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NEW! Interview: Mohammad Abbas talks about his role as head of your new Library Department of your Iraqi Council of Associates,
Windows 7 Home Premium Product Key, the nations parliament in Baghdad. Distinctive interview with U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. Interview with Judith Krug, 1995. Interview: Andrew Pace Explains Why OCLC’s “Quick Start” Is a Sea Change. An April 24 conversation with American Libraries Editor in Chief Leonard Kniffel on OCLC's foray into web-scale management. Read This Now: ALA’s Award-winners Represent the Best for Library Collections.The chairs of many of ALA's book and media award committees discuss their selections. Includes a complete review of RUSA's Outstanding Reference Sources. Stimulate Your Library: How libraries can benefit from the 2009 stimulus bill. Login is no longer required to view the current issue or archives on the internet. First-time viewers need to install the ebrary reader. (Firefox 3 users: Note this workaround needed.) AL Inside Scoop,
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