Students International Marketing Strategy papers custom: How to Reduce Grey Markets
How to Reduce Grey MarketsMKTM 018 International Marketing StrategyContents1. Introduction and Background32. How to use the 4ps to reduce grey market43. On behalf of the students to write papers How to use use grey markets' emerging97. Conclusion118. References121. Introduction and BackgroundAs the world is highly globalized at present, markets and marketing are getting ever more international. So managers and marketing specialist have to formulate the adaptive market strategy to international markets. So when formulating the market programme managers and organizations should is more internationally thinking? Without question, Globalization brings the markets many benefits, but because the different pricing strategy used in different areas there occurred grey markets, ie the buying and selling of bonds prior to the primary value date (Michael Simmons, 2002). This essay is written to discuss how to resist grey marketing by seeking into the nature of marketing (Philip K, Veronica W,
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herve leger skirts, Grey A, 2005). As people know, grey market refers to the market distribution channels where to sell the brand commodity without authorization of the trademark owner. What is more, it is different from black market where is selling ######## and low-quality products, grey market focus on the sales and production of products authorized and recognized by the brand owners. In grey markets, the products are with genuine trademark, what these products lack is that they are sold in unauthorized market2.How to use the 4ps to reduce grey market8. ReferencesDr.El Fadil Ahmed Ismaiel, 2010, Market & Price Monitoring Training Manual, FEWSNET, Sudan.32 (1) Dale F, 2010, Pricing for Profit: How to Command Higher Prices for Your Products and Services,
herve leger toronto, AMACOM, America.35 (8) Jean-NC, 2008, The New Strategic Brand Management : Creating and Sustaining Brand Equity Long Term, Kogan Page, America. 87 (2) Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz, 2010, John Wiley and Sons, America, 78 (3) Michael M. C, 1983, Start and run a profitable retail business: a step-by-step business plan, International Self-Counsel Press, Canada.382 (1) Michael S, 2002, Securities Operations: a Guide to Trade and Position Management,
Beats By Dre Studio, 873 (2) Nessim.H and Robert.D, 1995, Pricing: policies and procedures, Macmillan,
MBTシューズ 販売店, England.89 (2) students to write stations Philip K, Veronica W, John S, Grey A, 2005, Principles of Marketing, Pearson Education Limited, England. 897 (2) William Z and Michael D'A, 1984, Marketing, John Wiley & Sons Inc. English language network available in English thesis papers to write, on behalf of the students to write papers, the British papers to write, to write papers in Australia, http : / /, for reprint, please indicate the source.
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