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Old 09-08-2011, 03:07 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,492
haxhklm2x8 is on a distinguished road
Default 宿舍楼藏于桥下15年被称为最牛楼房(组图)

  “采光、噪音、安全”, 36户居民为这三个实实在在的名词纠结了15年。
  正午时分,太原东山煤矿有限责任公司(下称东山煤矿)退休职工赵春梅站在自家阳台上,习惯性地抬头仰望 正上方的杨家峪高速大桥。一缕阳光穿过桥身的中间连接部投射下来。只要天气好,生活在东山煤矿洋灰桥4号宿 舍楼的许多居民都会重复这个动作,到阳台欣赏上面的“一线天”。

  在太原高速公路有限公司,副总经理杨振峰拿出2008年太原市政府安委会印发的一份文件。文件明确东山 煤矿为4号楼的主体责任单位,同时要求太原高速要做好隐患的治理。
  2009年夏天,居民李春香在桥下穿行时突遭横祸――维修大桥的沥青从桥面排水管道下泄,正好把她和另 一人浇了个透,最后施工单位以每人3000元的赔偿了事。直到如今,李春香仍心有余悸。

  杨家峪附近有一个火葬场,按照当地灵车过桥撒纸钱的风俗, 4号楼经常会出现窗外纸钱漫天飞的惊怵场面,居民白师傅还曾在深夜“收到”一个硕大的花圈。如今,这里的居 民早已对此见多不怪了。
  2011年4月6日,太原东山煤矿洋灰桥4号宿舍楼,因藏于太原东山过境高速公路杨家峪桥下15年,而 被网民称为太原“最牛”楼房。

  如今,4号楼里的居民都已步入花甲、古稀之年,在人生本应安享晚年之际,36户居民的前景 不容乐观。
  “因为房子是煤矿的公房,我们没有产权,只有居住权,所以政府不会来找我们,都是直接和东山煤矿谈。” 赵春梅清楚记得,大桥从建设到通车,没有一个单位与楼内居民进行过沟通对话,当然也包括本单位东山煤矿在内 。

  山西省交通设计院一位专家认为“桥下人家”的存在很荒谬,他表示:“高速大桥下面绝对不允许有居民的存 在,这是建设之初就必须解决的首要问题。”

  “如果建设期间我们对工程加以阻拦,结局绝不会如此悲惨!那个年代我们国企的职工太单纯、朴实,总相信 ‘有关部门’会给安排。”十多年里,赵春梅最自责的一件事就是当初做了“顺民”,直到现在,她仍然耿耿于怀 。


  一到冬天,楼里的居民更为烦恼。碰上下雪,高速路面撒上融雪剂,或白或黑的污水就会顺着管道排出,在风 的作用下,手机窃听器咨询,喷溅到窗户与玻璃上,很难清洗。如果碰到排水管道结起冰挂,许多老人甚至不敢出门。

  大桥施工期间,赵春梅与其余35户居民并未选择离开。每日,机器的巨大轰鸣声和随时可能降临的危险与他 们的生活交织在一起,而这一切在当时看来极为平常和微不足道。


  “人们也觉得危险,就是自己多留点神,无线手机监听器。桥墩打桩时路断了,我们还搭上木板正常上班生活。”赵春梅对当时的情景记忆犹新,“那时也向上级反映过, 但我们都在单位上班,怕影响到自己的工作,所以不敢闹得太凶!”
  针对住户的烦恼,山西晋商律师事务所任显斌律师认为:“居民可以通过法律的途径,向路权所有单位主张自 己的权利,要求停止对自己居住权的侵害,并要求赔偿噪音、采光、安全等带来的损失。”
  “刚开始时跑的小车多,噪音还不至于太吓人,后来大型货车越来越多,路面逐渐破损,那个噪音就有些恐怖 。”赵春梅形容。
  但拆迁安置始终没有进行。自1996年高速公路建成通车,这幢东山煤矿内部称为“62压”的楼一语成谶 ,被高速桥一“压”15年。

  “建桥时房价还不到1000块,现在只能看看,想都不敢想!悔不该一直坚守,也许我们都要老死在这里了 !”赵春梅有些哀伤。

  这幢老旧破败的4层砖混建筑,因藏于太原东山过境高速公路杨家峪桥下15年,而被网民称为太原“最牛” 楼房。
  但在协调会上,东山煤矿董事长张洪恩并不认同自己的主体责任,他坚持是先有楼而后建的桥,主体责任单位 应为高速部门。

  赵春梅还记得四五年前的一次“维权”经历,“当时高速公路半幅施工,也是噪音太大,晚上全体居民都睡不 着,就把杨家峪高速收费站给堵了。” 她说,高速部门很重视,怕影响通行,无线手机窃听器,及时做了处理。

  4号楼的居民也曾听说过,当年政府对东山煤矿有过一笔一次性补偿,但钱并未用于4号楼的安 置。


  曾在东山煤矿办公室工作的赵春梅到现在都不理解,“我们还都在下面住着,他们怎么就敢把桥 架起来?”



  从1979年住进4号楼,赵春梅和大部分居民一样,都在这里恬静地生活了许多年,而这份恬静伴随着19 96年高速的通车戛然而止。
  但实际上,“该告谁”这个问题,居民们还没达成一致。而在“有关部门”层面,“谁该赔偿”已经各有说法 。
  虽然日复一日的噪音对于居民而言尽管难以忍受,但并不会危及到人身安全,不过,桥下生活的烦恼并不是如 此的轻描淡写。

  1994年,太原东山过境高速公路开建。作为当年政府的“一号工程”,本着节省建设资金与加快工程进度 的原则,太原市对拆迁工作提出了“个人部分适当赔偿,单位部分‘谁家的孩子谁家抱’”的要求。

  2011年4月6日,太原东山煤矿洋灰桥4号宿舍楼,因藏于太原东山过境高速公路杨家峪桥下15年,而 被网民称为太原“最牛”楼房。
  山西省高速公路管理局办公室王国忠表示:“路面的归我们管,我们可以把路面的安全做到最好,但只是权宜 之计。要从根本上解决必须得搬迁,可这不是我们的职责范围。”

  在高速公路规划设计中,洋灰桥4号楼正好纳入杨家峪大桥建设拆迁范围。按照要求,4号楼的拆迁安置工作 应当由产权单位太原东山煤矿负责。
  而洋灰桥4号楼建成于1979年,是当年东山煤矿为了安置“62压”(注:1962年,党中央为了减轻 国家的负担和压力,采取了一系列的调整和整顿措施,其中之一就是大力精简职工,压缩城镇人口,缩短工业战线 ,支援农业第一线)回城人员所建。

  15年间,楼内36户居民因采光、噪音、安全隐患等诸多问题,曾数次投书省市信访、高速公路部门及东山 煤矿,但并无实质进展。唯一的变化是年轻人陆续“逃离”了这里,留下来的“守望者”大都成了老 人。

  2009年6月9日,太原市安监局、太原市国资委(注:东山煤矿是由太原市国资委监管的国有企业)、太 原高速、东山煤矿联合召开了一次协调会。会上,关于4号楼的去留问题,亦明确了“必须拆除”的 意见。
  赵春梅的女儿就住在附近的高速公路出口,但来的不多――老两口不让常来,怕不太安全。那几年房价低的时 候,楼里的居民一直满怀希望等待相关部门的安置,等到现在“泪已干”、“心已死”时,太原市平均房价已涨到 6000多元。
  这幢4层砖混建筑,因藏于太原东山过境高速公路杨家峪桥下15年,而被网民称为太原“最牛”楼房。这里 的居民已经把从房顶修过的高速大桥“习惯”成了自己生活的一部分。


  在4号楼里,赵春梅与老伴算是有兴致的人,养了一条狗,偶尔还会上网看看股票,懂得苦中作乐。如果碰到 陌生的访客或桥上传来汽车剧烈的碾压声,小狗会发出尖厉的吠声,而听惯了“车震”的老两口并不 觉得吵。



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Old 09-08-2011, 04:33 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

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Oh I think about the community in the school is really difficult to play now

small business べ ~ .. 13:56:42
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Yes ah ah I think now more people in the school hypocrisy Oh good work done verbally
I am
of good words, and they do not want to say less

industry べ ~ .. 13:59:10
Oh this is ah ah I've feel slightly Mom really did not mean those who back a good few of us playing
slightly 13:59:51
En Oh no problem
want now I just want to quickly graduate ah
mother let those damn I feel less sick

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They really do not know their thinking
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I may have or my hypocritical I'm not sure the
anyway, is not meant
with them without any sense of the less

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Oh really this is something I totally want to say ah
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You said something to the industry べ Kazakhstan Well

less ~ .. 14:08:59
different than what I think the character is really different from what happened last night Oh
They do not deceive you instigate the
call Oh they did not say I did not tell you
us Yesterday, we put forward a band it
that the head of the class came over and asked me asked me in the end Well
is to learn the bass or drums
like I said, but I have better bass Then I'll carry point
he said these things out now to say which aspects
the issue of funding our
I'll give each family is different, he said sure I want to learn my home support me, but I think they should not ah
not so far away in Xinjiang in Chengdu we get the band played a rehearsal after ah like how

small business べ ~ .. 14:14:55
Oh ah go slightly down the brains that Kazakhstan
less ex

industry べ ~ .. 14:15:32
Oh I do not for a small business べ ~ .. 14:15:43
that was mixed like a small thing
industry べ ~ .. 14:15:59
slightly they do not instigate you to learn??
Industry べ ~ .. less 14:21:38
slightly complicated slightly by hybridization did not say ah
later he contradicts me then I'll sprinkle
we now learn, he said
after mold design and manufacturing
out to do?
is about that aspect of the
he still chose to say that I have trouble
he will quit the
I said that I would not do it but you do engage in music or the band He needs time and money Well said, I can do graduation
we learned that a few years I say he just said that he quit the things we learn is shit then I
to step back and say you do even if it's your parents support you support you 1 year 2 years 3 years but later? Support you forever?
music, music theory is not based on how creative his knowledge of music out of quite a few
I said, Well you have to learn music theory class
not Qubao that you learn to read Well
But after graduation to find work to total work rheology side Well I do not believe he
a few hours of classes a day to come back after a few hours to see the book I definitely do not want to believe what he said I was too
made him sad

not pulled out of my own I feel no need
the capital to invest in that industry べ ah

less ~ .. 14:25:17
slightly ah good melon Wazi those relatives regardless of you to come back slightly after slightly ah not that how this generation of Mingxi
also instigate a more professional point you want to learn also instigate fear no place to learn less
industry べ ~ .. How well after 14:26:05
have a good job learning is the most important Kazakhstan
you say is not a small thing
industry べ ~ .. 14:26:12
to be happy Kazakhstan
Well now I do not give them that now they had engaged in these sad
they engage in unrealistic
really looking for anyway, other people do much more than me is not a lot of
school I have so many people I am not on them
very important

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Good to do some meaningful thing less Kazakhstan
industry べ ~ .. 14:30:28
you how I feel that the time is not how things can be slightly spread to Kazakhstan in the bedroom practicing his son to OK slightly Kazakhstan Well
14: 31:27
because I know I rely on this after a meal to feed themselves rely on to give us a man they said
man shoulders a heavy burden; to support a family to feed his parents, although my parents say I do not need support but they said that since I can not afford not to eat the rice it wants me to find them ah feel the pressure now is very
no way forced into such a small

industry べ ~ .. 14:32:27
grace to be strong men and Kazakhstan we are starting to take place next
Yes ah I also like the idea but he does not think so the only thing you said I said to him, clearly he let me just say you're so sad I heard
Nothing really sad
Road, seeking
different phase I do not think so

Oh what on
on things must take place starting next
but I think some things that I'll never fit
feeling there is the love between brothers
Ha ha ah ah
that far away

small business べ ~ .. 14:34:04
not say it is slightly spread cheer spread Rengeyouzhi Ha ha ha
is slightly spread love
brothers and parents, ex ah man to want to provoke a heavy burden to parents to help you pick is not necessarily
or let you pick his wife??

small business べ ~ .. 14:35:34
Oh Ga is open for sure on the slightly

small business べ ~ .. 14:36:18
Well then I came back slightly to see the film slightly ha ha we are well placed
Well I have the next best a few 88

industry べ ~ .. 14:36:34
88 Kazakhstan
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