How to Drive a Golf Ball
There is nothing more beautiful to a golfer than a high flying drive that travels over 250 yards and splits the fairway. Power and accuracy are the key to good tee shots but how do you hit them long and straight consistently? Driving a golf ball begins with the proper grip, ball position and stance.
The first change you will probably need to make to achieve greater distance is to adjust your grip. The longest hitters have very strong grips which mean that their lower hand is more dominant in the swing. For lefthanders this means turning your left hand clockwise so that two to three knuckles are visible as your look down. Grip strength is determined not by how tight you hold the club but whether your dominant hand is turned more to the right or the left. For lefties a strong grip has the left hand covering more of the right hand while a weaker grip does not. A strong grip will promote a draw which will carry father and then will roll more once it releases because of the top spin it encourages.
Ball position is another big factor that will determine your distance off the tee. You want to get the ball up in the air quickly,, so with the driver the best place to position the ball is just inside your front foot. For lefthanders this means lining up the ball with the heel of your right foot. For tee shots you will also want to tee the ball up high for the longest possible drives.
The other big factor which will determine distance and direction off the tee is your golf stance. Much of your power comes from your legs so you need to set a solid foundation for your swing. Your feet should be a little more than shoulder width apart and slightly open to encourage a wide body turn. Lefthanders need to make sure that their front foot is facing out; think of a clock and point the big toe of your right foot at 1 o clock. Since you are setting up to draw the ball from left to right,¬e=89697, remember to aim your shot left of your target.
For more information,, go to,, where you will find great deals on equipment and accessories. Video instructional lessons and DVD's from a master like Jack Nicklaus and David Leadbetter who will show you a simple correct and proper way of developing a powerful golf swing. There are more written articles on all the aspects of the game. An e book covering issues related to the beginner golfer. We cover subjects such as How to drive the ball? How to play a shot on an uphill or downhill lie? How to play long bunker shots and greenside bunker shots? How to practice with purpose? Each week a new article is written to cover these and other topics that l know is of interest to all golfers especially those who are just starting on their new adventure.
Good Golfing
Golf for Left
About The Author
Warren Breakwell at Golf for Left