this file is for server side OpenVPN configuration Change her to Servers static IP remote Which port should the client listen on? port 32345 TCP-client or UDP? proto udp dev tun will create a routed IP tunnel, dev tap will create an ethernet tunnel. dev tun wich device ip local-remote? ifconfig SSL/TLS parms. See the server config file for more description. ca cert key we want compression on. comp-lzo Uncomment this section for a more reliable detection when a system loses its connection. For example, dial-ups or laptops that travel to other locations. ping 15 ping-restart 45 ping-timer-rem persist-tun persist-key ein bischen logging darfs schon sein 0 - - quiet except for fatal errors. 1 - - mostly quiet, but display non-fatal network errors. 3 - - medium output, good for normal operation. 9 - - verbose, good for troubleshooting verb 3 In SSL/TLS key exchange, Office will assume server role and Home will assume client role. save the file
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