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<strong>National Disbursing Network (NDN)</strong> ELM' s Central Disbursing Agent (CDA) service.
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<strong>CL unique ID</strong> Abbreviation for CommonLine unique identifier, a sequence of numbers and letters (17 characters) typically assigned by the guarantor at the time of guarantee. Components of the unique identifier include the 6-digit school OPE ID (positions 1-6), a 4-digit school branch code (positions 7-10), a 1-digit system ID (position 11), and an incremental code (positions 12-17).
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Zipf's law (R1)<br />A linear relationship between the logarithm of the largest cities and the logarithm of those cities' populations after ranking the cities by size starting with the largest. It is claimed to be universally true and to reflect constant RETURNS TO scALE in cities.<br /><em>See also:</em> Gibrat's law <br /><em>Reference</em><br />Zipf, G. (1949) Human behaviour and the principle of last iffort, Cambridge, MA: Addison-Wesley.
<strong>MOBIUS</strong> Missouri Bibliographic Information User system, a consortium of academic libraries. May be found on the world wide web at
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