With today's market range of
Newports cigarettes going from full flavor to ultra lights,
newport cigarettes coupons, the question that might spur a smoker's mind is, are
Newport light cigarettes actually better for me? Many smokers choose "low-tar," "mild," or "light" cigarettes because they think that light cigarettes may be less harmful to their health than "regular" or "full-flavor" cigarettes.

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Facts: The use of light cigarettes increases dramatically as age, education and income levels increase, experts say. You might think those statistics suggest that informed people know what��s best for them, but in fact, people who smoke
light cigarettes aren��t protecting themselves. The Office of the Surgeon General has concluded that low-tar or low-nicotine
cheap newport cigarettes are not appreciably safer than regular cigarettes. Smoking any kind of tobacco can cause lung cancer, stroke and heart disease. The science is clear: The only way to avoid the health hazards of smoking is to quit completely or to never start.��
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