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Old 08-01-2011, 12:54 PM   #1
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衣着:尽量穿浅色的衣服,如黄色或白色。由于深色衣服轻易被叮咬,如深蓝色、棕色或玄色。 还要勤洗澡,洗澡可减少人体分泌的汗味,蚊虫也不容易叮咬。 平时在孩子衣领、袖口等处喷洒花露水,也可以预防蚊虫叮咬。
  留神室内干净卫生,按期扫除,不留卫生死角;开窗透风时不要忘却用纱窗做屏障,避免各种蚊虫飞入;在暖 气罩、卫生间角落等房间逝世角定期喷洒杀蚊虫的药剂,注意通风。
  夏季可以给孩子的小床配上一盏透气性较好的蚊帐;或插上电蚊香,注意蚊香不要离太近;还可以在孩子身上 涂抹适量驱蚊剂;睡觉前洗澡时滴上适量花露水,使皮肤上留有花露水的滋味,对驱散蚊虫有一定功 能。
  可以在外出前全身涂抹适量驱蚊用品,这种药品普通有膏状、液体和喷雾式三种剂型出卖,其主要有效成分是 避蚊胺,对驱逐蚊子有较好的效果;
  露营时一定要筹备蚊帐,并用各种驱蚊器,须要通电的用具在外出前确保带够电池或充分电;尽量避免在草丛 中穿行。
  正常性的虫咬皮炎的处理主要是止痒,可外涂虫咬水、复方炉甘石洗剂,也可用市售的止痒清凉油等外涂药物 。
  2. 消炎
  对症状较重或有沾染的患儿,可内服抗生素消炎,同时及时清洗并消毒被叮咬的部分,适量涂抹红霉素软膏等 。
  3. 防抓挠
  家长要监视孩子洗手,剪短指甲,严防小儿搔抓叮咬处,以防止继发感染。如发明宝宝有高热、呕吐,甚至惊 厥等症状时,应及时就诊。
  医生提醒:在使用驱蚊用品,特别是直接接触皮肤的防蚊剂、膏油等时,要注意察看是否有过敏景象,有过敏 史的宝宝更应注意。平凡可
  被蜜蜂蜇到的皮肤上会呈现红色肿块,有剧烈的疼痛感。而且肿块的核心地位往往有凸起的黑刺 ,mbt m walk black
  用大拇指的指甲或是质地较硬的卡片轻刮皮肤,把刺去掉。千万不要用手指或镊子去捏刺,否则会把更多的毒 液挤入皮肤。刺拔出后,用肥皂或清水清洗孩子受伤的地方,然后用凉毛巾户或冰袋敷在肿起的皮肤上,减轻疼痛 。
  蜜蜂通常不会自动攻打。要告知孩子,不要用手模蜜蜂,看到有蜜蜂飞来的时候,临时把孩子转 移抱开。
  尽量不要抓挠叮过的部位,否则抓破皮肤会感染。用肥皂水或清水清洗叮咬的部位,擦干后用一些薄荷膏,或 用凉毛巾冷敷一会,可以减轻痛痒感觉并消肿。
  白天带孩子外出时,尽量不去有水草多的地方。到了傍晚出去漫步时,涂上防蚊液,再带一把扇子,减少蚊子 的袭击。
  把冰袋放在被咬处所,冷敷半小时,能够减轻疼痛感。冰袋每非常钟换一次,而后涂上卢甘石液,有消毒止痒 的作用。
  叮咬后会留下红色印记,有肿块并伴有激烈的痛苦悲伤感,并伴有充斥液体的水疱,发红,并由 刺痛的感到。
  用肥皂或净水荡涤受伤的地方,mbt shoes website,然后敷上冰袋。尽量去病院就医。
  孩子一旦被猫、狗等宠物抓伤,家长就要紧迫处置伤口,不仅要止血、止痛,最主要的是防止孩子感染狂犬病 毒。父母可以本人先给孩子清洗伤口。详细步骤是,挤出伤口里的血,用肥皂水重复冲刷伤处,再用清水冲清洁, 然后涂抹碘酒。不要包扎伤口,裸露即可。重对伤口初步处理之后,家长要即时带孩子去医院医治,打针狂犬疫苗 。
  5.可以外涂炉甘石洗剂,可以消炎止痒。炉甘石洗剂是一种儿童用外用药。重要治疗儿童湿疹,对因蚊虫叮 咬引起的强烈过敏或化脓,也可以起到消炎清算创面的作用。
  7.浴液中加维生素B维生素B所披发出的特别气味,到达驱蚊防虫效果。将3�5片维生素B放在水中溶解 ,用卫生棉球蘸其溶液擦拭暴露在外的肢体,可以在两天内起到驱除蚊虫叮咬的作用。
  8.可以买儿童专用的花露水跟金水,最好是不含酒精的(含酒精的花露水倒至碗底部,用火点可焚烧,对肌 肤有必定影响)。
  10.被叮咬的地方可以用清凉油涂抹,天天多涂抹几回,消肿和解痒特殊奏效。注意眼睛和鼻子邻近不必, 防止刺激
挂蚊帐是为宝宝驱蚊的首选办法。可能有人感到挂蚊帐老土,早已把蚊帐搁置起来或罗唆抛弃。请赶快改变观点, 去买一副新的蚊帐,它可是凑合蚊子的宝贝啊。
宝宝的皮肤及呼吸体系都很柔嫩,而且接收才能较强,加之新陈代谢较快,所以对宝宝而言最好的方式是物理防蚊 。蚊帐保险、无毒,mbt moto gore tex shoe,不仅防蚊后果好,蚊帐内小小的空间也会给宝宝一种平安感,宝宝偶然也爱好待在里面看外面的朦 胧世界。
另外,在蚊子肆虐前一定要在家中装置密闭性好的纱门纱窗,并做到顺手关好纱门、合好纱窗,防止蚊虫进入室内 。
蚊子不喜欢的气味是柑皮、薄荷、茴香、丁香、薰衣草、尤加利、香茅、案树、天竺葵、罗勒、百里香等。有经验 的妈妈会奇妙天时用这些“天敌”,使蚊子不敢靠近宝宝。如把橘子皮、柳橙皮晾干后包在丝袜中放在墙角,散发 出来的气味既防蚊又清新了空气;宝宝沐浴时,在浴盆滴几滴花露水或精油,想找网球教练的进-haoyanfei的博客-焦点博客,不仅使宝宝感到清新,也能驱蚊,但要注意使用不能适量,以免刺激宝宝娇嫩的皮肤;把天竺葵精油(4滴)滴 于杏仁油(10毫升)中,混杂平均,涂抹于孩子四肢部,也可以往脸上少涂一些,孩子外出或睡觉时可防蚊子叮 咬;买一盏香薰炉,滴几滴薰衣草或尤加利精油,房子里顿时会清爽起来,“嗡嗡”的声音会登时消失。但香味保 持的时间一般只有1-3个小时,妈妈要控制好时间。
蚊香驱蚊是人们常用的方法。蚊香的主要成分是杀虫剂,通常是除虫菊酯类,其毒性较小。但有些蚊香选用有机氯 农药、有机磷农药、氨基甲酸酯类农药等,这类蚊香虽然加大了驱蚊作用,但毒性绝对大得多。另外 ,mbt denim 【点睛】仰仗洋品牌标注超高价的现象层出不穷,蚊香的烟雾会使宝宝觉得不舒畅,即便是无烟类的蚊香也未免有烟雾。个别情形下,因为婴幼儿的呼吸系统还不 发育完美,皮肤的吸收能力强,所以房间内不宜用蚊香。
电蚊香的原理是将杀虫剂吸入纸片中,应用热气蒸发出除虫菊精。固然除虫菊精的毒性较小,比拟安全,但电蚊香 对微生物究竟有较强的杀伤性,所以有婴幼儿的家庭尽量不用为好。假如婴儿房间应用电蚊香,尽量放在通风良好 的地方,并不要长时光利用。

1.浴液中加维生素B1 维生素B1所散发出的特殊气味,
2.搬一棵夜来香 “夜来香”花在夏日阳光下吸收足够的热
量后,夜晚降临时开释出大批的香气,mbt shoes on sale in uk。笔者在屡次深夜乘凉后发
现,无论室内或室外,只有身旁有颗“夜来香”,mbt marketing oregon 《网球王子》局部学院校服~~,就不会就蚊虫
香味(与各种蚊香比拟天然而幽香),又驱蚊虫,mbt shoes wiki
在蚊虫运动较多的地方,给暴露部位涂驱蚊剂。如果被蚊虫叮咬后,症状会连续一段时间,可以在局部伤处擦点万 精油等,以减轻瘙痒,避免搔抓皮肤,免得继发感染。
1、肥皂涂抹止痒。蚊虫叮咬时,在蚊子的口器中分泌出一种有机酸―――蚁酸,这种物资可引起肌肉酸痒。肥皂 含高等脂肪酸的钠盐,这种脂肪酸的钠盐水解后显碱性,可敏捷打消痛痒。
3、洗衣粉去痒。用清水冲洗被咬处,不要擦干,然后用一个湿手指头蘸一点洗衣粉涂于被咬处,可立刻止痒且红 肿很快消逝,待红肿消散后可用清水将洗衣粉冲掉。
5、用切成片的大蒜在被蚊虫叮咬处反复擦一分钟,有显明的止痛去痒消炎作用,即使被咬处已成大包或发炎溃烂 ,均可用大蒜擦,一般12时后即可消炎去肿,溃烂的伤口24小时后可痊愈。皮肤过敏者应慎用。
6、氯霉素眼药水止痒。被蚊虫叮咬后,可马上涂搽1至2滴氯霉素眼药水,即可止痛止痒。因为氯霉素眼药水有 消炎作用,蚊虫叮咬后己被抠破有轻度感染发炎者,涂搽后还可消炎。
7、白胡椒20克,捣碎浸泡在60度白酒100克中,将容器密封置于阳光下曝晒3―7天,即可搽蚊虫叮咬处 ,每天1―2次,可镇痛,止痒,消肿。
10、雄黄10克,大蒜(独头蒜或紫皮蒜)10头去皮,浸泡在60度纯白酒200克内,待10天左右,即可 搽蚊虫叮咬处,每天1―2次,可解毒、镇痛、止痒、消肿。
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Old 08-01-2011, 01:12 PM   #2
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Reprinted from 274821280 at 16:43 on October 10, 2010 Read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
1, pine nuts, corn
2, spicy shrimp
3, old jars chicken feet
4, pickled loach
5, farm fish
6, spicy broth
7, since the cured salted
8, glutinous rice, bacon roll
9, coconut ball loose soft
10, ribs taste mouth fragrant
11, salt and pepper pork ribs
pine corn (illustration)

success for

necessary ingredients:

a bowl of sweet corn, pine nuts a little bowls, pepper (small) one carrot (small) one, shallot one.

Seasoning: salt, half tsp.


1, the pepper, carrot, green onion cut all of the small size of corn kernels.

2, first of all pine nuts off the oil. This step to be more careful! ! Because Song Rente easy to paste! ! ! !

oil pan until the oil temperature 3 into the heat, put pine nuts into the pot, to keep a small fire, eyes wide open, while stirring and as soon as look at white pine nuts a little bit color, it is necessary to quickly remove and drain. Thus, use of residual heat, pine nuts can Zhashu, Krusty the change.

I was good with fried before the pine nuts, so there is no process map, and this step is too tight can not attend to take photographs.

3, the other from a pot, add base oil, while under the green onion and carrots stir-fried, stir, add peppers, fragrant, stir fry a few, you can add sweet corn kernels stir fry, and to cooked, add a half teaspoon of salt, dish pan.

fried corn!

4, to prepare a good pine nuts, pour into dish, mix well, to be open to eat)

Intimate Tip:

1, peppers, carrots, here is mainly from the role of color, pick a smaller one so basically it.

2, this dish though they do not add a little sugar, but sweet corn kernels and pine nuts of the reason, basically sweet flavor. But the plus half the normal cooking with salt or even 1 / 3, you can make this dish taste more fresh.

3, the reason why the pine nut mix in the final disk, you can better maintain its crispy taste spicy shrimp (Photos)

number of sea shrimp, back to open side.

main ingredient chili, pepper and some ginger, garlic slices, onion shredded pepper foam a few, have a piece of foam ginger slices.

pot into the oil, remember to little more than usual amount of meat dishes as fried oil and more oil to double it big fire hot, pour in shrimp.

fry for a while, add dried chili peppers and pepper, stir fry, heat the oil to taste the spicy and the Commission are

a spicy and hemp taste, add ginger and garlic slices, pickled, hot ginger (do not put onions first)

Stir ginger and garlic flavor, add soy sauce, white sugar right amount, a little wine when going to pot, add onion, stir add salt.

a clean wok.

old jar of chicken legs (Figure)

remember a few years ago my mother came to Shenzhen, my home for dinner, served a look at Han did not put a white sauce of the chicken feet, and my heart whispered straight, like a white water boiled chicken feet, it dipped spices, spices can be found it was not any bowl, clip a bite, ah, how so refreshing, her mother said with a smile, is to use old pickle jars, blisters, ah! No wonder it this good, I like it, my mother see me so like, they often do, the fridge, I love watching TV while eating, really happy days ah ... ... ...

approach: Wash chicken legs, release the water pot no more than ten minutes, using chopsticks can penetrate the can, and picked up a cold water, put crisper, the scoop into the old jars of kimchi in water, swamp chicken legs, by the way fishing for a few pickled pepper, celery slices and then cut a hot point, after two hours in the fridge you can eat.

Note: Do not cook chicken legs a long time, gum out, and on into the skin froze.

burning two winter oyster (Figure)

raw materials: 50 grams of mushrooms (dry), bamboo shoots 150 grams.

accessories: 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, onion amount, 1 tsp soy sauce, salt, sugar, MSG, water, starch, sesame oil the right amount.


1. dried mushrooms clean, bubble, change the knife into the 2,3 per block, the water soaked mushrooms retained.

2. bamboo shoots, cut hob, boiled, remove and control water.

3. oil hot, add mushrooms and bamboo shoots, onion, burst bit, add oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, and a little bubble of water mushroom, a small fire to braise for 5 minutes.

4. soup is fragrant, the water thickening starch hook thin, Drizzle sesame oil, stir well then.


characteristics of mushrooms is a prime, fresh, fragrant, but some people do not like the aroma of mushrooms, but it is that Hong to bamboo shoots aftertaste. Note that with savory and sweet, we do to try it .....

Pickle Loach (graphic)

Starring play!

Loach (water raised to the first two days of the abdomen, the water a few drops of oil). Pickle, wild salamanders, fermented glutinous rice, ginger and garlic.


1, Pickle salamanders mince ginger and garlic,

2, put the oil pan saute the material 1

3, stir-fry the next moment Loach

4, pour a little hot water salamanders, cooking wine

5, put fermented glutinous rice

burning four or five minutes after the season, not long-burning, loach easily rotten, I burn for a little more.

loach fresh, Pickle Sauvignon, typical Sichuan dishes, said to have beauty beauty (what is now the United States should add beauty?)

then introduce a practice of the kids or the elderly, tofu, soy milk Loach

oil heat, after a little ginger and garlic until fragrant oil Under the loach fry, mixed with soy milk, tofu, cooked, add to boiling. Physical fitness for children and frail elderly people.

farm fish (graphic)

condiments are as follows:

shallot, ginger, garlic, parsley, Pixian watercress, mustard, pepper, Pickle, pickled ginger if we can make it more perfect, and Oh, the flavor of broiled fish, especially farmers,mbt lami, in the absence of more than pickled ginger, and soak in the flavor.


first fried fish, a lot of people are afraid of this link, because it is easy to be thrown into the hot oil, let the fish stick pan, fry skin broken out, in fact, as long as the preparation well, they would not have happened, the first fish to be hanging about after a good washing water vapor, and then fish with kitchen paper to drain the water

another pan fried fish must be washed, dried before firing into the pot, let cool a little flame, the use of ginger rub the pan and let the pot with a layer of ginger, then pour the oil fire, oil hot,mbt trainers, the fire reduced, not too large, this time down to the fish, slowly fried on it.

other fish fry to golden brown on both sides, you can serve.

they going to pot another oil, pepper, hot ginger, pickled, mustard, stir Pixian soybean paste pot, and then under the soy sauce, vinegar, rice wine, adjust seasoning of sugar water under the fish stew, the next onion and garlic.

so quickly dries up when the next juice parsley, pot!

success! It looks good!

spicy broth (Figure)

Chongqing, the pig intestine called broth, greasy sound, there are many practices, such as stewed, stew , dry stir and so on, which I think to the number of and spicy pepper taste delicious, but also remove the smell of the large intestine, eating up a Ma and spicy, very tasty, eat a bowl every time ~ ~ ~

talk about practice By the way I approach the large intestine to wash, wash it very clean!


1, pig intestine 500g

2, dried chilli 100g (adjust according to personal taste)

3, pepper 20g (based on personal appropriate adjustments to taste)

4, ginger, garlic little

5, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, sugar, chicken amount


1, will be bought pig intestine wash;

By the way, the method of cleaning the large intestine: large intestine will be bought back into some flour into the pot to the (slightly more put a little) and salt,cheap mbt shoes, a bottle of beer, rub back and forth, until the dirt on the large intestine into the tank after the wash, rinse with flowing water for the large intestine, large intestine on the flour until the clean up. Then turn on the water to the pot and put it into the large intestine wash, then add cooking wine, ginger (purpose is to remove the smell of the large intestine) boil (that is, the meaning of flying water), remove the large intestine;

2, re-turn on the water pot, add ginger wine, and then put the large intestine, such as pot, cook the colon and cut small pieces of soft cold standby (Figure 1);

3, dried pepper from cut into two sections of the middle cut, add pepper spare (Figure 2);

4, the pot of oil until the oil temperature into the colon six hot, put some salt,mbt shoes uk, turn the fire slowly The stir-dry moisture to dry and then drained some oil colorectal Sheng out of standby (Figure 3,4);

5, the ginger and garlic pieces into the pan just duplicating the incense into the ready pepper and pepper, stir fry over medium heat until peppers turn a little into the previous color after dishing out the colon continue to stir fry for a moment, into the cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, chicken stir fry for a while and then continued to pepper into the dark red after a transfer to a plate off Huosheng (Figure 5,6)!

from pickled salted egg (Photos)

First, choose coarse salt (fine salt also, if not coarse salt well)

boiling salt water, according to quantity of water to your eggs, the weight, until the salt is saturated so far (salt is no longer soluble in water), or line.

brine cool to be put eggs (duck eggs also, personal favorite) If you love to eat Zhang eye (that is, out of the salted egg yolk salted black, protein is white) can be a hot salt water to lay eggs, then dip pickled fifteen days, do not flip the egg.

this is a half months after my salty pickled eggs, take the food, the salt water can still go on to pickled eggs came alive again.

we look at it, a lot of egg yolk oil Oh, my yellow egg yolk, egg yolk if you want red salt water in the cooking with a red tea when boiled with salt, egg yolk will red, and like to eat salted egg try!

bacon rice paper (Photos)

open blisters rice,mbt uk, more than an hour after the release of steam steam inside the pot for 15-20 minutes

cut bacon onions, and lettuce, lettuce must maintain the integrity of

the lettuce a little hot, hot soft

fried bacon, put the steamed glutinous rice,mbt sale, soy sauce chicken with raw salt (a little) cooking wine, stir, add onions out

pan fry it!

take half a slice of cooked lettuce leaves, a good amount of fried rice

wrapped like

steamed about 3,4 minutes

soft coconut loose ball (Diagram )


butter 100 grams, 130 grams powdered sugar (I use only 90 grams, enough for flavor), milk 40 grams , egg yolk 80 grams, 20 grams of milk powder, coconut 270 grams.


1, butter, powdered sugar together and mix;

2, Gradually add egg yolk, mix well;

3, Gradually add milk, stir well;

4, add coconut, milk powder and mix well (my pot is relatively small, so I also add in the points.)

to knead small group Banhao coconut pellets (the whole production process on a number of this step is the most accurate, and good oil well sticky yo, only tolerance, Coconut relatively loose group, using disposable gloves or plastic bags not to do), the small pellets be placed in the baking dish into the preheated oven. Up and down the fire of 120 degrees (I feel a little low, the temperature may be below standard household oven, so I used 140 degrees) baked to golden brown like the small pellets, and I spent 35 more minutes!

delicious yo, taste soft, full flavor! Authentic material from the household, meaning to eat than before, stronger and more profitable! Difference is obvious.

done such a box less than I expected, but also can eat for days!

mouth fragrant taste of ribs (Photos)

cola ribs

material: 600 grams of pork ribs, 2 cans of Coke , ginger, onion, star anise, soy sauce, salt.


1. Wash and cut the ribs inch shape, and then fly water retention;

2. with peanut oil saute ginger (3), then add pork stir-fried;

3. and then a good fried pork ribs into the cooker, add a small amount of star anise and soy sauce, salt, cola;

4. with the fire burning to the sauce like, when you put a small amount of onion stage.

steamed pork ribs with garlic plum

materials: 600 grams of pork row, ginger, green onion, garlic, corn starch, Plum 5, pepper, sugar, rice wine.


1. Wash the ribs Zhancheng small drain the water retention;

2. add the right amount of salt, rice wine, pepper and marinate for 15 minutes, Black Plum with the clutch a little bit to cut, add sugar, garlic mix well sugar dissolves, pour ribs, add the dry starch and then mix;

3. the ribs tile in the plate on the water to boil, put the steaming over high heat 8 to 10 minutes until cooked;

4. and serve sprinkled point when the green onion, 1 tablespoon hot oil can be poured.

salt and pepper ribs

materials: 750 grams of pork ribs, onion, ginger, red pepper at the end, the end of green pepper, 2 eggs, black pepper, MSG , Hua Diao wine, salt and pepper.


1. the pig-shaped ribs, cut into small pieces (5 cm) washed, and ribs with a cloth to dry the water retention;

2. and then for curing, salt, black pepper, MSG, Hua Diao wine, ginger marinated for 15 minutes;

3. the oil in the firing process, the main ingredient prepared an egg batter, stir it with a small spoon uniform;

4. the marinated pork ribs evenly coated in egg batter into the boiling oil, deep fry golden shortening picked up on the plate;

5. Jia Ruqie good red Law at the end, light blue end of green pepper at the end and after an appropriate amount of salt and pepper saute slightly and evenly sprinkled on the ribs, then this dish even do a good job.

● steamed pork ribs at home when there is no steamer is available if the bowl instead of directly into the pot of water mixed, half flooded to the bowl can be high. When steamed or else add a little water to the pot when, so that the water has boiled away. Remember to add boiling water, or hot and cold, bowls easy to explode.

● Salt and pepper pork ribs with a layer of custard outside, so the pot, the pot of sauce will thicken immediately, this time to stop to prevent the stick fry pan. Juice must be received dried, when the bottom of the pot are basically oil, between the ribs in the ribs will pull a separate thread of sugar, the juice collected almost the same. Confiscated juice will seriously affect the finished product dry luster and texture.
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