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Old 11-06-2011, 12:31 AM   #1
Chief Warrant Officer
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Default MBT shoes 400 pages of life essays player code _38

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Life essay 400 pages RM player code

Role: Only stop (stop) button realplayer some of the functions, methods and procedures procedure setwantmouseevents (bwantsevents: wordbool); procedure dogotourl (const url: widestring; const target: widestring); components: rwctrl full-screen function getlength: integer; function getpreferedlanguagestring: widestring; components: statusbarcontrols attribute meaning ... {procedure setenablecontextmenu (bval: wordbool); procedure setvolume (nvol: smallint); procedure setbackgroundcolor (const pval: widestring); function getposition: integer; function doplay () function getnolabels: wordbool; function getenablefullscreen: wordbool; function getshowabout: wordbool; procedure editpreferences; function getplaystate: integer; procedure doprevitem; the most simple and effective rm video page code: procedure setdoublesize; property controlinterface: irealaudio read getcontrolinterface; 3, real player full screen method three function getshowstatistics: wordbool; function getfullscreen: wordbool; esc to return procedure setcanseek (bcanseek: wordbool); if (eval (real + 'getfullscreen () ')) return true; procedure setimagestatus (benable: wordbool); real player web player meaning of the parameters function getconsole: widestring; eval (real + 'setfullscreen () '); function getenablemessagebox: wordbool; parameters: backgroundcolor property: Any use of the symbol the role of pre-defined color: specifies the background color of the image window function getwantkeyboardevents: wordbool; function getloop: wordbool; procedure setshowpreferences (bval: wordbool); function getenablecontextmenu: wordbool; function getimagestatus: wordbool; procedure setshowstatistics (bval: wordbool); return false ; procedure setsource (const lpsznewvalue: widestring); function getlasterrorseverity: integer; parameters: classid attribute: recognize the embedded realpalyer player. procedure setloop (bval: wordbool); function getconnectionbandwidth: integer; embedded realone player parameters: maintainaspect property: true or false role: default realplayer stretching all the pieces to fill the image window. procedure setfullscreen; components: mutevolumefunction getpacketslate: integer; {eval (real + 'doplay () ');} function getshuffle: wordbool; function getnumsources: smallint; role: Only playback (rewind) button function getnumentries: smallint; procedure doplaypause ; procedure aboutbox; procedure setcenter (bval: wordbool); procedure donextitem; in the body into the surface rm music player code function canplaypause: wordbool; function getlasterroruserstring: widestring; function getwantmouseevents: wordbool; role: show the level of the message box displays the pieces of information , such as fragments of time,Timberland italia, network status, etc. procedure setautostart (bnewvalue: wordbool); role: only show the speaker icon, mute button for parameters: autostart attribute: true or false role: Specifies whether to automatically play the specified source file function getmaintainaspect: wordbool; parameters: prefetch attributes: true or false role: Specifies the playback front, realplayer stream description information is available, the default value is falsefunction doplaypause () procedure setnologo (bval: wordbool); function getcanseek: wordbool; components : homectrlprocedure donextentry; role: the role of display only the play button: Displays the playback (play) button and pause (pause) by sentimental prose selection button doplaypause (); parameters: nologo attributes: true or false role: to avoid the image realplayer startup window displays the function getpacketsearly: integer; components: volumeslider components: ffctrlfunction getpacketstotal: integer; function dostop () function getlasterrorusercode: integer; function getenabledoublesize: wordbool; parameters: console attributes: Any string role: can a variety of realplayer control on the page together, so that they can be used interchangeably, or to remain independent and to one another without affecting the function getmute: wordbool; realplayer player 4 (with video) procedure setconsoleevents (bval: wordbool); procedure setcontrols (const lpsznewvalue: widestring); procedure setprefetch (bval: wordbool); 1, real player full-screen approach a function getnologo: wordbool; function canplay: wordbool; role: the same statusbar similar, but the only message area, the network news shows, such as display ... start java virtual machine role: Only fast-forward (fastforward) button 2,calzado mbt, real player full-screen approach two components: playonlybuttonfunction getsource: widestring;


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