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<strong>MOHELA</strong> Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority, Missouri' s designated FFELP secondary market. MOHELA, a non-profit quasi-governmental entity, originates, disburses, services, and purchases FFELP and private loans. Additionally, MOHELA provides Missouri students with significant repayment benefits, including deeply discounted interest rates when the MDHE is the guarantor. MOHELA was created more than 20 years ago and is headquartered in Chesterfield, Missouri. May be found on the world wide web at
<strong>Independent student</strong> A student who meets one or more of the federal criteria to be classified as independent for aid awarding purposes. Criteria under section 480(d) of the HEA include: • Age 24 by December 31 of the academic year • Graduate or professional student • Married student • Student with legal dependents • Veteran • Orphan or ward of the court
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<strong>FAT</strong> Financial Aid Transcript, an official record of federal financial aid a student has received at schools the student previously attended.
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