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Old 08-01-2011, 09:40 PM   #1
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Thumbs up Northern Ontario fire evacuees could return soon

Beginning of Story Content Thousands of evacuees forced from their homes due to the threat of forest fires burning through northwestern Ontario could be returning home soon, according to provincial government officials. Deputy Minister of Community Safety Ian Davidson said Sunday the province was working on a plan to bring some 3,000 residents back to their communities and reunite families that began to <a href="http://www.trading666.com/others-t1-29.html"><strong>cheap marlboro red cigarettes online </strong></a> flee the fires in late June. "That will be based on personal safety and developing a plan with individual First Nations, but we're working on that right now," Davidson said. He did not give a timetable for the return but said "it could happen relatively quickly." Asked about the situation, Premier Dalton McGuinty said "the fire does appear at this point in time to be less threatening than in past days." "We're working now to take care of families that have been displaced, and when it's safe to do so we'll help them get back home," McGuinty said. 3,591 people evacuated Rescue operations for areas threatened by the northwestern Ontario wildfires have successfully transported 3,591 people to safe and temporary lodgings, the Ministry of Natural Resources said Sunday. As of Saturday morning 111 forest fires were reported <a href="http://www.trading666.com/others-brand-cigarettes-f2-66.html"><strong>wholesale marlboro lights cigarettes online </strong></a> to be burning in northern Ontario. (Frank Gunn/Canadian Press) No further evacuations are planned as more than 2,000 firefighters continue trying to control 118 active fires that have spread across a burning region nearly the size of Prince Edward Island. The communities of Cat Lake First Nation, Keewaywin First Nation, Koocheching First Nation and Sandy Lake First Nation have been fully evacuated and hosted by other communities for the time being. Another seven first nations communities have been partially evacuated. About 550 evacuees were due to arrive in Smiths Falls, about 75 kilometres south of Ottawa, from Deer Lake First Nation, <a href="http://www.trading666.com/rayban-sunglasses-rayban-AAA-sunglasses-f2-49-c3-66.html"><strong>cheap rayban sunglasses for sale </strong></a> near the Manitoba border. The empty Rideau Regional Centre building, which is slated to become a senior's residence, has the capacity to hold 2,500 people. 'Too smoky' Annie Meekis and her two children were among the evacuees who have made a temporary home at the centre after an exhausting two weeks. The family has been out of their homes since July 8. "We got evacuated. It's the second time," Meekis said, adding she wants to return home, but the community is covered in a haze that obscures the far shore of the lake. "My babies are two and three. They didn't like it, too. They always wanted to go outside, but it's too smoky." An Emergency Medical Assistance Team with staff and equipment has been dispatched to Geraldton in Greenstone, Ont., from Thunder Bay to provide relief for evacuees in the area. The Canadian Red Cross is also on hand to help residents locate family members and loved ones. More than 500,000 hectares of forest are on fire, but the forecast of cooler temperatures and a sprinkling <a href="http://www.htzh.net/view.php?id=129908"><strong>Cheap AAA Quality Coach Replica Designer Wallets On Sale Vintage ...</strong></a> of rain has been a note of optimism by providing favourable conditions to battle the blazes. With files from The Canadian Press End of Story Content Back to accessibility links
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Old 08-01-2011, 09:42 PM   #2
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  孙道权的家在离重庆不到三个小时的四川泸州市护国镇,看到了警察听到了熟悉的乡音又说起了这十五年的遭 遇孙道权唏嘘不已。孙道权的丈夫腿有残疾靠在当地一所学校不多的薪水养着一家五口人,而孙道权也因为身体原 因没办法干农活,眼看着日子越过越难于是两口子商量去浙江投奔亲戚打工挣些钱把病治好了,在家人的反对声中 当时的小两口还是踏上了去浙江的路,Ken Griffey Sneakers,那一年他们的儿子还不到八岁。路上小两口还在憧憬着打工挣钱后的美好日子谁知道命运和他们开了个玩笑。没 钱买票的他们只好边走边想办法,也不知道走了多远饥饿加上一路的奔波劳累孙道权再也走不动了,这时出现了一 个改变孙道权一家命运的人。
  在重庆警方的帮助下孙道权踏上了回家的路,那一天正好是六月一日国际儿童节,孙道权说十五年前离开家后 就再也没见过儿子,Griffey Sneakers,更没有陪儿子过过什么节日,一转眼儿子已经从少年长成了青年,今年应该有二十三岁了,做母亲的心里特别愧 对于他,那一天孙道权早早地起来了她把仅有的几件衣裳叠了叠,嘴里还不停的念叨着儿子长大了不知道还认不认 我这个妈,当然送给父母的礼物也早早都准备好了。

  村里家家户户都一天天的富了起来盖起了高楼,只有自己家里还是那个家徒四壁的小房子。孙道权对丈夫的怨 恨一点点积累着夫妻的关系也出现了裂痕。最终孙道权不堪苦闷的生活丈夫的打骂逃离了浙江,孙道权走后没几天 正赶上传统的端午节,按照浙江的习俗是一家人团聚团圆高兴的日子,邢贤平父女俩却怎么也高兴不起来,蒸了两 个粽子没吃两口就放下了。邢贤平说孙道权不在了,自己和女儿还要生活下去。邢贤平和女儿还盼着孙道权回来他 们说有很多话想对孙道权说。

  2011年5月30日重庆的天灰蒙蒙的,张阳是江北区的一名交巡警,这一天他像往常一样巡查着一名女子 引起了他的注意。孙道权说十五年前她去浙江打工,在车站与丈夫失散后遇到了一个姓邢的男子,对方以招工为由 将她骗到一个叫嵊州的地方,十五年来她一直被监禁在家中,最终靠积攒的两百元钱逃到了重庆。
  不光是家人关心孙道权的父老乡亲都有这样的一个疑问,这十五年期间孙道权到底生活在一个什么样的环境, 难道十五年里头一点逃离的机会都没有吗?如果有机会她为什么又要等到十五年之后的今天。带着这样的疑问记者 也去了一趟孙道权被拐的浙江嵊州的家中,嵊州市位于浙江绍兴是我国第一批经济开放市“书圣”王羲之因爱慕此 地中山水而晚年隐居于此,这里还是我国传统戏剧越剧的发源地,是闻名海内外的中国越剧之乡,而孙道权十五年 来的遭遇就发生在这里。由于案情复杂时间跨度久,我们首先来到了嵊州市公安局了解情况。孙道权说她是被一个 叫邢贤平的人带走并监禁十五年的,那么这个邢贤平很可能就涉嫌非法拘禁等罪名,但是浙江警方在了解了情况之 后却又有了诸多疑问。

  按孙道权的说法她是因为不堪忍受家庭暴力而逃离的,而邢贤平的说法却不是这样,他说家里人对孙道权都非 常的好,而且家里的钱也交由孙道权管理,况且还有了一个十几岁的女儿,她是没有理由逃离的,那么到底发生了 什么让孙道权选择离开。


  回到家乡的孙道权却说什么也不愿再回浙江了,她一直都沉浸在与父母儿子团聚的欢乐中。即便是跟乡亲们聊 天也要拉着儿子在身边。偶尔孙道权也会想起浙江嵊州的家想到那个只有十五岁的女儿。孙道权说回来以后邢贤平 还一直在给她打电话,但是回到家人身边的她似乎再也不像以前那样惧怕了,以前的事情她不想再去追究了只要邢 贤平能把女儿好好抚养长大就行了。

  这就是邢贤平孙道权嵊州的丈夫无业靠打打散工过日子,他告诉记者孙道权是在撒谎,自己没有监禁虐待她。 知道了我们的来意邢贤平显得很是激动,从他的口中我们听到了另外一个版本的十五年,在这十五年里夫妻虽然偶 尔也会吵架,那也是正常的拌嘴,他自己也不明白为什么孙道权就这样毫无征兆地离开了。在有了女儿之后的这十 几年里按照邢贤平的说法孙道权一直没有提出过四川那边还有个家。
  回家的路对于孙道权来说无疑是艰辛漫长的,这条路她整整走了十五年,这一天她整整等了十五年,与此同时 孙道权的家人也在镇上焦急的等待着。十几年里孙道权的母亲常常就这样站在村头凝望着远处期盼着有一天自己的 女儿能回来。终于看到日思夜想的儿子,Ken Griffey Shoes,儿子的表现让孙道权心里的石头落了地。得知妻子回来的消息远在广东的丈夫立即赶回了四川,并且在孙道权回 家的第二天见到了失散多年的她丈夫说这十五年里一直生活在弄丢妻子的愧疚中,天天都在想孙道权是否还活在这 个世界上有没有受苦。
  女儿的一场车祸让孙道权的精神一下子崩溃了,十多年的异乡生活孙道权的心里并不轻松,一方面要照顾这边 的一家老小,另一面还要牵挂着四川的儿子,在医院陪伴女儿的那几天孙道权整夜整夜的哭,Griffey Shoes,或许是女儿的车祸让她想起了那个远在四川的儿子,孙道权伤心之中做出了一个决定要把十多年的秘密告诉女儿 ,自己在四川还有一个家在那边还有一个儿子。

  这个小伙子不知道是出于什么原因在载完了孙道权之后并没有回来再去搭载孙道权的丈夫,于是就从那一刻起 夫妻天各一方失去了联系,这一别就是十五年。1996年的4月28日是孙道权终生难忘的日子,一个自称邢某 的男子把她骗回了农村的老家从那时起她就成了邢某的媳妇。孙道权说在这十五年里她没有过过一天舒心的日子, 同时也没有一天不思念着四川的儿子,只要一想到儿子孙道权的心里就如同刀割,十五年的思念终于让她有一天踏 上了回家的路。
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  重庆警方得知孙道权被拐的情况后非常重视,一方面为她安排了住宿特意安排了一名女民警陪着她,另一方面 迅速的和浙江警方取得了联系沟通情况。与此同时重庆警方得知孙道权家庭状况困难决定送她和家人团聚,回家乡 的头一天晚上对于孙道权来说无疑是最难熬的一天晚上,她拉着民警的手聊了一晚她说她心里很担心很激动也很害 怕。


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