Nothing Stops you From Realizing Who you are by Elysha
Nothing stops you from the realizing of who you are, this "you" of you that is flowing through your very eyes right now, except,0 desire and panic. You are scared of being impersonal; you fear impersonal beingness; you are fearful of the view,0 that you are not the someone, the person that you believe yourself to be.
It is all quite uncomplicated, in truth, extraordinarily simple. Turn away from your desires and fears and from your belief in the thoughts that establish them and you will instantly be in your natural state of freedom and delightfulness. You already are in this normal state of the "you" of you that is peering out from backward and through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through, of way. You are simply anguish the furthering out from this "you" that is already right here and where "you" are; you are only anguish the covering of this belief that you are the mindbody, over the top of who you already are - as if this belief were true of you.
You listen to the thoughts that peregrination through the mind as if these thoughts were true of "you". This is all that you are undergoing. As a spiritual seeker you deem that you are growing through ripeness and effort, of becomings and attainments, of merits and achievements,
hermes jpg birkin handbags, of destiny and elegance. But all of these are merely mental formations and projections of an addicted mind, of who you think you are. Instead of aiding, they are obstructing your comprehension of this "you" of you that is already right here in the free standing position-lessness of being - the very heart of existence.
Who you are, this "you" of you, already is. You ambition to make "who you are" into an achievement, an appending,
five fingers kso, to multiplication onto what and who you think you are. You can even be woo-ed, stroked, moulded, caressed and preoccupied into the seeing and being of who you already are and straight away - within a nanosecond - you will revert back to who you think you are with different storyline to tell of how you had a seeing, or even worse, how you are now being who you are.
You ambition revert back to your chattering idea as your guidance once extra. This quite guidance of yours is what has you out on a circulate in the lasting entertainment from realizing who it is that you truly and yet are; keeping you in the dark and veiled from seeing that this "you" of who you are is already standing freely of and before this idea even arises.
The one, namely is streaming via the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing via, is not additional than the immense blockness and rocklike solidity of naught and everythingness - totally impersonal, even as it is flowing through the eyes of this mindbody. This film of aliveness that is flowing through your eyes is who you are, this "you" of you, the seer. It is no a someone alternatively someone.
When you find this very seeing that is flowing through your eyes, and you stop by and as this one; while,0 you come to being deeply at rest in this "you" of you, you are entirely freed from and relieved of having to be who you consider you are. This is an enormous relief. Just that on its own would be more than enough to be the attraction to concession your addiction to who you think you are - your mind informed mindbody. However, that is not simply the end of it, that is merely the starting of this heart of existence and its ongrowing incarnation into and through this mindbody that you find your self flowing through.
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