* BHP halts iron ore operations after fatality
* Port Hedland Authority says port still open for otherusers
* BHP cannot say when its operations will resume
* Traders say incident could support iron ore prices (Adds trader
jimmy choo red , analyst comment, details)
By James Regan
jimmy choo red , July 7 (Reuters) - Global miner BHP Billiton has suspended port and rail operations at thePort Hedland iron ore terminal in Western Australia after afatal incident
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The port, one of the world's largest for exporting iron ore
jimmy choo red ,remained open for business to other users, which includeFortescue Metals Group and Atlas Iron
jimmy choo red , aspokeswoman for the Port Hedland Port Authority said.
BHP Billiton, which ships more than 150 million tonnes ofiron ore annually from Port Hedland and is the biggest customerof the public facility, said operations would be halted untilfurther notice.
"The onsite emergency team has been activated and externalemergency services including police are attending the scene,"BHP Billiton said in a statement. Continued...