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<strong>Satisfactory repayment arrangement</strong> A specified number of consecutive, on-time, voluntary, reasonable and affordable full monthly payments made by a borrower to the holder of a loan in default. Satisfactory repayment arrangements may be established by a borrower to either regain Title IV eligibility, or rehabilitate a defaulted loan, or to consolidate a defaulted loan.
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Myners Committee (G3)<br />A working group chaired by Paul Myners and set up by the UK Department of Trade and Industry in 1995. In its report, Developing a Winning Partnership: How Companies and Institutional Investors are Working Together, it set out the broad criteria for being a MODEL COMPANY MANAGEMENT or MODEL INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR.
pay-off (C7, DO)<br />1 In GAME THEORY the expected values assigned to different combinations of strategy and counter-strategy.<br /> 2 The benefit derived from a course of action, net of cost.<br /><em>See also:</em> minimax; regret
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