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10-03-2011, 11:16 PM
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10-04-2011, 12:52 AM
Commander In Chief
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Posts: 964
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34287 2008 年 03 月 15 日 23:02 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (8) Category: Personal Diary
; wine for me, is an integral part of life! Not that I Tanjiu, I do not drink! Addition to holidays and friends laugh very occasional drink or drink too much work to be outside, usually will not drink. Few sips of my favorites. Moderate drinking good for your health, and self-control capability is also enabled me to have more opportunities to wine tasting. Wuliangye today to talk about how it feels!
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ah 。。。。。 wine! Wuliangye, you finally let me taste your remarkable and wonderful that!
10-04-2011, 12:52 AM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,125
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34287 2008 年 03 月 15 日 23:02 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (8) Category: Personal Diary
; wine for me, is an integral part of life, red wing shoes sale! Not that I Tanjiu, I do not drink! Addition to holidays and friends laugh very occasional drink or drink too much work to be outside, usually will not drink. Few sips of my favorites. Moderate drinking good for your health, and self-control capability is also enabled me to have more opportunities to wine tasting. Wuliangye today to talk about how it feels!
Over the years, red wing heritage boots, I have the Maotai liquor wine special preference. Who can not afford drinking Maotai and FCL for the purchase of 52 degrees Langjiu. Even though I did like the rising sun Maotai Langjiu name, red wing store, but also mellow full-bodied, fragrant lips and teeth people, red wing heritage boot, food for thought. I have always to be slow
type of wine flavor. Luzhou-flavor liquor is not that bad, but personal preferences it! But Wuliangye, its price and quality is inconsistent! Also known under the false ah! Particularly low levels of Wuliangye and Luzhou Old Cellar to more than, in addition to price well outside Luzhou Old Cellar are not particularly significant other advantages! Whenever I see those leaders drinking low levels of Wuliangye enjoy the wine from that time, my heart would only say: SB! Should be noted that there is no appreciation of such people I always BS!
; but one day made me a chance to change completely the views of Wuliangye! Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year far away loved ones back home, brought me a bottle of Wuliangye! Not much, just a bottle! When I picked up the bottle to see, the \The produce is also Infinite longing, red wing shoes! wine! must have wine!
I have been to not understand the true association is regrettable Wuliangye! available on the market Wuliangye white glass bottles, is not so One has to appreciate the feelings of wine connoisseurs! but this time, I know, the real Wuliangye come! this opportunity not to be missed! I hesitate to open a wine closure (Friends of the supermarket to look after the home, halo , the price of more than twelve hundred), red wing shoe store! Immediately the mellow Qinru ray of my Heart! good! not moving mouth, his head had been conquered Hong me! Yes, so mellow I have never experienced! take small cup, slowly pour in, a little mellow cup of chilly presented in my eyes. small mouth decorated into the tongue, a drop of sweet flavor ray trace of warmth between the teeth in my lip and Yang Kai. My sense of smell completely concentrated concentration of the wine of the controls. slowly along the base of the tongue into the wine, with a mellow hint of warmth in the body gently rippling. suck lips moving slowly, a suck.... fragrance diminished , two suck 。。。。。 fragrance is strong, the three items I suck 。。。。。 the song out of the wine fragrant! original song is not just Maotai Hong exclusive wine, the wine has Luzhou predicament Qing, Hong, alcohol!
ah 。。。。。 wine! Wuliangye, you finally let me taste your remarkable and wonderful that!
10-04-2011, 12:53 AM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 668
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34287 2008 年 03 月 15 日 23:02 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (8) Category: Personal Diary
; wine for me, is an integral part of life! Not that I Tanjiu, I do not drink! Addition to holidays and friends laugh very occasional drink or drink too much work to be outside, usually will not drink. Few sips of my favorites. Moderate drinking good for your health, red wing boot store, and self-control capability is also enabled me to have more opportunities to wine tasting. Wuliangye today to talk about how it feels!
Over the years, I have the Maotai liquor wine special preference. Who can not afford drinking Maotai and FCL for the purchase of 52 degrees Langjiu. Even though I did like the rising sun Maotai Langjiu name, red wing shoes online, but also mellow full-bodied, fragrant lips and teeth people, food for thought. I have always to be slow
type of wine flavor. Luzhou-flavor liquor is not that bad, but personal preferences it! But Wuliangye, its price and quality is inconsistent! Also known under the false ah! Particularly low levels of Wuliangye and Luzhou Old Cellar to more than, in addition to price well outside Luzhou Old Cellar are not particularly significant other advantages! Whenever I see those leaders drinking low levels of Wuliangye enjoy the wine from that time, my heart would only say: SB! Should be noted that there is no appreciation of such people I always BS!
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ah 。。。。。 wine! Wuliangye, you finally let me taste your remarkable and wonderful that!
10-04-2011, 12:53 AM
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