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Old 08-17-2011, 01:56 AM   #1
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Default 河源江门深圳证券炒股股票港股基金权证债券创业板期货

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Old 08-17-2011, 02:07 AM   #2
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2h4c6o7q2l is on a distinguished road

Shaolin kung fu monks
also known Chinese martial arts, martial art is the main content to the form of routines and fight for the movement, focusing internally and externally to the Chinese traditional sports, the Chinese people's long-term accumulated a valuable cultural heritage.
content of the historical features of the role profile example of traditional Chinese martial arts (a) Shaolin (b) of the Wu-Tang Clan (c) Emei (d) Internal Martial Arts (5) Ba Gua Zhang opponents (six ) Changquan (h) Ba Gua Quan (i) San Juan gun hammer (x) Eight punches (xi) Yue's even boxing (xii) Mian Quan (m) Sanko bladder Big Hong Quan (n) stamp feet (xv) Tong Bei Quan (sixteen) Pigua fist song It is the nation wisdom,
Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu
is a manifestation of traditional culture, is unique in the world It is the core of Confucian thought and care in the air, says that while the defensive combination of static caused by soft Taoism, Buddhism, meditation study and understanding of, and thus constitute a profound martial system. Chinese martial arts pay attention to hardness with softness, internally and externally to the shape of both the United States just Jianxiong, more elegant and profound meaning, contains the great thinkers pondering the meaning of life and the universe. The mystery of Chinese Kung Fu: Seven boxing, secretive hidden weapon, the various martial arts realm, the unique martial arts arena, the Chinese martial arts complex and unique martial arts derived from culture. Wushu is a martial art as the main content to the form of routines and fight for the movement, focusing internally and externally to the Chinese traditional sports, the Chinese people's long-term accumulated a valuable cultural heritage. Overview History of Chinese Kung Fu, also known as Chinese martial arts. Chinese martial arts originated from ancient ancestors of production. People in the production of hunting activities, and gradually accumulated a chop, chop, stab skills that the original form of the offensive and defensive skills that form the basis of martial arts techniques. Wushu originated from the primitive society. Clan age, frequent tribal wars,air force one low nike, so the experience of fighting in the battlefield for the seeds of martial arts. Martial shape in the slave period. After the founding of the Xia Dynasty, after the endless war, martial arts combat in order to meet the needs of further practical use, standardized development. Shang and Zhou dynasties, resulting in a Tai Chi theory, from laying the Chinese martial arts system. on behalf of Shaolin Kungfu
Pan Guojing
martial arts developed in the period of feudal society. Qin and Han Dynasties, the popular wrestling, fencing, and When the Wu Tang introduced the system of martial arts has played a significant role in promoting. Song and Yuan Dynasties, the civil association of martial arts martial arts organizations as the main activities of civil society flourished. Ming and Qing Dynasties is the period of great development of martial arts and schools everywhere, boxing Fun was formed Tai Chi, Xing Yi Quan, Bagua boxing and other major boxing system. In modern times, martial arts and gradually become an integral part of modern sports. 1927, set up in Nanjing Central Martial Arts Hall. 1936 Chinese Wushu Team went to the Berlin Olympics to participate in performances. After the founding of the PRC, martial arts have been flourishing. In 1999, the International Wushu Federation was incorporated as the official International Olympic Committee member of the international sports federations,
Chinese Kung Fu
means that the martial arts will be the Olympics, means that Further goals to achieve! Characteristics of the first, blending into the sports of attack. Wushu as a sport, yet still technically the characteristics of defending and attacking, but in turn resides in fighting sports and martial routine movement. Second, internal and external one, Vivid's national style and a wide range of adaptability. Study both the physical specifications, and seeking spirit communication, both inside and outside the unity of the whole concept is a major feature of Chinese martial arts. The role of the first, to improve the quality, fitness self-defense. Second, the exercise will, of character. Third,nike air force one low, the competitive view, rich life. Fourth, exchange skills and promote friendship. For example: Meng Crane Fist, Xing Yi Quan, the three major Hong Quan Huang bladder, stamp feet turned boxing promoter, rice group boxing, Ba Gua, Ba Ji Quan, Cha fist, boxing great compassion, Emei Tiebi King beating, Hua Quan, temporary Cheongdam legs, Pi Gua Quan, San Juan gun hammer, Tai Chi, Mantis, through arm boxing, Yiquan, Wing Chun Chinese Martial Arts Traditional Chinese Martial Arts, etc. like the vast ocean, unfathomable, martial boxing, Zhi Fan Ye Mao, the poor graduates obtaining the energy to one of nine cattle tigers hair, is not easy. The purpose of this order is to make the Chinese martial arts martial arts enthusiasts have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding. Frankly, the mystique of the martial arts, not all sects (boxing) is summarized in this paper into. Among them, the omissions are inevitable, the majority of martial arts teachers and friends eager to be corrected, added. (A) of the Shaolin martial arts as a human cultural phenomenon, as a human form of culture or as fitness, resist the enemy, competitive project in China, Xiao Yu had household, including women and children, has become a precious legacy of Chinese culture. Lin Gongfu Shaolin martial arts is an integrated system, which is is a transliteration of the Sanskrit , the emphasis is on content, the most religious and cultural heritage, the most complete system, the most authoritative, but also the most mysterious of the Chinese martial arts genre, it has undoubtedly become the mainstream of Chinese martial arts school. According to legend, Bodhidharma famous in the ten long years of practice, words and deeds create a Shaolin martial arts genre, but also the beginning of Shaolin martial arts with a deep cultural connotation of the humanities, with self-cultivation, Shanhua human nature, pure inaction of morality. the philosophy of the Buddhist culture of the extension, with the development of society and the development of their own martial arts development and change. Shaolin school of martial arts techniques in a conventional school. due to the Shaolin Temple as a teaching based on the form of armed fist, was once hailed as the martial arts people Mount Rushmore. that the martial arts into the temple, but also his martial arts masters to pass on the Shaolin arts industry. Rumor: pass pass pass arm Han, Ma Ji Chuan bunt, Li Sou mass the size of Hong Quan, Bai Yufeng passed dragon, tiger, snake, leopard , Crane five boxing and qigong and more. The Shaolin Temple martial introduced after the formation of the basic part of the Shaolin school. In the spreading process, due to the constraints of social needs and Zen culture. and gradually evolved into the formation of the Ming and Qing been relatively stable between Shaolin boxing camp. society in many writings and legends, historical background and religious consciousness limited to the left and right, pretensions, laws will come into being. Shaolin martial ancestors respected Dharma, Dharma in Buddhism, but with high status Bale. developed to Modern, the Shaolin school of boxing sport boxing Zen characterized as one, God-shaped one, hard to play fast break, Qi Qi into the back. Shaolin Fist Way a lot; including a small Hong Quan, Tai Hong Quan, the old Hong Quan, Luo Hanquan, Shaoyang Boxing, Plum Flower, artillery punch, seven punches, soft punches and so on, pull on a routine training and Kuni, Kuni hand biting, ear to Luhe, kicking Luk and so on. In addition, Devices have knives, guns, swords, halberds and other weapons of eighteen complete, the representativeness of the boxing are: 1, Five Shaolin Shaolin boxing is boxing Five Shaolin Dragon Fist, Tiger Fist, leopard boxing, snake boxing, crane boxing in general. contained in the V. Quan that it can fine, then the body strong fierce, hand-foot Spirit of steady, eyes sharp bold. wings to, onto the other. mind the one and only one potential exercise form, no routine, straight from practice. This is the Shaolin secret is not rumor technology. Tai Chi adultery, gossip slip, on the toxic poison, but mind to. 3, cannon fist cannon fist , of the strong Tough, nimble quick spirit, if the burst like cannon. spectrum, saying: ; leopard Wu's cannon; white snake's tongue mine gun; geese oblique wings rockets. as a wave, hand like a meteor. the body, such as willow, feet like drunk. out of mind, made in the performance. may just not just, it seems real and the imaginary, since a long time of training, cooked very truly inspired. (b) of the Wu-Tang Clan Kung Fu
commonly known as Wudang Internal Martial Arts. from five non-mountain in Hubei. pass the Master Name the world. This can be said that no real test. Huang hundreds, said: created the Internal Martial Arts is still unsolved, Tai Chi, Bagua boxing, it does not come from Wudang Mountain Xing Yi Quan, Shaolin school can not cover so vast and complex content. In addition to the name of boxing outside; Wudang boxing boxing representative as well as One of the famous Chinese martial arts school. The Department of Sichuan Emei martial worship plot for the hair. Qing Zhan Master in , brilliant full arena. faction,air force one high, grouped as Emei, the word, would call four small home. 1, Doors Monk Monk Sichuan, where the door is boxing, Shu said, , said , will be attached Zhao Kuangyin as founder, it said Zhao door. The Department of boxing to anti-triad secret pass along the Hung Ga, is divided into dry freemason, freemason two-line water. who said the water near the Yangtze River flood, and the remaining dry Hung said. 6, of the door of the door is a popular martial arts in Sichuan , Shu said the Single-Hui Li, Sichuan, speaking in 1919, to teach the boxing. It is said that there are one hundred and eight characters in this boxing, boxing the word to a single operation based. 8, Wai Mun Wai Mun is a popular martial arts in Sichuan, Shu said the small home, One of the local boxing, also known as Huangling sent. On the origin of the fist two, said: First, the fist is Jiaqing, Longchang counties in Sichuan and the junction of Rongchang, Huang Lin monk (or brown forest Taoist) transmission,nike air force one high, said for the Sichuan Emei Boxing Taoist preaching, hence the name. (d) Internal Martial Arts Internal Martial Arts is a . Internal Martial Arts and are collectively known as Wudang. Chuanxi say this boxing Wudang taoist priest passed since the Song Dynasty. end of Qing Dynasty, there will be Tai Chi, Ba Gua Boxing, Xing Yi Quan and other summarized the argument, this argument in has been used with people. 1, Tai Chi Chuan Tai Chi Chuan is a martial art of boxing. Qing Wen County, Henan Province, the initial mass Chenjiagou see. On the origin of Tai Chi Chuan, there are several different versions, one that passed since the Tang Dynasty Xu Xuanping or Li Daozi; a pass from the Song Dynasty, said Zhang San Feng, a transfer from the Chen village, said Chen Pu Chen ancestor, according to Tang Hao, Gu Xin, who left research, will be attached to these statements are short, or simply no basis for the legend. Taijiquan points To: Chen Style Tai Chi Chuan, the founder of Chen Wangting; Yang Style Taijiquan, Yang Lu Chan, founder; Wu style Tai Chi Chuan, the founder of Wu Yu-hsiang; Sun Style; founder of Sun Lutang; Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan, the founder of Wu Jian Quan; Zhao Bao Tai Chi boxing, as in Zhao advancement spread, hence the name. Tai Chi Tai Chi push the five-star five-star system to push for the tai chi routine. 2, Kuni Kuni Bafa Bafa Quan Quan is a martial arts routine. Wuyi Jun 1930 Tieling Manchu began to teach this in Shanghai boxing. Wu readme from Kaifeng, Henan Province in this boxing Kuan-Hsing Chen, Chen He learned three companion. from Taoist Song Chen stroke, Fist of the long unfinished. 3, Zen Zen Tai Chi Tai Chi Chuan is a martial arts routine. According to legend, the Shaolin monks under the Bagua Body Eight Palms Bagua system for the combination of the eight basic forms of motion exercises, is said to own Bagua ancestor DongHaiChuan pass, it made the palm. New Eight Palms Bagua Eight Palms is a form of exercise. Hebei Cangzhou people Yung Kang Qiao (1891-1974) Composing (4). Xingyi Bagua Xingyi Baguazhang popular in recent years as a Bagua practice law, passed himself as Ting-tsai . his teacher Zhang Zhankui, the teacher to Liuqi Lan, Jing Xing Yi Quan, the door division after the prayer into DongHaiChuan may Essentials of Ba Gua Zhang (5). Bagua Baguazhang opponents tactics of opponents is fixed against the two forms of exercise. Yiming pair gossip, gossip on the break, gossip Sanshou. 5, Xinyi Xinyi universal mind Liuhe boxing, also known as Luk boxing. descendants of those who pass along the heart of this stressed the launch said boxing Italy, Yi Zhisuo to the boxing, but usually referred to as the Yiquan Xing Yi Quan accompanied this five boxing gold, wood, water, Fire and Earth, hence the name. (2) the five elements five elements boxing boxing training routines for the name of Xing Yi Quan, Yiming Routine use of Pi Quan, collapse boxing, drills boxing, gun punches, cross punches (ie the five elements boxing) techniques, the use of five elements Allelopathy theory, self mutual break drills are conducted. (3) Five serial boxing Five comic boxing for the Xing Yi Quan of the routine, also Short chain boxing, boxing is based on five elements made for the grouping of basic movements. (4) second form of Xing Yi Quan Twelve line shape is one of the traditional routines, features action taken twelve, with animal grouping moves from surgery . Xing Yi Quan Gong, Department of martial arts routines is one of those because of their Fist Way Communication tips summarized as character and name. This character is: cut, cut, wrapped, hips, pick, top, clouds, collar. (6) million Hundred fist-shaped form as a new chapter Boxing boxing sets, transmission capacity of firewood from the ginger. According to Jiang said that he based on spectrum and Zhou Tong Xing Yi Quan hundred charts compose made. The disciples are fine for this operation in Saudi Arabia. ( 7) Yiquan Yi Quan is the name of boxing. is the ancient name of Xing Yi Quan, fifteen years pass for the Qing Emperor Qianlong (1750) documented as boxing, a separate method to teach Jiangzuo, it is called Yiquan. Xu short division. modern sound of widely disseminated by the Wan Lai. Natural doors have no fixed glove, do not speak strokes, do not speak relative to gas for the return, to retain a natural for the tenor; called: static and dynamic no beginning, change for no reason, falsehoods real, natural. (f) refers to ya fist fist blow give away, moving rapidly advance and retreat of the form of unarmed offensive and defensive skills and movement, the so-called long is a relative term. Changquan bunt is a relative terms. modern fist boxing frame stretch, neat, flexible movement, agility, jumping, kicking and scatter in all directions more action. 1, Cha Cha boxing boxing boxing is one of the representatives of Chang Quan, also writing (insert) cross-step, insert the name of boxing. Modern Unity Write to investigate boxing. Charles Sincere Ten Road Department to investigate boxing-based, and another slide, artillery, shells of various boxing Hung. 2, Leg-Snap Boxing (with tan legs) Leg-Snap Boxing is a kind of leg flexion and extension-based, with step method, the way the composition of the boxing series. because of the legs are made out of boxing to shock strength, taking the ejection of the potential, hence the name. Leg-Snap Boxing has China is a long boxing boxing boxing boxing one of the representatives. or that the boxing began Huashan Cai's, hence the name , art world trip, Hung Ga school to work with distinguished Hong Quan Nan Quan lines. 5, Plum Flower Plum Flower is one of Changquan boxing, also known as plum punch. The boxing origin remains to be verified, said from the Shaolin boxing skills. 6, Luhe boxing Kuni is a long boxing boxing boxing one, from the Shaolin boxing. Wan Lai Sheng species, also known as Yan Qing Quan, fans were boxing, lion were boxing, fans of these arts. about this boxing legend of the origin of many. or the Song Dynasty, said Chong Yan Qing. named night fled to Liangshan, while before the trip, while the branches to sweep footprints. then submitted later to take the meaning lion monkeys were sensitive to the characteristics of good jump compiled, hence the name lion cases of boxing; or that this is taking various tactics of boxing establishment, and difficult to understand the case, boxing fans were named. These legends and more no historical credentials. boxing armed routine has three Sixteenth Street, the Shi Gan Jiang Ningxia Yongzheng Emperor Kangxi of the wind pool. (h) Ba Gua Quan martial arts known as ), spread a little gossip in Zhejiang boxing, Guangdong and Guangxi Hung spread gossip gossip boxing and outside boxing. the spread of relatively complete system of Shandong, Hebei, Henan region gossip boxing. the tips says: (you) could not care. San Juan, is attached to will be the fist when the three chiefs from the tribes. there is one that originated from Shaolin. (X) is an eight-boxing boxing boxing routine eight names. for a full set of eight style, hence the name. It is said that the highest since mid-Qing Hunan Chenzhou hide a. (k) s with Yue Yue's boxing class boxing with boxing is one of the bunt. It is Yue Fei in the transfer of gas to gas, power and racks were sixty-six, congenital Shun Yeung, acquired 八九 seventy yin, the use of the body, also known as Sanko bladder, flash limitless static, two Akira Tai Chi move, Sanko mixture , a large pool of fire and water, gas keep the pubic region, also known as the six-step framework to horse piles for the foundation, collapse more attack guns, anti-multi-cut shoulder, a unique one, different from the Hong Quan in southern China and northern red boxing. from potential cross-Jin, to write the body buried bladder; yin and yang combination, virtual and real; haunt no array, change for no reason; play that defense against the war, both offensive and defensive, Gu play one. way to hook, hanging, shrinkage, pick, soft, hard, with,nike air force one, fat-based. a whole body are moving, tighten the waist Akira bladder, conduct rotating roller-transformer, containing absorption, transfer, protection, sealing, chemical, so that one of the techniques, potential potential linked to changing techniques, strokes years with stroke, boxing boxing, there are a dozen three also, elbow fist connected, see the potential to play potential, palm spin chain, because the system of the enemy. about the chicken, chicken, snake, tiger, crane V-shaped, together in the large, Soon, bend, small, lost five potential; study of its metal, wood, water, fire, earth five elements, together in the split, collapse, drilling, guns, cross five hammer. Five persons, through the five internal organs within and outside communication features, the line at Hand, Foot, to Zhou Gong qi based. five changes of potential, this yin and yang of management, Tai Chi Gong, moving the points, and tranquility, while a no less than that with the song on the extension, stretch throughout, hardness and softness. emphasized Manner in training and outside training bones skin, requiring hand-eye shenfa step, step eye shenfa together, internally and externally to each practice. chassis rolling horse stable, vigorous posture, unpretentious. step method to hook, hanging, grinding, step better, Teng, Norway, step, stitch is wonderful, the Cyclones step in seeking effort. shelf eight programs: large and small, flexion, extension, gang, soft, fat, poly. for big air transport the body, is static in the action; little is mustard to hide, is moving in the static; Qu is bent in extension; extension is just there are soft; just a water and fire a large pool; soft is the air Hai Dan Tian mixture of gas; fat is the gas with the hammer hair, foot drop beat; together is together in the sea air, stored in the pubic region. is strength training, Department of qi energy in one step frame basic law is ancient and little-known practice in the boxing each foreign repair. The boxing mainly spread in Jiangsu Yu-wan abundant County and surrounding areas Sulu. (n) 1, stamp feet, stamp feet is a kind of leg-based boxing. According to legend,nike air force 1 high, originated in the Song Dynasty, the typical stamp feet further action is Yuhuan, duck feet. novel origin stamp feet. Wen Wu trip times child is developing on the basis of the formation of sub-routines. 2, stamp feet to turn the child, is the stamp of the foot and turn the child that blends boxing boxing each other. This boxing both flexible and stamp your feet , turn the child boxing technique intensive, and thus lead foot is hand, foot hand to hand defense, the foot against the next. (fifth) pass through the back arm boxing boxing, also known as Tong Bei Quan, is a typical long boxing boxing. some of boxing and more boxing family as upper limb movement system. his arms like a monkey through arm (or the name of gibbon) enable Yuanbi Shu, He fell on the shot, straight out of wear points, while writing Department of boxing emphasizes the family as , Qijia pass arm arm boxing boxing boxing began its mass in terms of name from the surname Chi. the beginning of the to boxing boxing Pigua hanging is a typical long class boxing, the ancient name go into boxing, Yiming Plastering boxing, because multi-palm, also known as Music: Wu Jia Ji Authors: SICENCES lyrics: stop lying like a bow, like a song does not move does not sit like bells to walk a gust of wind shaking fist and North leg Shaolin Wudang Tai Chi BA Gua Zhang Gong Chinese magic stick with a large sweep to pick a gun line of heroic red light as the sky like Yun Zhongyan bones outside the training practice within the skin firmness and flexibility in one breath not give our hearts the sword in hand pole earth breeze to go to see martial arts experts that have a shot it is two hands is a square root of the door at the foot of soil and water brought up the soul of Chinese martial arts heroes like the East one-stop children from day Heights wind directions the Chinese martial art of Chinese have had a magic ancient Chinese martial art, Four Sui's marksmanship is the Lost content is not written exam later, but its preamble the wrestling and boxing in the historical books are the source names mentioned aims and other miscellaneous papers said. In General Military factions in various martial arts equipment and boxing training method and Ming Qi involved in martial arts for Japanese star. new book, Zhao describes the contents of only a slightly different boxing. Chinese Kung Fu After a short boxing and other soldiers shot the king as the law of dry on the martial arts are divided chapter 14 chapter describes hand, foot and gun shot boxing license bamboo brush for utensils and other martial arts club palladium, the boxing bamboo brush for utensils and other martial arts card soldiers short sword. book income miscellaneous, etc. knife crossbow club martial arts factions. General Military chapter introduces the Shaolin stick work with theory instruction pictures. book ares Church copy and weeks more then copy the Modern renamed the describes the content and then boxing and other martial artists. sword bayonet palladium boxing license bamboo brush for utensils and other martial arts clubs, and included a diagram of part of the martial arts Chi Chi Cheng Zongyou book. and published Wu Shu (1611 ~ 1695), also known as Joe the dust sub-warehouse No. Loujiang County, Jiangsu Ming Dynasty (some say Taicang County) youth, love of hard work and practice martial arts school has strict marksmanship from Stone King from the fishing
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