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Old 05-17-2011, 11:04 PM   #1
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Default 网游之盗版神话 安静的村庄

   第五章 休会
  捧着游戏头盔,我显明的感到到自己心跳加速了,半年过去了,我毕竟还是走回游戏的老路上来 了!
  与以前不同,这次玩的是网络游戏,虽然据说《月恒》中是否能混得好是与个人游戏天赋有关的,我心里也没 底,游戏天赋?那是空中楼阁一样的东西。
  戴上头盔,大脑中登时一片清凉,回过神的时候,才发现自己站立在寒夜的悬崖边,抬头看看,一双手掌线条 清楚,这应当就是我的镜像吧?
  一身的古朴衣服让我感觉到很别扭,但是崖边的寒风吹得衣衫展动,倒是别有另种情趣,斜望天空,一轮泛着 蓝色光芒的月亮正照射着大地,脚下的虚空正幻化着一幕惨不忍睹的战事。
  号角交鸣中,一个个整洁的人类骑兵方阵英勇无惧的冲向了前方,骑士们挥动着手中的长枪和马刀,一道道苍 白色的光芒让人心寒,一群魔法师在骑士的护卫下缓缓的向前移动着,低吟着艰涩的咒语,一团团宏大的火焰混乱 的冲入了对方的阵营中,照耀得玄色的夜一片通明。
  惨红色的龙翼上粘着可怜的血肉,有巨龙的,有也人类骑士的,火球打在巨龙的骨骼上发出“滋 滋”的声音,Levi's Jeans,然后消逝不见。
  巨龙身下黑压压的一片,我细心一看才发现那些居然都是不带血肉的骷髅战士,它们挥舞着手中的骨盾和锈迹 斑斑的钢剑,与人类的骑士们绞杀在一起!
  骑兵强盛的冲击力把骷髅方阵冲开了一道又一道的缺口,而后又一次又一次的被无限无尽的骷髅补上,进入骷 髅群中的骑士立即被孤破起来,但是他们依然在奋力的砍杀着,用骑士长枪一次又一次的穿刺着骷髅的排骨,战马 倒下了马上拔出配剑继续格斗,鲜血在他们的身上缓缓的流了下来,骷髅战士好像没有穷尽个别,每当有人类战士 倒在血泊中时,他们的血肉竟然无声的掉落下来,头骨的眼眶里闪动着幽暗的毫光,随后参加了骷髅 兵士的行列!
  一道如有本质的涟漪在空气中绽开开来,几米内的骷髅战士们立刻散成了一堆碎骨头,紧接着一道乳白色的光 芒落在了受伤的骑士身上,流血的伤口马上迅速的愈合着,人类的牧师终于赶到了!
  远远看去,骷髅和骨龙的后方竟然隐蔽着数十个黑暗亡灵法师,恰是他们在操控着这一场血腥的 撕杀!
  几个含混的身影涌现在了亡灵法师的身旁,他们始终在等候着机遇,终于在亡灵法师集中精神号召第二只骨龙 的时候,一道血红色的光辉在亡灵法师那腥臭不堪的脖子间闪过,藏在黑布中的匕首露出了森寒的矛 头。
  画面慢慢的幻化掉,接下来我则出现在一个空阔的树林边,视线旁出现了各种的操作提示,说瞎话,这种虚构 度到达70%的游戏操作起来难度要比键盘操作难度大得多了,所幸的是我对游戏确实还是有一些天赋的,过了近 两个小时之后,仅仅依附键盘和脑波转达指令,我竟然已经可以得心应手的做出各种动作,等到游戏正式开通的时 候,估计杀怪已经不会存在什么问题了。
  好象官方网站上提示了一般了三天就可以适应《月恒》的操作了,我却仅仅用了两个小时,这莫非就是所谓的 游戏天赋?
  转而想想,我玩WAR3的时候,每秒钟能有效点击六次,这种操作的人适应新的游戏,速度快一点也就无所 谓了,只是不知道我的那些“故人”是不是也能那么快的搞定操作问题,叶秋那小子操作速度比我还要快一点,假 如他废弃魔兽来《月恒》的话估计也不会差。
  敏捷点了断定,搞了大深夜,当我摘下头盔的时候已经是清晨三点了,赶紧洗洗睡了,要是让许琳看到我三点 还没睡的话,确定不会给我好神色看的。
  睡在床上,还是想着刚才游戏里的感觉,那么实在的游戏,确切让人无比的等待,在游戏开始之前,很多功效 都没有开明,例如痛觉、味觉等系统,目前都是封闭的,而且也没有真正属于自己的人物,据说游戏中人物的脸型 是通过火盔扫描自己的脸型来确认的,可以进行恰当的修正,但是却不能让一头恐龙变成美女。
  这样也好,不过估计像欣雨那么无耻的女人,肯定是要把自己的容貌修改得更英俊一点了,那样引诱起男人来 比较便利…不过她原来就已经很漂亮了,不用修改也是能迷倒一大群单细胞男人的,陆雪涵就更不用说了,她的脸 蛋是让男人看了都得流口水的那种。
  许琳也美丽,不过比起陆雪涵来多份妩媚的风情,也成熟一些,如果能扫描身材的话,估计她选个暗夜精灵M M,那肯定能让游戏里的好多有钱公子哥铁心塌地的跟在她屁股后面了。
  说起来我来了半年也不太明白她到底什么身份,她素来不接客,虽然良多熟客有这种请求,但是却都被她直言 谢绝了,许琳对手下的员工也相称的不错,至少不剥削工资跟提成。
  想着想着,终于昏昏沉沉的睡了过去,第二天醒来的时候已经是日上三竿了,好在其她人仿佛也玩得太久,我 竟然第一个醒的。
  第六章 游戏开始!
  “大家的职业都已经分配好了,现在谁都说不上游戏里到底是什么样子,有没有新手村也说不定,而且寰球目 前为止已经发放了近亿个头盔,而且只架设了一台服务器,如果新手村未几的话,那估计是要挤爆了,所以我感到 刚开始的时候,大家先各自玩一段时间吧,今天夜里十二点游戏开始,那么我们可以下昼就开始睡觉,十一点的时 候起来吃饭,十二点准时上线,来日早上八点的时候准时下线,各自讲演自己的情形,还有没有什么 问题了?”
  许琳面无表情:“你可以不上线,不外当前的工资将会以每个人对家族的奉献来提成,你看着办 吧。”
  大家没什么问题,也都各自回房间睡觉去了,陆雪涵跟在我后面进了里间,进房间前还向我吐了吐舌头,让我 一时摸不着脑筋。
  也就当成午觉睡吧,结果我没到下战书三点的时候就已经醒了,好不轻易熬到吃晚饭的时候,吃 完饭后真实 未审睡不着了,罗唆开了《月恒》的论坛先看看,说不定会有什么信息对咱们有辅助。
  只见一个叫做“天赋,绝对冲击!”的帖子被高高的置顶,点开一看,原来是说《月恒》的官方网站虽然没有 给出,但是却从牢靠的小道新闻得出,《月恒》中人物建立的时候就已经随机调配了一项天赋,至于“天赋”到底 是什么就不得而知了,但是至少不会影响游戏的均衡。因为游戏帐号只能一人一个,而且删号一个月后才干建新的 帐号,所以根本上也就不会出现刷天赋的景象,一切都看个人的运气!
  随意看了看其余的帖子,虽然许多,但是基础都是猜想的,真正有用的东西却极少,看来《月恒》的保密工作 做得十分的不错。
  苦苦的熬到十一点的时候,陆雪涵很准时的过来叫我去吃夜宵了,看她的脸色显著也不是刚睡完觉的样子,连 脸上的淡妆都没有卸掉。
  只剩下不到一个小时就游戏开始了,几个美女也都忘却了什么叫自持,饥不择食的吃完东西后就钻进自己的房 间去了,倒是一贯闷声不响的刘云陪我喝完了鸡蛋汤。
  刘云是个很秀气的女子,我也一直很奇异她怎么会干起这一行,却又一直不敢启齿问她,而她对我也只是礼貌 的笑了笑,然后回自己的房间去了。
  摇了摇头,我看了看满桌子的散乱,干脆把它们全收拾进了厨房再回房间,整理结束的时候也已经十一点五十 了,还有非常钟就是游戏开放的时刻了!
  戴上头盔,过场的动画就直接跳过去了,全部画面只还剩下《月恒》的背景,还有正中大大的倒 记时。
  时间一分一秒的过去了,我就这么干瞪着眼,我知道,现在全世界估计至少几千万人跟我一样在看着倒记时, 以往的网游小说上提前进入游戏的前XX名都是有嘉奖的,动辄就是神器什么的,谁知道会不会让我遇到这样的福 气?
  我看了看对面那个跟我长得截然不同的年轻人,这样肯定会被熟人认出来的,索性把模样略微修改了一下,这 样一来就O了!
  禀赋――埋伏:暗藏于黑暗中,等级不高于自身等级5级的怪物与玩家无奈在四码间隔外觉察,挪动后潜伏后 果消散,冷却时光5分钟。
  打开舆图,我所在的村落叫做野狗村,时常能听到野狗的叫声,村子名字虽然俗了点,但是倒也 贴切。
  玩家川流不息的从村子核心走了出来,看来这时候正是大量玩家涌入的时候,强壮的半兽人,只衣着内裤和奶 罩的精灵�女…
  第七章 任务
  接了任务后,我甩开步子来到村庄的外围,发现已经有不少人在杀怪了,但是他们所抉择的练级对象却是村民 放养的鸡,攻击力低,但是同比下经验也低得可怜。
  摇了摇头,我持续往村子外树林的深处走去,没走几步就看到了一群野狗正三三两两的徘徊在树 林间。
  野狗的头上暴出了红红的数字,看来这一次是出了致命一击了,要不然凭我那最高3的攻击,能打出这样的伤 害才怪!
  果然,随后的攻击都是在2和3之间徘徊,好在野狗只是2级怪,每只狗30的血量我打起来还是比较轻松的 。
  第一只野狗倒下了,我立刻跑过去在它的尸体上扒拉了一下,结果找到了三个铜币和一张皮毛,狗皮:任务物 品!
  看来这就是防务兵哈克须要的狗皮了,接下来的事件就简略多了,每杀完一条狗后我就坐下来休息一会,休息 的时候是回血的,固然比较慢一点,然而究竟省钱,估量当初也没人能买得起药来练级的。
  不一会就集满了二十张狗皮,再打野狗就已经不再出任务物品了,而我也已经升到了2级,袭击力又回升了一 点,气血也由本来的60变成了80,monster beats dr dre headphones,看来每升一级气血还是加了不少的,tk supra,升级后得到了5个点数,马上绝不迟疑的全加在了力气上面,前期基本不可能有人带,所有都要靠本人来杀,气 力不高怎么能行?
  眼看距离村庄也越来越远了,来这里杀野狗的玩家也徐徐多了起来,但是我却发现他们大多数都没有收集野狗 的皮,buckle jeans,看来知道接这个任务的人还是挺少的,毕竟那个防务兵只是在村口走来走去,脸上并没有写着任务 两个字。
  立刻跑回村落,把义务交了后,才发明防务兵出手仍是比拟慷慨的,杀了二十只狼就给了80个铜币,这时候 钱可是相称的主要的,十级的时候才开端辞职,谁晓得那时候会要多少钱?可能不要,也有可能要一金币!(1金 币=100银币=10000铜币)
  有了上次教训,我草草的在村子里转了一圈,有事没事都多跟NPC说谈话,成果果然接到任务 了!
  任务内容:赞助村长剿灭村子东边野狼谷的狼群,带给村长50枚野狼的牙齿!千万要警惕,最好多找些错误 再去,那里的野狼相当的凶恶,村子最强健的年青人都已经死不少再野狼的牙齿下!
  这个任务难度比较大,由于在任务中可以看出来野狼的等级不算低,而且村长也提示需要组队去实现任务了, 恩,放着先,其它的任务倒可以做。
  任务内容:村子里的阿花在山坡上种了不少番茄,可是近来野狼常常在村子外出现,请为阿花采集10个番茄 。
  采果实和杀野狗应该不成问题,反正杀野狗升也不慢,一边练级一边做任务也是不错的取舍,刚才那个任务尚 且给了200经验,要知道杀一只1级的怪也就给了10的经验罢了,交个任务练级速度就是别人的 两倍呢
  看了看远处正练得热气腾腾的玩家,我不也不好去打扰那一群人练级的好兴趣(重要是人家明显是一伙的,一 会抢怪被P挂了体面上过不去),于是直接绕了半个村子,从东面进了树林,远远的还能看到阿花种 番茄的处所!
  又往树林里面走了些,这时我才发现本来方才杀的仍然是1级的野狗,而面前的却是3级的怪物:凶残的野狗 !
  红红的数字提示我,这3级野狗的防御要比一级的高了不少,以我现在2级的攻击,打一级怪通常都一次掉五 滴以上的。
  3级的野狗一共50点血,这样一来我要砍上17剑能力搞定一只怪,而它扑咬我的频率也是相当的高,虽然 每次只掉2点血,但是当我打完一只野狗的时候,自己的血量也已经降到了底线了。
  蹲下翻了翻野狗的尸体,发现除了14铜币和一只牙齿外,竟然还有一个破褴褛烂的盔甲,捡起 来一看属性:
  比我身上的新手衣服好多了,至少防御也上来一截了,马上穿上,恰好是皮甲,未来我就职了响马之后一样用 得着,转念一想,如果我10级就任的时候还穿这个的话,那也混得太悲凉了点了。
  防御高了3点之后,我基本上可以打完两只野狗的时候再坐下来休息了,而野狗的牙齿也不是每只野狗都出的 ,当我杀了大概近100只野狗的时候,也终于集齐了20枚野狗的牙齿!
  不得不说《月恒》中的爆率切实不算高,当我杀完100多只野狗升到3级的时候,竟然除了一个护腿就再没 有出过装备而且护腿还是个布甲――野狗短裤,防备+1,跟新手的护腿属性一样,而且还是个造型很奇特的短裤 ,不知道我要是把这么一件设备送给许琳的话,她会是什么样的表情?
  此时7-9的攻打砍3级野狗已经能够出到8的损害了,不必十刀就能搞定一个三级怪,进级的速度相对不是在村口杀鸡的 那些菜鸟们所能比较的。
  后文略 查看 http://www.mfxsb.com/xiaoshuo/1/1599/512364.html 继续浏览!http://www.mfxsb.com/xiaoshuo/1/1599/512892.html http://www.mfxsb.com/xiaoshuo/1/1599/512972.html
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Old 05-18-2011, 12:38 AM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,638
Ue9eg9lrc1bh is on a distinguished road

1. Sherlock Holmes (Europe)
If someone asked me who he is ......... that this man can not imagine what will happen ..............
2. Singular search Chronicles (Japanese TV drama series)
are some of the world mystery story ........ very good, are the true story of the ...... According to the specter haunting the house .... for example, transplant the memory of the donor heart ....... so ...... pretty female feet, and said ...............
3. double-headed devil dog (Japanese TV drama series)
(*^__^*) Meng Hee hee ... ... this has played point ....... Nishikido Shangzexiuming played brother and a brother ........... awareness through contact with the ability to be able to kill another by contact with the ability to be able to cure any illness ....... play the last to know good love brother ...... ah ..... brother . But why not live with it ..... Since they survived a pity to say ........ .... .... or only pass in the end .... ..
4. brain Detective (Japanese TV drama series)
want to know the brain will be in crime shrimp change? of interest to people who can see ......... a very knowledge-based,UGG AUSTRALLIA, general but informative story together ... nice ............
5. World Wonderful Story (Japanese TV drama)
really quite amazing .......... although I think some very silly to say ............ like people can still see the ...................
6. Kindaichi Youth Chronicles (Japanese TV drama series)
I think that animation with live action for ..... This is the most successful story of a .............. perfect match with the music ..... ... ah .... good and the atmosphere was like live action version of Tsuyoshi ................
7. Detective Conan (Japanese TV drama series)
Meng primary ..............
reasoning for good .... but not to create an atmosphere of startling good ...........
8. Detective School Q (Japanese TV drama series)
animation and live action are good ................ ....... ah Meng Meng ambiguous is the greatest point .......... .......
9. Criminal Psychology (Europe)
Oh well .........
a lot of this season was very good to say ..... ....... crime dramas to do well in Europe and America for it
10. Crime Scene / CSI / CSI (Europe)
This is about the subject of forensic evidence .......... .......... very professional in this area can look like ......... ..
11. Jianzhengshilu (Hong Kong)
follow the trend of above is the work .......... ..............
12. Miss Marple detective (Europe)
cute ............ old lady appears to be very good really is not so extraordinary ordinary O ...............
The strongest lineup in the history of super version!
reasoning of the greatest country female detective, female intuition + gossip + excellent reasoning = evil nemesis! the perfect murder VS
sophisticated reasoning, insight into the human abyss!
13. girl detective of the strange events (Japanese TV drama series)
what can I say. . . . This story does not make sense of the bar code too. . . . I feel so much more like a detective drama spoof. . . . . Posing ah. . .
14. Detective Ammon (Europe)
If I have the same mind with him ........ it will not have deceived the world ..... I can rely on high intelligence deception to the wind was the wind to the rain the rain .. ...... But if God even gave me his quirks ........... I'll only be home every day, a vacuum cleaner to clean the ceiling squat ......... . severe obsessive fear of germs snail fear fear fear of dust, noise, fear of crowds fear of frogs radiation fear fear fear nude beach Mongolia afraid of change ....... ah ..... that people can not live for the good as you like .............. You are God .............
15. Cold Case (Europe and America.. I do not know what the name of the Internet turned 。。))
female pig can see the existence of a similar kind soul ........... overturned on a small piece of evidence without a head unsolved .......
16. Xiyuan Lu (Hong Kong)
This is the first record on the law ..... several hundred years than the West but also the morning or the legal circles today ........ must see classic ........
17. Bloody Monday / BLOODY MONDAY (Japanese TV drama series)
huh .......... This is about the hackers to the theme .......... ........ very powerful actors are good ... . The most important points are sprouting ....(*^__^*) hee hee ... ...
18. Kim Tian Yigeng Assistant Series (Japanese TV drama series)
Kindaichi ............. a story of his grandfather's story is very good but the pace is too slow pitiful ............
19. kill things official people (Japanese TV drama series)
the Edo period was too. . . Who can look like warriors. . . .

20. Life reboot (Japanese TV drama series)
life choices on the subject .......... there are many choices in life makes you a different ending to one day ........ but when you get to the final. .... God gives you a chance to choose ..... What would you choose?
21.33 分钟 Detective (Japanese TV drama series)
detection will have to wait every 33 minutes it? I feel a bit silly ........
22. Left eye Detective EYE (Japanese TV drama series)
a set of very short to feel just the beginning ...... .... although in fact his brother to his younger brother is the left eye transplant experiments, he said , perhaps you will understand, only to stay alive in the criminal organizations can protect the younger brother of it. Bird's left eye can see is his crime deliberately to his bar, he deliberately created to protect his weapons,ugg ブーツ, he can not tell him everything above board, why they think this trick, he's not a bad the scientist?
23. Togakushi killings Legend (Japanese TV drama series)
the detective is a uncle. . . Pace a bit slow. . . But the story also. . .
24. Japanese horror fairy Five Steps
huh ~~(*^__^*) hee hee ... ...
25. Untouchable (Japanese TV drama series)
like Nakama Yukie can look oh. . . The story is well done. . . In fact, prisoners are going round in circles around their own people the most pro-ah. . . . . .
26. Junior Interpol (Japanese TV drama series)
There Meng
this point. . What so and so: to protect your life,UGG オーストラリア! This declaration makes YY Do not be so broad daylight, say it out loud is good. . . . Like to see ambiguous. . However, the Japanese TV drama love this routine. . . Finally, the ultimate forces of the largest black pro-BOSS or around most people. . . .
27. Nightmare Detective (Japanese TV drama series)
this relatively bloody. . . Oh,ugg ムートンブーツ, a little science fiction. . . And the screen to do, quite dark. . Female pig made a speech to do too. . . The whole process is like a robot face expressionless. . . I would like to see turn table. . The shrimp did not come out second male pig YY I do to benefit the people. . . . Pity pity. . .
28. Detective Galileo (Japanese TV drama series)
I think this pig is too god. . . Is not a person can do. . . . Overweening individualism and heroic like a genius for a story. . . . Click on it it. . . . .
29.AA Detective Agency (Japanese TV drama series)
first and then wait for the next accounting for a bit on the introduction. . . . . . .
30. Triangle Behind (Japanese TV drama series)
Ibid. . . . . . . . . . . .
31. fans (Japanese TV drama series)
Ibid. . . . . . . .
32. female Interpol Water Ji (Japanese TV drama series)
Ibid. . . .
33. Fifth Detective Agency (Japanese TV drama series)
Ibid. . . . .
34. Rampo R (Japanese TV drama series)
like the mystery of the Japanese people should know. . . . Edogawa Rampo. . . Not seen. . First placeholder. . .
35. Old Rensan Lang (Japanese TV drama series)
The uncle was too. . . Jin Tian Yigeng contemporaneous with the right help. . . Yeah the slow pace. . . The shrimp did not remake it? Clearly says the story is very good. . . . Plus a strong musical background for a little more young and more than okay. .
36. Old Youth Chronicles (Japanese TV drama series)
is the younger version of friends. . . . . This looks okay. . . However, only one set for the shrimp it? Pity. . . Found a rare pig's said that Meng. . . . .
37. Lost / LOST (Europe)
about a bunch of people living on a desert island after a plane crash, there have been killed. . . . The biggest mystery is beginning on a desert island with other people there. . . . I gradually began to find his killer may be close and highlighted the danger of so and so. . . Compiled a very compact music story quite startling is that too much to do a season. . . X's. . . I have not looked to see half. . . Patient ambitious brothers on dancing. . .
38. Magic brake / Monster (European and American animation)
This is the animation of a most elusive psychological. . . Screen is very bright and very sunny, but see people are creeps. . . Also midnight series. . . Week on a set. . . X's. . . I do not know too much pain to recover. . .
39. Rose Hill (Europe and America.. the Internet do not know what the name of the turn. can not find 。。。)
to about Murderer's. . This can only be said to be terrorist drama. . . . Look at the Pearl midnight serial drama. . . Set a Monday. . However, half stopped broadcasting. . Horrible. . . . Also three-shift of the street at midnight. . . . Radio is too fierce,UGG ブーツ 格安, right. . .
40. Supernatural people (in Europe and America.. I do not know the name of the Internet is not turning 。。)
Pearl midnight series. . . Clean up around the two brothers about the devil. . . The mother is a witch two brothers came. . Oh, the modern drama. . . I am Meng two brothers. . . (*^__^*) Hee hee. . .
41. trap (Japanese TV drama series)
this drama series was a problem. . . But to say it and do not know what to say. . . Anyway, it is strange. . Very baffling. . . But a bit funny. . . . . .
42. Without a Trace (Europe and America.. I do not know the name of the Internet is not turning 。。。)
looking for. . They find it. . . Series. . . Multiple stories. . . Nice. . .
43. Millennium Pupil (Europe and America.. I do not know the name of the Internet is not turning 。。)
Khan. . . . Confused with the Cold Case. . .
44. Identification Action Group (Europe and America.. I do not know the name of the Internet is not turning 。。)
and CSI departments the same subject matter. . . . Is science is a knowledge-based. . Worth a visit. . Similarly out of the N quarter. . . However, the basic one set to a story. . . Do not chase so painful. . .
45. Assurance of New York (Europe and America.. I do not know the name of the Internet is not turning 。。)
above subject matter. . . . Anyway, it is different parts of the story. . . . Ting will pumping writer. . . A shot of the three subjects. . . Three different places. . . Three teams of different staff. . . Too much. . . .
46. Ling call Pupil (Europe and America.. I do not know the name of the Internet is not turning 。。)
secretive people like supernatural look. . .
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