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Old 08-26-2011, 03:57 AM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2010
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Aufklärung,initial pendant necklace, das hat Immanuel Kant 1784 knapp formuliert, « ist der Ausgang des Menschen aus seiner selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit». Jetzt steht ein Paar Schuhe, laut Katalog «aus dem persönlichen Besitz des Philosophen»,pearl mickey earrings, in einer Vitrine der Ausstellung «Die Kunst der Aufklärung», die seit Anfang April für ein Jahr lang im Nationalmuseum in Peking zu sehen ist.
Würde man von einem Maler die Schuhe ausstellen? Das ist das Problem der Ausstellung, die aber, so heisst es, von den Gastgebern zu genau diesem Thema gewünscht worden sei: Die Aufklärung ist ein Begriff der Philosophie, der Literatur, aber nicht der Kunst. Jedenfalls nicht in dem Sinne, wie es die Kunst der Renaissance, des Barock oder der Romantik ist, inklusive berühmter Namen und kapitaler Kunstwerke.
Animierende Kunde
Bei einem ersten Blick durch die Pekinger Ausstellung bestätigt sich diese wahrlich nicht neue Feststellung wie von selbst. Da sieht man zum Beispiel auf einem Bild von Marie-Gabrielle Capet («Atelierszene», 1806) eine junge, weiss gekleidete Frau vor einer Staffelei sitzen, sie hält einen Stift oder Pinsel, der die Leinwand berührt. Hinter ihr steht ein Herr mit Perücke,cartier leather bracelet, der, bei Einsatz des Zeigefingers, Anweisungen für ein entstehendes Porträt zu geben scheint, andere Damen und Herren bevölkern den Raum. Das Bild,cartier love emblematic rings, ein Gesellschaftsporträt, zu dem auch ein Selbstporträt der Malerin gehört, ist kein Meisterwerk der Malerei. Es hat keinen expliziten Charakter, wohl aber eine Botschaft: Indem es die Entstehung von Malerei zeigt, verbreitet es die animierende Kunde, dass man die Herstellung von Kunst lernen kann. Die Lust am Lernen, der Glaube an die Vernunft des Fortschritts und das in diesen Zusammenhängen erwachende Selbstbewusstsein des bürgerlichen Individuums und auch der Frauen: Diese Themen und Motive prägen die Kunst des 18. Jahrhunderts. Der Geist des «enlightenment»,cartier white gold love bracelet price, wie die Aufklärung im Englischen so anschaulich elektrisiert heisst, ist es, der, manchmal als animiertes Leuchten, gelegentlich auch als explodierender Funkenschlag, sichtbar wird. Er prägt die Ausstellung, von belanglosen Passagen, zu denen auch ein Überangebot an Porträts gehört,cartier love bracelet, einmal abgesehen.
Eine ebenso heiter wie selbstbewusst den Besucher anblickende junge Frau gibt den Ton vor, lädt ein in die Ausstellung. Sie sitzt mit übergeschlagenen Beinen auf einem Steinblock, trägt ein locker den Körper umspielendes Kleid in den Farben der französischen Trikolore, hat einen Arm aufgestützt. Viele junge chinesische Frauen lassen sich fotografieren vor dieser Heinrike Danneker, die, gemalt von ihrem Jugendfreund Christian Gottlieb Schick, auf eine sehr natürliche Weise sowohl die Ideale der Französischen Revolution wie auch einer aufgeklärten Emanzipation in ihrer Person vereinigt. Überhaupt ist der Begriff der Emanzipation als schönste Folge der Aufklärung das bestimmende Leitmotiv der Ausstellung, die ihr Thema in neun Kapiteln in seinen Prämissen und Folgen ausbreitet. Dass dabei die Sektionen «Perspektiven des Wissens» mit dem Blick auf Entdeckungen in der Nähe sowie «Ferne und Nähe» mit der von Alexander von Humboldt personifizierten Fach- und Ländergrenzen überschreitenden Forschung besonders attraktiv sind, versteht sich fast von selbst.
Natürlich hat auch die Kunst der Aufklärung, hat auch diese Ausstellung ihre Capolavori. Houdons Büste des Komponisten Christoph Willibald Gluck gehört ebenso dazu wie Thomas Gainsboroughs Bild der «Marsham-Kinder», etwas versteckt entdeckt man auch vier kleine,cartier love bracelet yellow gold price, grosse Leinwände von Goya-Nachfolgern: Die «Hinrichtung einer Hexe»,cartier lanieres diamond tennis bracelets, «Duell», «Betender Mönch», «Der Verwundete». Mit Goya selbst, mit seinen «Desastres de la Guerra» ist man dann nicht nur im Ausstellungskapitel «Nachtseiten», sondern auf dem ureigenen, begrenzten Feld der Kunst der Aufklärung, das unbegrenzte Auftritte erlaubt: der Grafik. Hier wird die «lichtwendige Energie», mit der sich der Aufklärungswille gegen das Chaos stemmt (Aby Warburg),love knot necklace, am intensivsten sichtbar. Dass die Grafik eine dem Schreiben ähnliche Argumentationsweise praktiziert, wozu auch der Seriencharakter gehört, macht ihren zwischen Information, Emotion und Agitation liegenden Charakter und Reiz aus. Von Goya, der den Furor des entfesselt mordenden, vergewaltigenden Menschen vorführt, über Hogarth, der in «A Rakes Progress» das Wirken des bürgerlichen Monstrums mit einem zynischen Lächeln karikiert, bis hin zu Chodowiecki, der im Rahmen der pädagogischen Traktate und Taschenkalender die kleinbürgerlichen Vorstellungen von Moral und Anstand illustriert (wenn auch leider nur im Katalog), ist die Grafik, nicht zuletzt durch die Macht der Verbreitung,cartier white gold love bracelet price, die den Absichten der Aufklärung adäquateste Kunst.
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Old 08-26-2011, 03:58 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 904215685 at 12:54 on November 27, 2009 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary

This is a true story, from the Internet I was touched by the girl's behavior, so just go to my space. Boys will definitely have to look at, only few minutes of your time should be lost in thought after reading \After looking girls do not cry! -
out of the stadium and saw the door was a familiar figure sitting, came to see is the promise child. I patted her, she apparently startled and saw me, and sighed with relief, to a rice cooker insulation handed my hand. I took, she hurriedly hides behind the handle, but I still see her hand was blistering hot. -
box of rice a little cold, I asked her: \
I eat the rice box, Novo children sitting next to me, nervously: \Socks can imagine this will not wash the girl how awkward the first meal for me. Is the long absence of the moving heart. I laughed and said: \
promise to meet the children listened smiling face, stood up and left. -
\Teammates are curious to see the great promise child, \the. -
QQ, I asked her, \
she Oh giggling, happy to say: \
ah,belstaff jacket, Nokia children, believe me, so I save enough money to let you make the most beautiful bride, we get married. -
Although we did not get the first team, but we just formed this team soon, the province's second achievement is already very good, so I decided to continue their efforts can not be non-beat first. -
CS game more and more, I more and more busy, I forgot how long the children had never thought that promise, and I always race to the late, occasionally see her on the QQ, she always Silence, I do not know how she was. Now think of it, know that this is their right, because I never cared about her is not happy, How are you getting bad. -
day, she said: \
I said: \
a long time, her head no more shaking QQ. -
few days later, I saw her give me the message: \is silly, Mo Kanwan to close the QQ. -
few months later, so after CS is already home exhausted, and fell on the bed of a move do not want to move. Then the phone rings, I do not want to take, can it rang forever. I promise I saw a number of children to pick up snappily said: \>
call came a roar that end: \
not promise child, I am surprised a moment, \
promise child? Funeral? What with what? I would like to ask, the phone hang up screeching. -
took a sudden I feel a thrill of horror, I try my hardest to call back, long before people pick up, is a very hoarse voice, \
H's what my head, do, promise child she really was hurt? -
day, I saw the promise carried out by their children, also with a smile on her face, angelic smile can no longer glow Pan, and Snow's friends, seeing my children's eyes is clearly hostile, wait for them to eat me. Promise child's mother told me,belstaff coat, there is thrombocytopenia promise child, the family let her do nothing, for fear she accidentally break a finger or any place, flow of blood. Thought cured, but then somehow, suddenly decreased platelet and cardiac function have begun to failure. A few days before her sudden good spirits, we all understand what that means, she said she would like to hear your voice, call you, but shut down, she said that you must do in the game. Some people say to look for you, you can promise to prevent children, she said, race is important to you, she was afraid of your anger, she spoke their cried, and we all followed, and she said sure one day you will understand her important than the CS, but she can not wait until the ... ... from the promise child mother has wiped the tears come. I have not played CS for several days, and stare at the image of promise child of the QQ, since the promise child had gone, I'm all about the power seems to have been siphoned off. Are particularly tired body and mind. -
I opened the promise of children
QQ know, which I am the only person number. -
I noticed her information there is a web site, open a feeling Inn, have a variety of stories, including a signed article is the promise child. -
\to him. -
I am quite happy, I like to listen to him, but he would not even unwilling, and I said, because he's busy, he want to make CS. He no longer call me a fool, and he never said love me, nor sent flowers to me, but I still like him. -
One day I told him
river flooding again, and he said to accompany me, I am very happy. One day I saw a very cute dog, and he promised me that, in future we will have one, also known as promise child, I am very happy. He said a few days with me watching movies, kite flying, I am particularly happy, though these have not yet realized, I believe that one day will. But I am afraid can not wait that long. -
He said the CS
important than me, I'm not mad, because this is the truth, but I am very sad, so I secretly cried. I think I'm not strong enough, I do not good enough, the doctor said I had not the next birthday, which is * on * day, he did not know my birthday too! But it does not matter. -
I was weak, just hit a few words on the tired, really useless. -
I know he has a lot of girlfriends, it was just as I go, he would not hurt, although I did want to marry him, I always hope he sent me roses, even if only one, before a lot of people send me, but I confiscated because it represents love, I think I could not wait for the day he sent me, so I secretly bought a gift myself, I think I wrote something he never disappeared, so I can beat whim text, I have to call him, but he was off. That annoying voice repeating 'I'm sorry, you dial the phone was switched off'. I really want to, really want to talk with him, even for a minute,belstaff sale, listen to his voice Ye Hao, and we have not met a long time, and I miss him every day. Really good for nothing,belstaff jackets outlet, cried, alas, in fact, I was very worried about him, and he played the game a long time, eyes hurt, I bought but can not give him eye drops, and, he was fussy eaters ... ... \-
article did not finish, like she tired at the end of a flash, I click Play, elegant voice echoed in the empty room. -

\/ Every time I come past is sunny / remember we have ever had before / the tears started to spread a little bit ... ... Every time I turn a blind eye / I'll always see / you will all realize the promise / I kissed your face / You have not by my side / I wish you had a better / broken love lines / I do not want to do break / just want to hear your honey before bed complex words sweet words ... ... \p>
Flash making a little rough, but I hold back for a long time that tears or drops down to the end of the screen there are lines of small print. -
want to accept your rose, a Ye Hao; -
would like more time to love you, even if only one second; -
But now, I have good hands shaking and wanted to see your face. \
I am one person in the dark room, and finally burst into tears, I do miss you,belstaff online, my favorite woman, had a chance to pet you, had a chance to fulfill its promise, I had a chance to let you do the most beautiful bride. -
damn CS, I did not even see above you one last time, I'm damned. -
Yes, I understand that you are the most important, but unfortunately you can not wait for me. -
no rain this year, I gave up CS, do white collar,belstaff leather, I will want you to be my most beautiful bride. -
week I would come here every day, I just want to talk to you like your tombstone white pure hunger. Light breeze like your hair off my face Buddha, still miss my favorite of your smile. -
friends and family are surprised at my change, I do not smoke, do not play CS, and do not go on, and kept a lovely dog like you, as good as when we say, call it promise child, I would just like to talk to you, sending you the most beautiful roses. -
promise child, I love you.Please read each person, are reproduced to your log, do not wait around love you lost now, to know and treasure! -
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