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Old 08-15-2011, 07:53 AM   #1
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 4,150
sandy7827 is on a distinguished road
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The camera feature of Apple iPhone 4G/HD is also quite attractive. It is loaded with a 5 mega pixel snapper with features such as LED flash, auto focus, touch focus and geo tagging. The 80 GB internal storage capacity seems to be enough for storing diverse files and applications and hence the lack of microSD card slot does not seem to matter at all.
Apple iPhone 4 Price in India
Apple launched a new Smartphone the iPhone 4 in India. The iPhone 4 is the word's thinnest smartphone. It is the thinnest smart-phone just 9.3mm thin and 24% thinner than current iPhone 3GS. The display on the device is of 3.5"-inch which has a sharpest, most vibrant, highest-resolution retina display.it's comes with 5-megapixel camera with LED flash and HD video recording.Apple iphone 4 runs on latest iOS 4 OS and powered by Apple A4 processor.
Apple iPhone 4 16GB - Rs. 32, 500.
The Smartphone from Apple is available in India which comes in two versions.
Apple iPhone
It is comparetively thicker, taller, and sharper. The orientation up of a few physical buttons of the mobile phone are not similar to that of the present models of the iPhones. The iPhone runs on the iPhone OS Mac version which includes 80 GB storage capacity, a front facing camera, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g, 3G HSDPA, HTML (Safari) browser air jordans heels , and A-GPS support.
The iPhone has been Apple's flagship product since its inception in early 2007. Investing around 150 million dollars, filing more than 200 patent applications jordan shoes , and purchasing iphone.com for a measly 1 million dollars, one wouldn't expect it to be anything less. Since then it has taken the world by storm with record sales not just for the device itself by also with Apple's innovative App Store. Over the past few years the iPhone has undergone significant changes, evolving into the technological feat it is today. There have been a total of 4 models released since 2007, the original iPhone, the iPhone 3G women's nike heels , the iPhone 3GS, and the iPhone 4.
The following year Apple released the iPhone 3G. When launched it was noticed that the device is slightly thicker than its predecessor, it was a huge jump in terms of features. It included a GPS component, an accelerometer, a proximity sensor, and an ambient light sensor; thus paving the way for creating applications with limitless potential. The prime feature upgrade however, was its support for 3G telecommunications, hence its name. This provided users with increased bandwidth enabling more media intensive applications. Aesthetically, the iPhone 3G has a modified back with a shiny plastic sleek look replacing the outdated plastic black and metallic hybrid. This change was meant to increase the strength of the GSM signal. One downside of the phone was its significant degradation in performance when running iOS 4. To fix that, the user needed to revert back to iOS 3 which was a mean feat in itself!
Apple iPhone 4 32GB - Rs. 38, 900.
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Old 08-15-2011, 08:10 AM   #2
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3:尽管面对上万只的黄羊,面对凶猛的老虎,我们都毫不退缩。但是面对人类的枪口,适当的转移是明智的。我 们不缺乏成功的信念,但是我们绝不是痴心妄想只会送死的傻瓜。
4:追逐猎物仅仅靠猛跑是不够的,尤其在对付大群猎物的时候,必要的准备和步骤是获得成功的基础。而谋划是 实现这一切的唯一保障。
6:自然是神圣伟大的,生活在这万能自然之神的庇护下本身就需要很强的能力,如果不能改变自然。就只有适应 自然。
7:如果注定要承受痛苦,那么就把痛苦当作是一种磨练,既然一切不可避免,就让暴风雨来得更猛 烈一些吧!
9:燃烧人生并不是一味地透支,即使是再强壮的身体也有疲劳的时候,劳逸结合是一种生存的策略。身体是生存 的本钱,休息是狂奔的前奏。
10:家乡固然值得眷恋,但是危险降临,生存受到威胁的时候,我们会选择离开。离开家乡不是逃避,是为了寻 找更美好的明天。
11:在草原上,即使我们什么都没有了。至少我,还有勇气。这是我们最大的财富,有了勇气就可 以得到一切。
12:在狼的眼睛里,永远看不到失败的气馁,因为它们知道,不管经历过多少次失败,最后的成功一定是属于它 们的。所以狼永远是草原上的王者。
13:有时候,ナイキ エアマックス,靠单纯的判断并不能确定成功的几率,与其在等待中浪费青春,不如在追求中燃烧生命。
14:没有固定的规则就是永恒的规则,自然界变化无常,人世间瞬息万端,只有不拘泥于过去,才 能活得更好。
15:只看看猎物永远不会填饱肚子,天上只会下冷雨,掉馅饼这种事情永远不会出现,只想获得猎物,唯一的方 法就是靠自己的努力。
16:成功就是不懈的努力加上一点点机会,努力是加法,ナイキ エアゼニス,机会是乘法,两者兼备才会得到最大的结果。
20:要想获得食物,就必须一直寻找,只有这样,才有机会。不要气馁,就算找不到肥羊,至少能找到一只兔子 。
22:如果“不战而全胜”是你的战略目标,那么“避实击虚”就是达到这个目标的关键。通过集中你的资源来攻 击对手的致命弱处,你就会获得成功。
26:上天给了我们强壮的肉体,air max 2003,给了我们坚强的灵魂,给了我们生存的环境,给了我们空气、水、事物,给了我们一切,对此,在一生当中我们 都怀着最深厚的敬意。
28:要想顺利地生存下去,不仅要有无惧危险的勇气,更要有发现危险的能力,如果你嗅不到明天的危险,那么 明天也许就是你的死期。
29:王者与强者的区别就在于,强者只拥有强大的力量,而王者则兼具力量与智慧,凡事都准备充分,强大的力 量不如万全的准备,谁成就了开发商闲地6年坐获200亿的神话
30:一根最细小的鱼刺也可以扎破喉咙,air max 97。一只麻雀大小的肉也可能挽救一条危弱的生命。生存无小事,珍惜每一口食物,把它当作救命的一 口。   
31:同一个陷阱永远不可能抓住两只狼,犯一次错误可以原谅,但是连续犯两次错误就只能是不可 救药的愚蠢。
32:夜莺声音好听换不来饭吃,与其有时间嚎叫,不如去磨爪子,嚎叫如果能得到食物,那么驴一定比狼还厉害 。
33:威严,绝对的威严,是管好这个团队的必须手段。一个没有威严、没有统治手腕的头狼,很快就会被别的狼 取代。
34:个体是群体的一部分,エアマックス 90,只有尊重个体,才能保障群体的利益。学会体贴下属,那么在必要的时候,他们就会为你、为整个 群体效死。
35:狼王是狼群的领袖,更是群体交流的纽带,一个和群体之间没有任何隔阂的狼王是永远不会失 败的。
36:公平不是单一的平均分配,也不是残忍的弱肉强食。既能让强壮者分到最多的食物,又不能让弱小者忍饥挨 饿,这就是公平。
41:一个狼群就是一支训练有素,纪律严明的部队,统一行动,绝对服从,协同作战,这就是狼的 纪律。
42:短暂的争吵是为了再次握手,一时的争斗是为了永远的和平。分歧是一种个性存在的必然,但是绝对不是消 极的借口。
43:最强壮的狼也有它脆弱的地方,要想做到最好,仅仅靠自己是不行的。只有不断地取长补短,才会不断地进 步。
46:对于没有到手的猎物,我们首先要考虑的是如何把它抓住,エアマックス メンズ,至于口味如何,能不能吃,那是抓住以后的事情。只要有利的,绝不放过;只要无用的,坚决舍弃 。
47:没有利益的战斗我绝不参与,没有任何好处的朋友我绝不结交,Developers should understand the times - Qzone log,只要对生存有利,哪怕是敌人,也可以成为暂时的朋友。
50:狼捕猎的高效率来源于命令下达后的立即执行,这个世界上没有一只总是找借口的狼,否则它们早就饿死了 。
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