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Old 06-20-2011, 09:33 AM   #1
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Default Sac Louis Vuitton Collection Sai|louis vuitton han

马丁毁容前与米歇尔在一起时的资料照片。 马丁在阿富汗战场被烧得面目全非,这丝毫没有动摇女友米歇尔对他的一片痴情。图/东方IC
  英国士兵马丁在阿富汗战场遭遇塔利班武装伏击,虽保住性命却全身严重烧伤、面目全非。不过,这丝毫没有 动摇女友米歇尔对他的一片痴情。英国《每日邮报》2月28日以日记形式讲述现年25岁的马丁抱得美人归的爱 情历程。




  我坐在装甲车里,一名塔利班武装人员向这边窥视,我看到他手中的手榴弹。他越来越近,我却只能在毁坏的 车内坐以待毙。烈火硝烟四处弥漫。机枪塔已损坏掉入车里,后门不见了,底座也没了,其他士兵都已死去。我能 做的只有祈祷。

  那名塔利班人员用发射器瞄准我,射出一枚手榴弹。手榴弹伴随一股浓烟向我袭来,击中“斯巴达人”(装甲 车)。熊熊烈火把我整个吞噬。

  米歇尔日记 2006年8月1日


  我正在做头发,包里手机发出振动,马丁的父亲罗布打来电话:“米歇尔,出事了,马丁身负重 伤。”

  我赶到罗布住处,一名已在那里的军官说:“3名士兵在伏击中身亡,马丁严重烧伤。”“我什么时候能见到 他?”我问道。我心中只有一个念头:马上见到我的男友。


  米歇尔日记 2006年8月2日


  这一时刻终于在晚间11时30分来到。医生让我穿上专用服装探视马丁,louis vuitton handbags。戴面罩时,我的手不停颤抖,心几乎跳出来,血液也快涌出来。

  一切像慢镜头一般:我推开门,在一团密密麻麻的导管和医疗仪器中,我看到马丁。他从头到脚缠着绷带,一 根金属棍穿过他的大腿,只有脸露在外面。他的脸异常肿大,两颊发黑干裂,眼睛微微张开,鼻子处有两个洞,眉 毛烧焦,耳朵已经不在,脖子上有一条深深的伤痕。我几乎尖叫出来。



  米歇尔日记 2006年8月29日


  这个8月是我人生中最痛苦的时期,Canada Goose,我希望月底能得到一点好消息。今晚,希望实现了。医生拿掉人工呼吸器,看你能否自行呼吸。看到你胸部起伏 ,我知道,你成功了。



  马丁日记 2006年9月 地点:布鲁姆菲尔德医院

  我环顾病房,看到米歇尔在墙壁上挂满照片。每张照片中,家人和朋友都冲我微笑着。墙上还有利姆港的照片 ,我们原本打算几年后在那里结婚。可是现在,米歇尔还愿意和我结婚吗?

  当我听到她的声音时,恐惧立刻消失。她告诉我,她爱我。我做出决定,一定要和她携手走入教堂。我不知道 该怎么做,但为此我将不惜生命。我要做最好的新郎、最好的丈夫。


  米歇尔日记 2008年6月12日


  这是一段艰难的旅程。很快,我将站在我的爱人身边,Sac Louis Vuitton Collection Sai。这个男人曾说要与我携手走入教堂,虽然许多人怀疑他能否再度站立。现在,他就在台阶上等着我 。

  他身穿礼服、头戴黑色头巾,看起来那么帅。他冲我笑着,我心跳加速。这时,我突然感到裙子变重了。“爸 爸,你踩到我的裙子了。”我说道。

  爸爸领着我从嘉宾中间走过,把我的手递给马丁――我将与之共度一生的人。我望着他的眼睛,简直不敢相信 我竟如此幸运。

  马丁日记 2008年6月12日


  我和两名伴郎站在那里,紧张得要命。忽然,我听见嘉宾们惊呼“哇噻”“天呐”,米歇尔出现了。我简直站 不稳了,胃里不断翻腾。

  音乐响起,那个对我来说意味着全世界的女人向我走来。我心头一紧,眼泪涌出来。是的,我履行承诺,和她 携手进入教堂。这个重要时刻,我太过兴奋,居然忘了誓词。


  据新华社专电记者 张旌
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Old 06-20-2011, 09:36 AM   #2
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 929
m1knv5dj5dg is on a distinguished road

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136271 2007 年 09 月 07 日 11:25 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (4) Category: Personal Diary
This I leave you the first day, you bought a big box of beer, sat alone in the big banyan tree that we used to go a drunk. Wang Yang wait to find you, you have get up again, you saying my name, crying, begging me not to leave you. But some things have to come back. You do not know, I was standing after the banyan tree,coach outlet, quietly watching, I wanted to run in the past hold you,If this is not love - Qzone log, and you stop drinking, may - I can not.
since I left you, you live what kind of life, ah, on behalf of rice wine every day, do not read, the dormitory and not returning to always go to our meeting place. Is so I can back to you yet? Do not be silly, the world is very much a good girl, why you just found me? Yu Na Civic next class members do not very like you? She looks beautiful and has understanding, caring for and you are into caring. Do not you forget that sick days are there for you who feed you take medicine to eat. Good hurt her, forget me. I'm not coming back to you, please do not blame me heartless.
you have half a year away, a smile on your face or not. You forget the past, I most like to see you smile, you laugh when the sun is so so cool. But now it? A smile, Yu Na is on your side it, how people say are a girl, she points more than it hurts. In fact, you fly a kite in the distance when I looked at you. You put the kite Lao Gao Lao Gao, suddenly, the line broke, and you stare at the falling kites gradually, depression, and climb up your eyes. I know me you must be thinking about again now, like my first kite-flying scene, like I always fly kites because God, angry freak scene, want to hug you into my arms, pointed at me call me small stupid scenarios. Do not think, my dear, passed to let it go, let it go to waste those good memories.

1 29 is your birthday. Your buddy you off to a Party, that is to celebrate the celebration. In fact, I know, they want you to forget me. Finger-guessing game with you together singing, laughing while condemning higher than a while. Finally, you drunk. You went to the side of the Your buddies are you scared, who did not cry out. Birthday every year with you all I'll ever, I remember last year I even made you a belt, I said to you forever tied to me, want to be your bride. You were beautiful and straight giggle. To my dear, I'm sorry, I do not keep their promises, I violated our mutual promise. But some things had happened, how we love each other even before, something that is so cruel.
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Finally, you love the company of a girl you had to show it. It's so exciting to do ah. When you hesitate for a moment before agreeing to her, I laughed, but my heart why you hurt? I am not a good girl, I was too selfish.
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So, dear, forgot me. To love your wife, today I am no longer watching you, and heaven are beckoning me, I gotta go, never to leave you. I went around you, want to kiss your forehead when you print, your wife calling you out. You this way, through my body, to your wife. But I've been very satisfied to embrace it as a.
love, I'm gone, I will be in heaven watching you!
I love you! Hope we can together next life!

enthusiastic person to back yourself, I would not say how those who curse Replies not like it, I just hope that after seeing the people that moved Bangding and let everyone know that the world has such love.
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