officially rejected, the main Xibeilusi Coney said that Pirlo is the team's not for sale, Pirlo in Milan, he hopes to end his career. Andrea Pirlo scored the year 2010 the club played the World Cup performance (11) 1994-98 Brescia 4761998-2001 2301999-2000 Reggina Inter Milan (loan) 2862001 Brescia 1402001-- AC Milan 25,031 (as of January 2010) Andrea Pirlo international career back in September 2002 for the first time for the Italian national team into battle, after which he became the national team regulars, and have taken at 2
Andrea Pirlo
004 years of European Football Championship. Although he did a good job, but the final first round out of Italy. Played for the Italian national team in 2004 finished shortly after the European Football Championship, Andrea Pirlo and selected Olympic team, and was appointed as captain, led the Italian won a bronze medal. Andrea Pirlo in 2006 World Cup is the next best performance, though only in the team to score their first group stage,skechers tone ups, but the campaign instigated by the manufacture of key goals, we can say is the biggest contributor to the country team won the World Cup. When the session Andrea Pirlo has won more matches in three games in the best players, the results of the World Cup Golden Ball third. In 2000, Andrea Pirlo as a captain to help the Italian U21 team won the European Youth Championship that year, he swept the Golden Globes and Golden Boot race that session, the same year he also travel with the team battle the Sydney Olympic Games. 2004 as one of over-age players, Andrea Pirlo and again participated in the Athens Olympics bronze
Andrea Pirlo
. World Cup 2002, first elected to the Italian national team 后安德烈亚 Pirlo, Euro 2004, he became the main team, but the Italian team to play a poor team after the game to be eliminated. 2006 World Cup, Andrea Pirlo in the first match with Ghana, scored in the first long shot Italy's first ball, followed by team-mate Vincenzo Iaquinta break assists to help beat the team 2 to 0, On De Lieya Pirlo was named the spot after the game the best players. Semi-final game against Germany, Andrea Pirlo assists in overtime pass from Fabio Grosso broke the final stage, the audience his best after the game was re-elected; final play Andrea Pirlo full 120 minutes in the penalty shoot a head start for Italy, the third best player elected to the audience, Andrea Pirlo is the only one of 06 World Cup three times elected to the best players in the audience. Trophy after the game to help Italy's Andrea Pirlo was selected the tournament's best team and get the brass balls award. Caps: 64 Goals: 8 No statistical season the club played the national league level goals ranked 2010/11AC Milan, 21340 Milan, Italy 21101 Italy 112009/10AC 132008/09AC Milan, 21333 Milan, Italy 21261 Italy 132007/08AC 152006/07AC Milan, 21334 Milan, Italy 21342 Italy 142005/06AC 132004/05AC Milan, 21326 Milan, Italy 21304 Italy 122003/04AC 112002/03AC Milan, 21182 Milan, Italy 21279 Italy 132001/02AC 142000/01 182000/01 Brescia, Inter Milan, Italy
Italy 40 Italy 151999/00 1121998/99 Inter Milan Reggina 30286 21180 21294 Brescia, Italy Italy 181997/98 1151996/97 Brescia 21172 Brescia, Italy 211995/96 2161994/95
00 Brescia, Italy Italy
10 118 [1 ] More Photos Album World Cup 2010 Post Bar (163) 20102011 season, Serie A (134) 20092010 Serie A season (98) 2009 Confederations Cup (96) in the small leather (80) Euro 2010 preliminary plans for training and competition preparation (76) 20102011 Champions League (74) Shadow wallpaper (64) 20092010 UEFA Champions League (62) 2009 Milan Mi State training (45) Ambrose Small Paper (42) Small Paper and car (39) due to the skin because of the small (29 ) Gaga Small Paper (21) Coach's Baby (21) peach cuticle (19) 2010 Los small leather calendar (13) 2009 Summer warm-up (12), Pirlo Calendar 2011 (8) entries Atlas Atlas more References 1

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