西装敞开穿 内搭有看头
西装可以与裤搭,与裙搭,但是往往最叫人头疼的不是下装的组合,而是和西装一起先入为主的内搭服装。敞开穿 着的西装让整体的严肃古板消失,配合如今众多休闲细节的加入,
1,海军风格的装扮带来一丝清爽感觉:深蓝色的宽肩小西装搭配黑白条的T恤,海军风格的装扮带来一丝清爽感 觉,
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3,白色西装是百搭的款式,可内搭带有闪亮元素的T恤:或者选择带有闪亮元素的T恤,让人眼前一 亮,
ghd hair straighteners。下身可搭配五分休闲免裆裤,
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4,细条纹画面感缭乱,可搭配明黄色的西装:细条纹的画面感更为缭乱,可搭配明黄色的西装,给人眼球的刺激 ,
5,白色西装是百搭的款式,内搭同色T恤当然最为保险:白色西装是百搭的款式,内搭同色T恤当然 最为保险,
ghd straighteners,镂空的图案散发更多女人味。下身可搭配深蓝色制服裤,并点缀白色腰带以过渡。
Ghd IV Styler Technical Features:
Unique digital technology: Improved temperature control for even better styling, feel more confident with ghd Styler 4.
Shiver mode: Internal condensation can damage stylers. So when the room temperature is below 8deg.C, your
ghd styler will shut down to protect itself until the temperature rises again.
Create the Goddess styles for yourself with ghd mark 4 styler and be as well groomed as you are well versed. You also can even curl with it. Do whatever you want with this handy styler. You can choose the new 2010 pink ghd, ghd color collection, precious ghd, purple ghd, pure or dark limited edition, or black, hot pink,
ghd hair straightener, kiss pink, gold, even or the "rare" which comes in a leopard print case.