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Old 10-09-2011, 07:21 PM   #11
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Ue1eg3drc5bh is on a distinguished road

045692你是我的最爱,Prada Online Shop
0487561你是白痴无药医 0456你是我的 03456你相思无用
04567你是我老妻 019425你依旧是爱我 02825 你爱不爱我 04527你是我爱妻
04535你是否想我 0457你是我妻 04517你是我氧气 0487你是白痴
230爱上你 221225爱爱你爱爱我 240爱死你 210爱你哦
2627爱来爱去 0564335你无聊时想想我 130要想你 1372一厢情愿
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02746你恶心死了 556520我不能不爱你 04551你是我唯一 461思念你
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1392010一生就爱你一人 5201314我?你一生一世 732016今生?你一人 20999爱你久久久
04551你是我唯一 0594184你我就是一辈子 20475爱你是幸福 1314一生一世
21184爱你一辈子 5213344587 我爱你生生世世不变心 25910爱我久一点 20161爱你一万年
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737421今生今世爱你 716519184请你让我依靠一辈子 3399长长久久 7319天长地久
52094我爱你到死 73748196今生今世伴你左右 3113想你一生 619到永久
7731心心相印 518720我一辈子爱你 20609爱你到永久 234爱相随
584520我?誓我?你 8113伴你一生 57350我只在乎你 5620我很爱你
59240我最爱是你 8834761漫漫相思只为你 5670 我要娶你 57410我心属于你
59520我永远爱你 5843344521我发誓生生世世我爱你    

765去跳舞 358上网吧 7998去走走吧 809保?球
1798一起走吧 3207778想和你去吹吹风 76868去溜达溜达  

775885??我抱抱我 51020我依然爱你 52406我爱死你啦 53406我想死你啦
530我想你 53770我想亲亲你 53880我想抱抱你 246437爱是如此神奇
53719我深情依旧 74839其实不想走 82475被爱是幸福 0564335你无聊时想想我
360想念你 520我爱你 70?你 3456相思无用
8050抱你吻你 9950久久吻你 827474被爱才是幸福 591025我只要你爱我
51120我依然爱你 540186我是你女朋友 54033我是你先生 54074我是你妻子
7418695其实你不了解我 745421其实我是爱你 30920想你就爱你 360想念你
53770我想亲亲你 5240我爱是你 543720我是真心爱你 51620我依然爱你
520我爱你 51820我已不爱你 54335无事想想我 5460我思念你
319421想你就是爱你 32102想念你的爱 359258想我就爱我吧 35911想我久一点
554528096我无时无刻伴你左右 54920我始终爱你 32069想爱你很久 73817情深怕缘浅
517680我一定要追你 515206我已不爱你了 4422335时时刻刻想想我 5231我爱上你
53517230我想我已经爱上你 53881我想抱抱你 51930我依旧想你 5260我暗恋你
5452830无时无刻不想你 5360我想念你 54430我时时想你 53406我想死你了
53719我深情依旧 59420我就是?你 9918875求求你别抛弃我 441295谢谢你爱过我
99113148875求求你一生一世别抛弃我 912535求你爱我想我 564335无聊时想想我
7752亲亲吾爱 82475被爱是幸福 9213钟爱一生 930好想你
59420我就是爱你 825别爱我 898分手吧 77895紧紧抱着我
771880521亲亲你抱抱你我爱你 259695?我就了解我 53719我深情依旧 574839我其实不想走

886拜拜了 282饿不饿 3166再见(日语) 456是我啦
740气死你 246饿死了 5646无聊死了 296爱走了
08056你不理我了 095你找我 1414意思意思 08056你不理我啦
3456相思无用 0376你生气了 0564335你无聊是想想我 70345请你相信我
3707LOVE(BP倒过来看) 0837你别生气 5196我要走了 510我依你(我已来
39 THANK YOU 06537你惹我生气 4457速速回机 369958神啊救救我吧
356上网了 165原谅我 0748你去死吧 07868你吃饱了吧
07382你欺善怕恶 526我饿了 505 SOS 0837你别生气
08376你别生气了 2137为你伤心 098你走吧 51396我要睡觉了
918加油吧 95救我 98早安 910就依你
917753叫你去吃午餐 9958救救我吧 881拜拜唉 8716 八格耶鲁--混蛋
865别惹我 58午安 576我去了 578补习班
5776我出去了 987对不起 885帮帮我 8116不理你了
71345请你相信我 716起来吧 71626请你留下来 7187请你别走
7186七零八落 71885请你帮帮我 721亲爱的 745气死我
729去喝酒 741气死你 74839其实不想走 756辛苦了
7474174去死去死你去死 546我输了 310先依你 514无意思
521我愿意 5366我想聊聊 53782我心情不好 54064我是你老师
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592我好饿 786吃饱了 7998去走走吧 586我不来
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8184 BABY 5976我到家了 9189求你别走 837别生气
995救救我 93110就想见见你    
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Old 10-09-2011, 07:25 PM   #12
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Ue1eg3drc5bh is on a distinguished road

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Old 10-09-2011, 07:25 PM   #13
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mo6v8jgy0ae is on a distinguished road

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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 11:28 on October 12, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Emotional World

mother should know that the baby's right brain potential will be gradually lost during the growth, and 0 to 7-year-old right brain is the development of the golden age of the baby. If we are correct and timely use of flexible teaching methods and play activities to promote the development of the baby right brain, that your baby will have a strong memory, creativity and imagination.
to introduce you to the following for 0 to 7-year-old baby right brain development 16 parent-child game
0 ~ 3 years old baby: right brain development of the Enlightenment one of
game: kick the legs, stretching stretch
How to play: let the soothing classical music, my parents do to help your baby kinesthetic training body: Head and neck movement (front,mulberry bag, rear, left, right), arm exercise (front, rear, left, right, encompasses the circling) , leg movement (the feet do take seats adduction, abduction, flexion, extension, circling), and other exercises. Mom and Dad for exercise for the baby side, while looking at the baby's eyes, read the password: two three four, two thousand two hundred thirty-four ... ...
Note: this game for 0 to 1 year old baby. Activities of the body parts left by the command of right-brain and right parts of the activities of the command by the left brain. Therefore, parents often help the baby to do exercise, not only can improve the flexibility of the baby and coordination of bodily functions, but also the concept of training a baby space, promoting right brain development.
game two: dancing
play: in the classical music background, Mom and Dad lead the rhythm with the music baby dance, clap hands, or do a variety of your favorite action. This game for all ages of the baby, the baby can not walk, my mother can hold the baby to do the dance moves,paul smith sale, or dance with the rhythm of his hands and feet. When you hear the sound of a musical instrument, the more than 2 years old baby can try to imitate playing the instrument of action. Such as: listening to violin music, playing musical instruments to imitate the way the time, heard the piano, the left and right keys to imitate according to the position. Also allows the baby to follow the rhythm of music free play, dance.
Tip: classical music on the baby right brain development plays a significant role in the musical accompaniment of the beautiful baby can make many beautiful and harmonious action, served to promote right-brain right-brain thinking and active function.
Game Three: Like what
play: Let your baby face side of the wall is not too much visual stimulation. Mom and Dad holding the picture cards or blocks, etc., from the baby back into his left ear, left eye vision. Asked the baby: Note: Be sure not to ask
Note: this game for 1 ? to 3-year-old baby to play. Imaginative right brain training can stimulate cells more. As long as your baby is not tired, he can often play imaginative games. Such as: In fine weather, father and mother and baby lying on the grass to observe the clouds of heaven, inspired him to clouds of different shapes as animals, fairies, angels and so on. Do not underestimate your baby is full of curious exploration activities, or the silly full
game four: find a friend
play: cards spread out a few letters, so the baby will be two identical letters card matching. If your baby is close to the appearance of two different letter confusion, parents can correct the error in the same time, the image to point out the difference. Such as: the interpretation of the letter B, it can be described as the baby's ear, and the letter P interpreted as a grandfather a cane.
Note: this matching game for 1 half years old baby. As the baby grew older, matching the game gradually developed into the Such as: 2-year-old baby, please different positions of the same animal pictures to make a pair; your baby will be 2 years and a half in pictures or real fruit, biscuits and other categories.
Game Five: throw paper balls
play: get a basket, basket or laundry basket can then pick up some newspapers, the newspaper wrapped into a ball,burberry handbags, a paper made into a ball, mother, father and baby turns throw paper balls, throwing 10 per person,designer handbags cheap, to see who threw the ball up to the basket.
Note: This sports game for over 2 years old baby to play, need to control their own little baby hand movements, to judge the distance of space, which are conducive to the baby's right brain development.
Game Six: The Magic of carton
play: the home of used tissue boxes left, fill it to put some toys, candy, fruit, touch your baby, you said before he was out the name, or give him instructions, ask him to get something according to instructions. Great little baby, you can give him no instructions. Such as: To increase the fun, you can also use some method of reward. For example: take on the candy, put the baby to eat candy reward, a wrong, such as mother used to eat candy on the go.
Note: this training the senses of the game for 2 years old baby. This is a tactile and visual through to judge the game, can promote the development of right brain.
Game Seven: Guess Who am I?
play: father or mother in bed out different animal sounds, such as wolf calls, dogs barking, the lion's call, so that behind the blanket baby Guess what is animal.
Note: this game for over 2 years old baby to play. This is the one to judge the game by hearing, but also can stimulate the baby's right brain function.
Game Eight: rock, paper, scissors
play: some toys, and baby play Who won more toys to who should.
Tip: This game for 2 to 3-year-old baby to play. Can be developed more with his left hand the right brain, this is because the left is the right brain controls movement. Therefore allows to paint with his left hand more than the baby, grasping toys, building blocks, string bead ... ...
3 ~ 7-year-old baby: right brain development
game a golden period: I make friends
ball play one: feet apart when the goal Mom, Dad, baby shot turns to his left foot, comparison and who's hit rate.
play two: father, mother and baby Bounce the ball left and right turns. Can make different instructions, such as:
play three: the ball than the baby with a rope fixed at 10 to 20 cm above, please jump up baby feet, with a head ball into the top count, accumulated to a certain number of reward stickers.
play four: the baby in accordance with the instructions left foot struck the ground with the ball, or forward or to the left, right away, and finally put the ball back to the designated
play Friday: 4 to 8 on the ground gracefully plush toys, father, mother and baby games, rolling his left hand to aim the ball, fell the most toys wins.
Note: this ball game for over 3 years old child to play in the limbs, the role of exercise and repeated the process of brain systems, and promote the development of the cerebral cortex and nerve cells.
Game Two:
play with everyone singing: the life of the event compiled songs, and the baby, singing and playing. For example, brush your teeth, wash, eat, we can put these activities and familiar melodies such as - Come - ----- brush teeth every day - should be - ------ brush teeth.
Note: this game for over 3 years old baby to play, to develop baby's sense of rhythm and creativity.
Game Three: will scroll box
play: the family bought a TV or other large items of cardboard boxes left, so that tightening of the baby dig into the body, and then scroll cartons child, baby will be overjoyed. In order to avoid hurting the baby, mom and dad the best in each box before rolling loudly asked him:
Note: this game for over 3 years old baby to play, you can exercise your baby's physical sense of balance, but also the development of the baby's right brain function.
game four: something is missing much of what
play: for the baby to see a picture, the above animals, food and supplies. So that what is baby food, which is supplies. Then change another, the above ratio increases and decreases in the first, so that what little baby talk, more do.
Note: the left brain's memory as 3 years old baby already types of recognition memory and image basis, parents can and the baby for memory training game.
Game Five: guess, look for
play: the pieces of dashed plans for parents, guess what your baby, then do the connection to practice and see if guessed right; can also look for hidden treasure graphics, such as: butterflies hidden in the butterfly flowers, let him look, there are a few little butterflies on the screen, several flower iris; or to a complex picture to the baby to see, there are people, animals and color changes, to make him whole, then local to him and let him talk about this is what part of the whole.
Note: This schematic thinking of the game with 4 years of age for the baby to play. Cognitive function in the brain, the first after taking into account the overall focus of local left brain function, while the first part is to know the whole right brain function and then by analogy. Schema thinking about the game can communicate more coordinated brain function.
game six: apple
play: the calendar to find out from the picture of a tree, so that the baby attached to the tree cutting some apples, note: cut and paste to do by their own baby, do not ask your baby like a beautifully cut or paste, as long as he is willing to be creative yourself, parents will appreciate the way shown.
Note: this game for over 4 years old baby to play, to develop your baby's ability and right hand coordination.
Game Seven: beautiful bracelet
play: the envelope used to stay, a cross cut into a ring, and then and baby picture in the ring with their favorite patterns and colors, put it over your wrist taken bracelet. Do a mother to arouse interest in the baby, then let him do it by yourself in order to encourage the main, do not care about the baby is doing beautifully.
Note: this game for over 4 years old baby playing with a variety of sensory activities, both at hand, the feeling of another color, pattern design, etc., is helpful for the development of the baby's right brain .
Game Eight: A play about different
: Flexor: the left thumb flexor, little finger of right hand bend at the same time, or left index finger flexion, right hand ring finger bent at the same time, action may be slow to fast.
play II: refers to shouted the password and changes in position.
play Three: Mount the foot knock knee, his left hand down to touch the heart of the left thigh, right fist, on the right thigh, shouted the password A twist of a tap, so both hands under the password again when used to
Note: This asymmetry action game for over 5 years old baby to play. In order to do the baby by the time asymmetry of movement, left and right brain will continue to be stimulated,burberry bags, the brain cells expanded range of functions to enhance brain development.
Warm Tips:
play exciting games is free, easy,paul smith bag, enjoyable activities, particularly fond of the baby. Only the baby in the game to take the initiative and consciously to education, so the father and mother in real life as far as possible in the form of various types of games to develop your baby right brain training.
comprehensive stimulate visual, auditory and language of the Mom and Dad can keep coming in 1 hour to see the baby dinosaurs, flowers and other patterns, during which interspersed songs, language, stories and language stimulation. Because the baby is difficult to stimulate the same time to maintain interest, and the
new and exciting life in the usual, try not to let the baby go down the same old way, the old look the same book, same old with a small partner to play. To send the baby to kindergarten may wish to deliberately change the route chosen for the baby book may wish to type more, to create the conditions for the baby have the opportunity to make a variety of character and love of children, because the fresh experience of the activation of the right brain function advantages.
painting painting is to develop the right brain to stimulate the best one of the ways the ability of painting is a comprehensive training, which includes a number of items: such as the visual experience, ability, auditory description, language understanding and so on. Also improve the ability of drawing a good way to observe the baby. In the painting process, the right brain is more obvious on the experience curve, and the baby can do this game. Extension curve description and Lenovo, are more interesting and easy to implement way of painting.
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