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Old 06-20-2011, 01:47 AM   #1
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Default 第八十章:宏大的误解

  『喂,有事快说。』一看来电显示是柳清轩打来的,许晨枫不免感到有些烦,最近一段时间不知道是怎么回事 ,总感觉只要自己一脱离柳清轩的视线,立即就会被柳清轩猛打电话过来问在哪里,像是追日剧一样 踊跃。
  『你瞎跑到哪去了!拿了别人的日记本也不还,那言硕都追到教室来了!』柳清轩在电话里略带 郁闷地说道。
  『呃……』经柳清轩这么一说,许晨枫才想起明天将来记本这事,摸了摸腹部,那本日记本还揣 在衣服里。
  『你再敢提对于我日记的任何一个字尝尝!』只有是关联到柳清轩的那今日记的事,就像是根刺一样,随时都 能刺激柳清轩的神经。
  瞎话说,许晨枫当初也是随意瞎说的,谁知道柳清轩还真是有写日记,事后想想还真有点懊悔当时要骗柳清轩 说是偷看了她的日记,还延长出了不少麻烦。
  (真的假的!这么巧!?)正当许晨枫心里惊讶不已的时候,柳清轩突然愤愤地冲许晨枫喊道『嫌我嘴动得多 是吧!那我着手不动口好了!』
  根原来不迭反映,Diorbelts,柳清轩挥起一拳就狠狠地打在了许晨枫身上。一阵剧痛也随之而来,疼得许晨枫忙捂着肚子撤退了 好几步。
  『只是多少天不揍你罢了,你就变得不习惯了是吧!』柳清轩一边怒气渐涨,一边挽起衣袖就朝 许晨枫迫近。
  『嗯!?』许晨枫像是突然意识到了什么,脸上露着惊讶之色,忙对着柳清轩大叫了一声『等等 !』
  『少空话!揍你还要等吗!你当是等你要签名啊!要不要排队!?』柳清轩可不论许晨枫说什么,看到许晨枫 的手正捂在腹部处,二话不说就直接揍了一拳上去!
  就在柳清轩的拳头击中许晨枫的那一瞬间,许晨枫脸上的表情很是庞杂,像是有些啼笑皆非,又像是惊讶不已 。
  『你……你怎么不早说啊!』柳清轩略带抱怨之意地小声说道『我怎么知道你身上就放着那本日 记啊!』
  『打一拳日记本就已经半残了,你居然又补一拳!这日记本真是被你两拳给废了。』许晨枫手里捏着言硕的那 本已经变得又皱又残的日记,脸上尽是阴森之色。
  『应当……没多大影响吧?只是外观上有点……特殊,内容还在就能够了嘛。』柳清轩一边忐忑地说道,一边 还不忘给自己编借口『日记重视的是内在,外在只是浮云而已。』
  白了柳清轩一眼,许晨枫把日记本往柳清轩面前一递,面无表情地说道『那这日记你拿去还吧! 』
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  『什么怎么办!谁让你乱打的!』许晨枫愁闷地说道,gucci sunglass
  『你也有义务的吧!我怎么知道肚子里会有个货色啊!』柳清轩没说几句,很做作地就恢复了以往的态度,对 着许晨枫反驳道。
  当许晨枫和柳清轩在剧烈地探讨着日记本的事怎么处置的时候,正巧被一个同系的男生碰劲听到 了。
  『什么!?清轩有孩子了!?』当听到这个惊人的新闻的时候,叶明宇是惊讶万分,直接就从椅子上摔了下来 ,除了极度的悲愤之外,就差当场吐血了。
  『今天不是愚人节吧?你开玩笑可要留神点,不是什么玩笑都能开的,很轻易闹出人命的!』木飞将信将疑地 看了看那个听到了许晨枫和柳清轩谈话的男生,皱着眉问道。
  『你从哪听来的!别胡说!』叶明宇猛地从地上跳了起来,揪着那学生的衣领,极为冲动地问道 。
  『我可是亲耳听到他们两个说的!』男生把当时所听到的内容反复了一遍之后,在场的人都刹那间目瞪口呆了 。
  『许晨枫……』叶明宇恨之入骨地喃喃自语道『居然敢占清轩的便宜,shirt armani!我必定要让你知道站女神廉价的重大成果!』
  『孩子都整出来了,还不够详细吗!你们还想要多具体!』叶明宇既悲愤,又欲哭无泪的表情,让身边的子浩 ,木飞等兄弟都汗颜起来。
  看了一眼教室里还不是许多人,叶明宇很是伤感地对着子浩等人小声说道『这件事谁都不准传出去,要是让我 知道是谁说漏了嘴的话,就算是多年的兄弟,我也不会给体面!』
  一看叶明宇脸上的表情匆匆黑了下来,木飞叹了口气,立刻不留余地地在脚下静静地踢了子浩一 脚。
  『清轩……』底本有着良多问题想问柳清轩,但一到柳清轩眼前,叶明宇却一时光不晓得该怎么 启齿了。
  『那个……』叶明宇突然感觉到,现在想和柳清轩说的事,比要告白还难,眼睛都不知道放哪才好,越看柳清 轩就越觉得心里好受。
  『有话直说,咱们从小学开始就意识了,还有什么话不好意思说的!』柳清轩倒是很直来直往地 说道。
  『那个……』叶明宇像是在心里做着激烈的思维奋斗一样,憋了半天,终于一咬牙,开口问道『那个……那个 许晨枫哪去了!』
  『啊?』心想叶明宇和许晨枫都不熟,怎么会突然问起许晨枫,柳清轩很是不解地反诘道『我怎么知道是他哪 !你突然找他干嘛?』
  『重大的事情?』柳清轩倒是没多想,还真是当真地思考了起来(最近要是算得上是重大的事情的话,那应该 就是体重有稍微的回升趋势!)
  突然间猛拍了一下桌子,大家都被叶明宇的异样举措给吓了一跳,包含柳清轩在内,大家都用一种惊奇的表情 看着叶明宇。
  『许晨枫!你个混八蛋!我要灭了你这个男人中的败类!』叶明宇愤愤地骂了一句,威风凛凛地 冲出了教室。
  『情况不妙!追!』刘漠最先叫了一声,猛地从地位上跳了起来,和子浩还有木飞随着叶明宇就 要冲出教室。
  就在子浩等人刚冲到教室门口的时候,一道气势如虹的声音顿时追了上来『统统给我站住!到底 怎么回事!』
  能有如斯惊人的气概,在中文系里,非柳清轩莫属。瞬间的一吼,立刻就能让见过了上至泼妇,下至蛮横女生 的子浩三人不敢再多跑一步。
  在柳清轩强盛的淫威之下,子浩等三人很快就以石头剪刀布的方法,快捷地选出了木飞作为说明 的代表。
  『谁说我怀孕了!哪个那么嘴欠的!敢拿我来辟谣!』柳清轩愤慨不已地双手叉着腰,一副要吃人的样子容貌 ,放生大喊道『哪个混蛋蛋诬蔑我的!给我站出来!!』
  『因为……因为我担忧有人又要抢你的日记,所以把日记本放在一个很保险的处所了!』许晨枫情急之下也想 不出什么完善的借口,也只能骗一下算一下了。
  『喂喂喂!我可是帮了你啊!你连声谢谢都没有啊!忒不礼貌了吧!』许晨枫脑子一转,心想编不出借口,罗 唆就转移话题好了。
  『呃……负疚,是由于那日记对我来说真的很主要。』言硕有些不好心思地说着,破刻就很有诚意地向着许晨 枫道了谢,还说是要请许晨枫吃顿饭作为报答。
  『事情是这样的!』许晨枫揣摩了一番,不苟言笑地说道『因为把你的日记本放在一个安全的地方,而那个地 方平安得有点过了头,我一时之间也拿不到那日记,所以我想改天才干把日记还你。』
  『叶明宇?』许晨枫有些疑惑不解,顿了顿,柳清轩在电话里就是听到了这样的一段声音『有啊!他正在朝我 ……冲过来,他的表情似乎有点怪,好像是……哇!』
  叶明宇一开始发明了许晨枫之后,就像发了疯一样的公牛一样,冲着许晨枫猛冲了从前,全身的怒意都凝集在 了两个拳头之上。
  『喂!叶明宇,你干嘛!?』不知道产生了什么事的许晨枫,一看叶明宇突然要打自己,疾速地就后撤了几步 ,既惊讶又怀疑地问道。
  『干嘛!?干的就是你!你这个败类!』叶明宇可没心境解释,火暴地冲着许晨枫猛挥着拳头,时不断还踹上 几脚。
  可能是因为许晨枫极不配合的关系,打了那么多下居然一下都没打中许晨枫,叶明宇更是气愤难消,更是发狂 地猛挥着拳头。
  听到叶明宇说这句话的时候,许晨枫突然皱了皱眉,并一脸严正地沉声说道『既然你这么说…… 』
  像是感觉出了许晨枫是要迎战的立场了,叶明宇突然止住了拳头,站在那和许晨枫对视着,并做好了和许晨枫 一决输赢的筹备。
  『既然你话都说到这个份上了……』许晨枫的眼光中突然闪现一道异样的光,一咬牙,对着正壁垒森严的叶明 宇说道『那我不是男的行了吧!』
  『啊!?』没想到许晨枫居然会这样回答,叶明宇感觉自己是被鄙弃了,又开始更是气愤地冲着许晨枫猛扑猛 打,许晨枫感觉真是莫名其妙,除了躲闪之外,根本就没去和叶明宇打的理由。
  合法叶明宇跟许晨枫在忙着一攻一退的时候,一双细白的手忽然从许晨枫身后伸了出来,一把抱 住了许晨枫。
  『住手!你们都别打了!』转头一看,抱住本人的人竟然是柳清轩,而许晨枫的惊奇之处并不仅是这里。就在 柳清轩抱住许晨枫的那一霎时,叶明宇的拳头也迎了上来。
  『靠!你这个是成心的吧!』看着柳清轩任然在那喊着“别打了,你们别打了”,基本就不像是来劝架的,许 晨枫郁闷之极。
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Old 06-20-2011, 01:48 AM   #2
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2125680 2010 年 09 月 28 日 21:18 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (5) Category: Personal Diary
In fact, people always laugh, really need people hurt -
there are always some people who seem very happy all day,pandora charm, laughing and joking, no worries, like a child, they will say is my greatest pleasure to play, I like to play, I will play what when many people on their faces always smiling, a lot of people will envy them, but this is where they are most sad,pandora uk, they do not want to let others see their sad side, but can not afford to be left alone, because when the dead of night when a man he did not know what will happen, bit by bit through meditation sitting in the window -

No one knows
read them, I kept thinking sadly looks like they will shed a happy look of sadness, and then himself said to himself: in fact nothing, destiny! So they forced themselves laughing all day long in order to avoid that ordinary people can not bear the pain! -
they seemingly very strong, because people think they can smile, what to face, but in fact they are long with the hearts of the world's most vulnerable, but long-term camouflage makes them difficult to find someone deep inside Office of the trauma. They are actually very lonely, though to see them when they were in with a group of people chatting, it is because they simply can not afford a person's torture! -
they just want the simple, happy to live and look forward and believe that each person is true to smile, want to be around people who are really like themselves. Even a little advice to others, they will be another sad for a long time, they really, really care, they do not mind being like. Because people think they are always a lot of other people is always better than their own; the people can enjoy good as well, more like people than like their own. -
they always do, but also sad tears before the second, after the second time in front of friends, has his face always be brilliant smile. Some people say that they are sunflowers, yes, the people they care about is like the sun, in the face of the sun is always brightly when the petals, the sun never shone on the back, hidden so well that sad, do not want to be seen. -
They yearn for freedom
indulgent life, but who must be very hard for the other direction toward the living, very tired, but still a willingly. Away from their dreams become more and more away, never had to face the competition and complexity of thought, fear, loss. Only the face of the most dependent on the person, will remove the armor, aggrieved tears, a small vent to the feelings, the secretly erase the tears, like a child made a mistake,pandora sale, you admit to the innocent, to ensure that the next time do not the case. In fact, they really do not know what went wrong. Only know that you are not happy because one more to him. For fear of being abandoned. They are more afraid of discovery for the world, they are superfluous. -
their hearts, laughter is happy, crying is a sad, close is like, stay away from that annoying. But it is not, they understand, a good heart injury, no hold back tears. After crying, laughing and was wiped away tears and said, okay, I can do well. -
They seem to do anything, as always there will be no trouble, if any problems can be easily solved, always like people who like to appear in tears in front, smiling teasing smile. In the face of their own problems, they loss flawless face of their grief, they will hide in the corner that people can not see the wound more slowly by the larger crack. -
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really, -
they have never hurt a little bit overwhelmed. -
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If there is such a day,pandora online, you, really, but accidentally, into their hearts and see the past did not see, feel their feelings, your heart will be sad. -
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