Al4C3 dispersion strengthened aluminum
,, Al's (1】 0) (107) and (012) diffraction peak of the three new and enhanced transport. Will increase 3% aluminum powder mixed with graphite powder after grinding units 96h, the heat treatment of aggregate income, measured after cooling microhardness of untreated 107,100 Li for the 119,
Christian Louboutin femmes,600 Can be seen in the lo0 ℃ heat treatment conditions have not yet started to change for the AhC C dispersion strengthening phase, and by the 10 No. 4 sources such as the Player: Al3 '429 dispersion strengthened aluminum particles in the grinding hardening was answered. Therefore, the hardness in the heat treatment temperature decreased, due to an increasing number of C into AC dispersion strengthening particles. Therefore, hardness increased. When the heat when the temperature exceeds 4o0 ℃. Al matrix of small grains start growing, so that the hardness decreased again, Figure 2 shows the tensile strength of materials increases with increasing dispersed phase, when the amount of carbon added to 5%, the strength up to 620MPa, and elongation but in the opposite direction of change teenager Al +3% C premixed powder in vibration ball mill grinding 48h, cold pressing into a cylindrical green body. 0 ℃ heat treatment and then arsenic 3h,
GHD Deutschland, the last in 500; extruded bar material to examine the thermal stability at high temperatures, long heard its heat treatment, and then compare changes in the hardness can be seen from the loop 3 out. Heat treatment at 550 ~ C after 30h and 120h small decrease in hardness, while the higher the hardness decreases the amount of carbon added the smaller the mechanical properties of materials at high temperature stability of F is due to his strong particle dispersion A1 at high temperature determined by the stability of F . 3 Conclusions 1. Carbon particles by ball milling aluminum body of the bow 1, after treatment 6o0 ℃ 3h. All the carbon can be transformed into A13 phase dispersion strengthened materials obtained by hot extrusion of high strength and hardness and has good high temperature stability 2. Powder by ball milling recovery rate can reach 98% to take into account strength, while elongation decreased, so the adding amount of carbon (by weight) should not exceed 5 ‰. References SehmidEDRP, I926, 425451trmannRTechnischeRundsehau. 1949,4 IcI36ZeerlederAZeitschriftrMetalkunde, I950, 4I (B): 228ZeerlederAZeitschrJft Ke rMetalkunde, I955,
christian louboutin france, 46 (II】 1809JanggGAluminium, I975, 5IflO) 641JanggGInternationalJournalofPowderMetallurgy. 1977.1k24DISPERSIONSTRENGTHENEDAI-Al4C3METERIALSMINJiayuanZHOUBenlian (Inst ~ uteofMetalResearch, ChineseAcademyofSciem, es) G. Jangg (TechnischeUniversitStWlen, Vienna) ABSTRACTDispersionstrengthenedAl_A14C3materialswer epreparedbyusingthereactionmiHingtechnique. Thepropertiesofthesematerialsaledeterminedbybothth econtentofdispersoidandalsotheproductionparamenter s. Theoptimumrangeof6. arb ~ ncontentis2 ~ 5% Excellenttensilestrength (620MPa) andhardness, especiallygoodthermalstabifitycanbeachievedKEYWORD SaluminumreactionmiHingAhC3compositeCorrespondent: MINJiayuantInstituteofMetalResearchChineseAcademyo fS ~ ences
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