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Old 06-19-2011, 11:13 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default Hai Ming cry when the cat loose EP6.5 ancient town

Would like to dedicate this story I love her.


If there is anything I hate the taste, then it is the taste of the airport - no, not so much hate the taste of the airport, the airport might as well say that hate this place. Because of their work, I always have to often in this place - my commission from the local people will not let my imagination has never disappointed.

talking about why do you hate the airport, perhaps it is only one reason. There are always people here do not intersect each other, sit with a flight today, tomorrow it may appear in person on the other side, and the Japanese have always reserved the good habit of letting everyone on board with this face each other dumb speak. Although I tend to withdrawn and quiet personality, but sadly I do not like this strange environment - could not come, and who says a word, and even change facial expressions seem to be outside more than a waste.
Xiang Maren

have the urge.


Ah, ah, what kind of rude man listened to the tone of the skin it must be scratching their heads - in their eyes, but we women are a symbol of gentle and demure. Under normal circumstances, around her boyfriend should be able at this time a wry smile, and then in their own little comfort Side by wildcat back chair it.

I'm sorry, I did not such treatment.

a detective when the three years, it seems that only the case and I am fortunate, and never have any so-called Love and I have something to do. I never go to the pursuit of those things - because,Nike Shox, I would have seen through the curse of Sisyphus that the general idle tricks of the ... ... has that time, not as several mystery novels to read more interesting.

helpless, I had sat back in my chair in vain.

The passenger side and I should be the same flight, seeing his face anger,new era hats, carrying little luggage desk is red headed, seem to want to discuss a delay of flights argument. Good, so that side will corpuscles - and when the man next to the phone, will not stop spraying saliva.

baggage dragging behind him the heavy sound of the earth, I knew that he wanted to sit down and rest.

can, that remark that made me a familiar tone to allow him to sit down and completely out of ideas.

I take back what I said before, then at the airport, it seems, and they have to find the intersection of people - but he and I set the intersection is empty.


reluctantly,DC Hats, I was right Nueliao Nue body, out of courtesy to the left of the position makes out to him.

sat down, he relieved sigh, and then close your eyes and keep from God.

cool down the atmosphere.

may be the afternoon of the relationship, it could be the people to prepare for jet lag after a journey, in short terminal at this time became very quiet, and occasionally still hear the faint coming around the seat snoring.

... ah ... ah ... ... more hate here. This lack of means have been fatal had I felt so uncomfortable, and now just happens at this time, met him in this place ... ... if can hear of God, I should not have to smoke his two ears.

witch will kill boredom.

This is, indeed, that is not false. Needless to say witch, even an ordinary human would be that silly crazy.

ignore him, I have pulled out from the carry bag folding board and pieces.


stands to reason that a head full of logic and reasoning of the detective, would not believe in magic, witchcraft and the like things. However, at this moment, I was living in a rose garden named gold world of magic. Do not say anything else, but to see the garden bloom like the sun that will never fade gold roses, there is no need to go suspect that there really such thing as magic.

rose gold with dazzling contrast, is that the dark purple sky and the white marble tea kiosk. Literally, this is the magic of the world.

However, no stranger to me all this, because I've been here several times - I have created this world has always been a magical world of the numerous one. I especially like it here, because this is the only let my heart calm down impetuous place.

Why do I have magic and can create the world?

answer is simple, because I was witch ah.

I, on behalf of a real witch,monster hats, the ancient household Yi Lika.

include the name, can enjoy it all we still need more than 6 years ago thanks to a miracle happened, yes, that is, 6 years ago that the island in June Xuan experience.

Well, now think of it, was going through some of the details have been almost forgotten - just remember, a symbol of the miracle Belem Castelnuovo exposed 芙蕾德莉卡 witch witch will be the name of the real together with the endless number magic gave me, then I will become one of her entourage, and her battle with the right on behalf of the Palace of the game to begin a witch war reasoning these things - as a witch, just remember these things, really ashamed.

However, it does not matter.

my character has always been less welcoming people into my world to, especially here, here is my favorite place.

But today it welcomed its first guests - my invitation to come.

not willing to ... ... ... ...

magic world, where everything happens, and the real world are not related to or have an impact. Of course, in addition to shared memory, where we are and the reality of our consciousness is almost completely cut off, and we do here what side we will not know. most have only a little on the subconscious can ignore the impact.

Oh cruel, rules I'll be willing to express their opinions with me and told you.

I turned away, toward the garden in another direction.

forward with the pace, the road becomes wider foot - I took him to a piece of open space surrounded by the golden rose.

golden butterfly magically emerge from the flowers, elegant dancing, slowly, gathered together, turned into a gold-colored foam, molded two human form.

faded gold, the two original appearance is revealed.

It is also used to see the scene before, but there is no way, because the game only to find a notary public and the judges to do them both - Who they are the twin demons of love it.

turned round to go, for he said,


angle line,


The joke may be totally boring.

Gold Garden

, the real world we do not have any life-threatening. most, only loser can no longer appear here after it.

two demons laugh, beautiful hands waved in the air a bit. Immediately in front of me and he emerged in the gold-colored butterflies flying, and then the butterfly will bunch up, melting into the body, the hands of both of us fell.

thing, we have different views and perspectives, and according to their possession of all the idea to fight with each other, until they have persuaded the other side - that is shot through with each other in the heart of this, the game will be a winner . During this period, we need to think of the evidence and reasons into the bullet, use this gun to shoot. bullet divided into two types: red and blue bullets, bullets. red represents the red bullets Founder fact, not only suspicion of the true and false, absolute truth; blue represents the blue bullets sharp the fact that the clues based on their own given the facts could be established. blue bullets are generally used for offensive use, and then the red bullet held in their own defense when the full facts of all the correct targeted attacks, but sometimes the red bullets can also be used to make the final blow - the kind of bullets, blood-red phase interleaved red and bright scenes look good, but oh - - It seems the winner. How, general understanding of it?

Insurance guns opened it, have a tone of voice a little more subtle changes.

quiet rose garden, a gust of wind swept golden sea instantaneous natural sounded natural sound of the waves in dense vegetation.

wind blowing back together, there was the memory of dust for several years - do not want to think of the second memory.

then, to be the wind to do, all returns to quiet.

You really want me, let me sleep quietly now ... ... '.''away from me! '... ...

a long time before they stopped.

return to calm my voice, no facial expressions are not written in my face.

common sense, but today, I am particularly passenger side as the game allows you to use this sovereign right. So please, do not you Liu Houshou use it. Do not turn on the water, that's the biggest insult to me. I want to say is the ammunition I can almost blue, because, without the use of red Founder fact alone I will be able to fully defeat the blue bullets you!

I looked toward the two demons, indicating the game can begin.

two demons with each other a look, start, said:

joking like two demons exposed smile, together, said: one wonders, will bring endless suffering. obsessed with love, all the fleeting illusion; despair in love,Cheap Air Max Shox, all dreams last night hurt. all true, only know how to love can only glimpse. a symbol of magic and nothing to link the past with the future love duel, now!

down sound with the devil, the golden butterflies flying around all of a sudden crushing moment, turned into a powder, flakes from the sky.

I do not have the leisure to enjoy this wonderful start to the ceremony, and only kept thinking about the attack in the heart of the routine again - because I bet this is the real name of the game witch, I can not lose.

absolutely not!

So subtle. careful, it is possible, the first bullet will kill you! Fear me, first bullet!

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Old 06-19-2011, 11:55 PM   #2
Second Lieutenant
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 404
rwwewttiw66 is on a distinguished road

“尊敬的李彦宏先生,听闻您在百度技术创新大会上提出的‘框计算’理论,很受振奋 。我们是一群来自不同高校的博士生,但都对于互联网技术有着共同的爱好,为了进一步研究‘框计 算’的理论和应用,我们自发成立了‘框计算’高校科研小组,通过这一 个多月的研究,也总结了一些想法和建议,希望能与您一起探讨。”
  近日,来自北京大学、天津大学、北航等多所知名大学的10位博士向百度董事长兼CEO李彦宏发出了一封 联名信。信中,博士们对百度提出的“框计算”平台表示了极大的兴趣,同时自发成立科研小组深入 研讨该理论 英文SEO,并在信中提出了针对“框计算”的五点建议,希望能够有机会和李彦宏进行更深入的交流,信的最后他们提出希 望能有机会进入百度博士后工作站,专门从事“框计算”方面的研究,参与并见证互联网产业进入智能的框计算时 代。
  写联名信的想法源自天津大学计算机系的博士研究生高珊,“最早是在网上看到百度提出的‘框 计算’概念。它所涉及的技术领域实际上非常宽泛,既包括了需求分析、人机交互,又涉及应用接口 、后台实现等多个方面,它和我们好几位同学的研究领域都有所交叉。之前大家更多地专注各自方向来深入研究, 从来没考虑过将所有这些工作纳入一个整体来规划 SEO。而且过去像这样的技术,通常被西方企业所垄断,百度能够掌握这方面的核心技术,非常了不起。所以&lsq uo;框计算’一提出来,大家都很兴奋,我们和其他兄弟高校一起自发成立了一个‘ 框计算’高校科研小组,做了很多研究分析,也非常希望能有机会加入百度博士后工作站,希望自己 的研究成果能够对‘框计算’未来应用真正起到促进作用。”
  据了解,2009百度技术创新大会上 外贸SEO,百度提出的全新“框计算”理论 沈阳SEO,已经引起了业界的极大反响。大会当天有超过3000名嘉宾来到会议现场,逾200家中外媒体进行了现场报 道。之后一周内,国内众多主流媒体都对这一新理论进行了深入报道;各大门户网站不仅将“框计算”理论作为业 界头条新闻来跟踪发布,还纷纷设置相关话题吸引网友参与讨论。
  此外,“框计算”也吸引了海外媒体的热切关注,日本TV Tokyo人气节目World Business Satellite,以李彦宏演讲的现场画面作开篇,高调报道了“框计算”理论。此前李彦宏在斯坦福大学演 讲时,“框计算”也受到了斯坦福学子和专家教授的极大关注。而此次10位博士生联名致信李彦宏深入讨论“框 计算”,也反映出国内高校科研机构对行业领先技术越来越关注,以及高校科研机构对技术成果产业 化的重视。
  有业内专家指出,百度提出的“框计算”,革命性地完善了中国互联网科学的理论体系,它所包含的各种创新 技术,将推动整个IT产业的技术进步,在中国经济飞速发展的宏观背景下,这一科学理念将引领中国信息产业在 自主创新的道路上取得突破性进展,“这对于推动‘中国制造’向‘中国 创造’转型是至关重要的”。
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