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Old 04-01-2011, 10:41 AM   #1
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iopm5n9f4hjk is on a distinguished road
Default 秋叶静美回归大地厚土——感触我军策略导弹 真钱斗地

(义务编纂:李景璇) 41576692010-05-20 04:51:27.0■解放军报记者 丁海明 特约记者 韦存韧 通信员 张常伟秋叶静美回归大地厚土
    爱因斯坦说:“第一流的人物对时代和历史过程的意思,在其道德品德方面兴许比单纯的才智成绩还要大 。”
    10年浩劫末期,早已胜利“铸剑”的中国开端探寻“驭剑之道”,邱成龙风华正茂,投身其中;策略导 弹作战运用研讨日臻成熟时,惯例导弹登上历史舞台,邱成龙担纲大任,不负众望;信息时期,准确制导兵器攻关 正急,邱成龙挺身而出,再次披挂上阵……
    迎难而上,不避危险。这是一种敢于担负的报国情怀。邱成龙肩头有多重?多少位与他相知甚深的院士领 会最深。
    院士们的追述,让邱成龙为驾驭长剑夙兴夜寐的好汉脚印显影。邱成龙档案里,有一句组织上写于197 9年的评语:“邱成龙是一位为国防古代化勤奋尽力、奋勇前进的人。”
    一桌一椅,一支铅笔,一套计算工具,一位白发人昂首其间……这是邱成龙自得门生肖荣脑海里挥之不去 的永恒画面。
    “他一天到晚老是写呀算呀,真钱游戏,就在那张桌子前,就坐在那把椅子上,就是那样的姿态,一坐就是一天,一坐就是一辈子……”肖 荣哽咽难言。
    心游浩瀚天穹,身在数字大陆。就在这小小小房,邱成龙孤灯皓首,倾尽终生血汗,为导弹作战运用捧出 了第一册“计算表”、第一本“手册”、第一个“作战模型”、第一套“盘算机帮助决议体系”……
    邱成龙逝世后,肖荣收藏起追随恩师多年的一套计算工具:卡尺、计算尺、量角器……把它们插在一个微 缩导弹壳里,悄悄鹄立在房间一隅。
    执著者,必心无旁骛。跟老伴漫步,简直是邱成龙独一的户外活动。别人散步都是边走边聊,他散步却是 少言寡语,若有所思。
    一次,真钱游戏http://www.777qipai.com/,正散步林荫,忽然,邱成龙急促问身边老伴:“纸,有纸没?”老伴愣了:“要纸干啥?”邱成龙说:“我突然 想到一个解决难题的措施,真钱斗地主,得赶快记下来。”老伴掏掏衣兜,找到一片皱巴巴的纸。邱成龙就把一个偶尔爆发的灵感记在了上 面。
    一天深夜,邱成龙加班回家,老伴照例给他端来一盆热腾腾的洗脚水。没过5分钟,老伴听到“咣”的一 声,只见邱成龙正光着脚,伏在书桌上飞速记着什么。洗脚盆歪在一边,两行水渍足迹清楚可见……
    邱成龙去世后,年近七旬的老教学赵宗涛连夜关山迢递从西安赶到北京,必定要再看老战友最后一眼;几 位与邱成龙共事时光不长的年青人,搭乘一个多小时的出租车前往送行……
    海军某研究所原研究员陶承铸,一位73岁的老人。他清晰记得,赌博游戏,当年第二炮兵在导弹作战运用研究范畴申明鹊起时,每当有人来求教,邱成龙总是倾囊相授,经常写出厚厚一叠 书面倡议提供应来访者。
    有人暗里说,我们与兄弟单位的同行虽有配合,但也有竞争,是不是要“留一手”?邱成龙不认为然:“ 科研成果能传布到全军更多单位,证实它有价值、有性命力,把准确思路发挥光大,辅助同行躲避弯路和误区,这 是分内之事。”
    朱毅,是与邱成龙相知数十年的老战友。邱成龙住院期间,他先后5次到病院探访,每次都看到统一个相 似场景:病房里,来自总部或其余军兵种的同道,或站或坐,虚心求教一些中心技巧困难的破解之道。固然重病缠 身,邱成龙仍不厌其烦,逐一作答。
    此情此景,让朱毅感怀不已,遂作七绝一首:“磨砺长剑神策勋,桃繁李茂已成林。格调风骨皆垂范,遇 有难题还问君。”
    1996年12月18日这一天,全家人看得非同个别。第一条消息,是国度科技嘉奖大会。镁光灯不停 闪耀,获奖职员陆续领奖。突然,一个再熟习不外的面貌惊现面前。
    “是啊!是爸爸!”儿女们觉得迷惑:父亲荣获这样的大奖,参加这么光荣的大会,居然不和家里人说一 声!
    邱成龙回家了,像平凡一样。老伴憋不住了:“老邱呀,你可在电视上露大脸了,咋不告知我们娘几个呢 ?”
    邱成龙一生获奖良多,大到国家级、部队级,小到研究院颁发的奖状、证书厚厚一大摞。他爱护声誉,但 不显摆荣耀,证书奖状领回来就锁进办公室柜子里。
    邱成龙事业结果丰富,生涯简朴无华。他长期寓居一套很一般的公寓房,面积不大,家具简略。作为一名 老专家,他退休接收返聘后,组织按划定给他部署了专车保障,他很少用这辆专车。与他同乘公交车的乘客无论如 何也设想不到,身边这位慈爱的白发白叟是我们的“国宝”!
    邱成龙两次参评院士的先容人,是中国工程院院士唐西生。唐老最明白,导弹作战应用是第二炮兵的第一 大学科,但在工程院的学科划分中,这类军事软迷信很难划清归属,加之高度涉密,对邱成龙的推介无奈尽述其详 。两次申报,两次落选,他本想抚慰一下邱成龙,可每次邱成龙都笑呵呵地工作去了,好像什么都未 曾产生。
    另一类是历次重大演习“中军帐”现场,军委总部和第二炮兵首长神色专一,邱成龙担纲导弹作战运用首 席专家,讲授技术征询计划。
    1940年8月的一天,邱成龙诞生于吉林九台县杨家岭一户农家。当时,家里仅有半亩土地,他小小年 事便成了放猪娃。解放后,共产党给他家分了35亩土地、3间屋子和1头牛。新中国成破后,他成了故乡第一批 小学生,高中毕业后被输送到军校读书,学习最尖真个导弹专业;我国战略导弹武器研制成功后,他和战友一起创 立了导弹作战运用专业,为祖国安定、为世界和平绘出了傲视寰宇的“中国弹道”……
    邱成龙把这一切归纳为一个词:“幸运”。在他的档案里,存有一份1985年加入党组织运动时他写的 资料:“作为一个优良共产党员,就要首先有不惜就义个人所有的精力……”
    “我荣幸地走到今天,这些幸运都是党给的,我满足了……”这是邱成龙留给老伴的最后遗嘱。老伴说: “从这句话里,我听懂了他的幸福!”

孙中山黄兴等后人聚会怀念祖先 留念辛亥百年- 百度百

谢霆锋对张柏芝说过 你是我见过的最英勇的女 梭哈游戏

四川六大让人断魂的油菜花踏青地 赌博游戏

“虎妈”教导模式引争议: 什么才算胜利 组图 真钱游

时期先锋:领舞“中国剑法”--军事--国民网 百度百科

关注当代未成年人心理危机 拿什么爱你,我的孩 赌博游

业主醉酒后回家时将装有1万多元的背包落在了小区里,一保安捡到后在现场守候1小时未果,主动将皮包上交物 业公司。昨日,家住金银湖碧海花园的李先生致电本报,表扬这位保安拾金不昧的精神。
  该保安谢公伟今年38岁,来自枣阳农村,父母年迈、家境贫寒,2年前应聘至该小区格林物业公司当保安, 每月工资1300元。前日早晨7时左右,他在小区巡逻时,发现一排围栏下草丛里躺着个深色背包 。http://www.777qipai.com/他打开一看,发现包里装着一沓现金,最少有万元。谢公伟说,当时他在现场守到了8点多,一直没见人来,只好 将皮包带回物业公司,交给项目经理韦立洋。经清点,背包里装着房产证、身份证、驾驶证及银行卡等证件,而且 ,在包内不同口袋内还装有1.26万元现金。但是,身份证上的名字,却未在该物业公司登记,一 时无从找起。
  上午10时,业主李先生就赶到了物业公司,心急火燎地问,“你们有没有捡到我的包?”经核对,李先生正 是失主,失物完璧归赵。据了解,李先生住在该小区一小高层上,16日深夜他喝得酩酊大醉,步行回家。“酒劲 一上来,我靠在栅栏上休息了会,又接了个电话,结果就把背包忘在路上了”,李先生背包失而复得,对谢公伟感 激不已,随手抽出一沓钞票感谢他,但被谢婉拒。http://www.111qipai.com/
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Old 04-01-2011, 10:42 AM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,698
a2bzyoc3 is on a distinguished road

with ginger every morning with the three miracles

I started last Spring Festival
, insisted every morning with ginger, from the non-stop, travel, takes on ginger.

almost a year now with ginger, in me appeared three miracles:

not a cold one

with Jiang since so far, I have not suffered from a cold, occasionally a little sign of a cold, drink a packet of Old saying:

second is cured of bile duct stones

August 6 last year, my physical examination, B-bile duct stones found in the left lobe 0.8 × 0.2 cm, I have never eaten any drug treatment of gallstones, but every morning with ginger, this 8 7 February and then examination, the gallbladder was normal. According to Wang, the old man speak in the morning with ginger, gallstones, kidney stones can be cured.

Third, liver function,

I from 1998 to 2002 5 years to do anti-HBC) were positive, but not great Small three. This examination, hepatitis B virus, check the

way with ginger: Peel the ginger scrape (ginger skin is cool), the daily cut forty-five ginger (cut like thick paper-thin, cut too thick, spicy), on the bowl. Every morning, to drink a cup of boiling water, then water washed ginger in a bowl filled with sterilized, and then the ginger on the mouth, chewing slowly, with 10 to 30 minutes, the ginger bite bad, so the smell of ginger, distributed in the oral cavity, nostrils spread to the inside and outside the stomach.

therapeutic efficacy of ginger twenty

studies have shown that ginger contains gingerol, aromatic alcohols, zingiberene, water resorcinarene, Mainz ene, amino acid, nicotinic acid, lemon acid, ascorbic acid, protein, fat, thiamine, riboflavin, carotene, crude fiber and calcium, iron, phosphorus, has a high nutritional value. Spicy ginger and has a special flavor, can add flavor sweet, can not live without the deployment of vegetables, fish can do the deployment of a strong smell of food can be eaten raw, cooked food can be pickled, salt, vinegar stains, can be processed ginger, ginger powder, ginger wine, ginger, dried, spices production of raw materials can be extracted.

ginger Ganxin and temperature, with sweating and cold, warm the stomach antiemetic, sterilization analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, but also relaxation of blood vessels, increase blood circulation, excitement stomach to help digestion. Ginger can be used to Ginger for The common people in practice and in medical practice, and gradually worked out many of the prescription with the ginger treatment, but also has good effect.

l, governance vomiting: a tablespoon of ginger juice, honey, 2 tablespoons, plus 3 tablespoons water and mix thoroughly, one dose after boiling.

2, cold treatment of bone pain, joint pain:

① ginger, the amount of light blue, smashed sizzling, iron with cloth wrap the affected area several times a day.

② few pieces of ginger, put the affected area, the use of Moxibustion.

3, cure stomach ailments attack: ginger, cinnamon, each with 12 grams, add water, amount of decoction dose 2 times a day.

4, treatment of gastric, duodenal ulcer: 25 Kocse chopped ginger, in a pig stomach, add water, simmer Dunlan, fractional consumption.

5, treatment of heat stroke syncope: ginger, the amount of leeks, garlic and 1 were fed mash juice.

6, treatment of acute dysentery: 25 grams ginger, brown sugar, 50 grams of mash, day 3 pm service, and even served a few days.

7, treatment of postpartum abdominal pain: ginger, angelica each 150 grams, 1,000 grams of meat, add water, amount of broth, split dose.

8, rule bruises, back sprains: ginger, half and half mashed taro, add flour and mix thoroughly, patching the affected area, daily replacement of 2 times.

9, with acute gastroenteritis: 5 slices of ginger, tea, 20 grams of garlic a, broken, Jianshui tone brown sugar right amount to drink, 3 times a day.

10, dysentery cold treatment: ginger, 4, 15 grams of tea, fried thick add half a teaspoon of vinegar, hot Beverage Service 3 times a day.

11, governing heat dysentery: 4 slices of ginger, tea 15 grams, 6 grams of berberine, Jianshui Liang Liang Beverage Service 3 times a day.

12, treatment of malaria: 4 slices of ginger, 15 grams of tea, brown sugar right amount transferred Jianshui, hot drink, 2 times a day.

13, treatment of motion sickness seasick: ginger one affixed to the navel, by bonding a 伤湿止痛膏, with a clear role in mitigation.

14, rule frostbite, frostbite: amount of smashed ginger, soaked in an appropriate amount of liquor, heating the juice to take wipe the affected area 3 times a day.

15, rule sweat too much: ginger 15 grams, 15 grams of dry alum, boil washing their feet, day 1.

16, governing the common cold cough, cold cough: ginger five, plus amount of walnut meat, brown sugar, pounded to eat.

17, government red dysentery: ginger, green tea and drop the appropriate amount of boiled water concentrated drink.

18, treatment of women Deficiency abdominal pain: ginger, brown sugar amount Jianshui take.

19, sweating solution form, warm the lung cough: ginger 10, 7 grams of tea, hot Jianshui Beverage Service.

20, rule cold cold:

① few pieces of ginger, white radish 250 grams of brown sugar amount, Jiantang hot drink, the sweat that solution.

② ginger 6 grams, very light blue 5, brown sugar amount, Jiantang hot clothes, early or mild symptoms of colds and effective.

③ ginger 90 grams, 60 grams of white radish, 60 grams of water chestnuts, smashed juice, 3 times with boiled water, one dose per day.

④ ginger 6 grams, very light blue 2 hate, date 4, Jiantang taking symptomatic light and sweat-free body were effectively trapped.

⑤ ginger 5 grams, very light blue one, green beans 15 grams, 30 grams of carrot, date 4, Jianshui take 3 times a day, boiled water, for fever, thirst and the table unresolved are effective.

⑥ ginger, scallion stalk each 30 grams, 6 grams of salt, white wine cup. The ginger, scallion stalk, salt were mashed, add white wine and mix thoroughly, rubbed the chest, back, cubital fossa, palms, soles of the feet, on a cold Shenteng

, joint pain, fever is not reduced effective .

⑦ heat simmer 10 g ginger, cut rub BAIHUI, Ojo Ojo down or rub to Vital to the skin reddish as the degree to eliminate aversion to cold, body aches.

ginger can be fermented under the action of the bacterial decay, resulting in safrole material, can induce esophageal cancer, liver cancer, serious harm to human health, it can not eat rotten ginger.

grams of ginger diseases

chronic gastritis: 20 Kocse into thin slices ginger, jujube, longan, 30 grams, 20 grams of brown sugar , 500 ml of boiling water for 15 minutes, sooner or later take, day 1.

chronic atrophic gastritis:

ginger, papaya and vinegar soup: 30 grams ginger, papaya and 500 grams, rice vinegar 500 ml, with the casserole stew, divided doses;

ginger rice vinegar: Ginger 100 Kocse filaments, immersed in 250 ml vinegar, the confined storage of prepared 3 days with daily fasting taking 10 ml. Twelve fat stomach ulcer

: Pork bellies, raw ginger: pig stomach a Sin net, chopped into 250 grams of ginger, truss belly

mouth, place the pot, amount of water, boil slow fire belly rot, ginger penetrate into the pig stomach, intestinal food drink belly, belly to eat every 3-4 days, and even served only 8-10. edema in acute nephritis, oliguria

: ginger skin, melon skin soup: ginger skin 6 grams, 30 grams of melon skin, plantain 15 grams, Shuijianbi day one.

catch cold abdominal pain:

fresh ginger, white pepper, red juice: 9 grams of fresh ginger, white pepper 7, broken machine broken, brown sugar, 15 grams of hot water 300 ml red . Twice daily, morning and evening. Ginger, orange peel, onion soup: 9 grams of ginger, tangerine peel 12 grams, 5 onions, pepper 5 grams, 500 ml boiled water to open service.


ginger, fried egg: chopped fresh ginger into a wire 10 Kocse reconcile three fresh eggs, fried food, fresh water, brown sugar after drinking 350-400 ml per day once. Ginger, tea, juice: ginger, tea, 9 grams, water 500 ml decoction.

rheumatoid arthritis: ginger juice 100 ml, 100 grams of crystal sugar, watermelon half. The ginger, rock sugar into the flesh in the West, and then put boiled, half a watermelon a day, 2 times, taking warm fasting. 7 days for a course of treatment, once every 3 courses. This side to the dog days is appropriate.

food poisoning:

ginger, basil leaves soup: Food poisoning caused by vomiting, diarrhea, take ginger, basil leaves, 30 grams, 600 ml boiled water, add brown sugar right amount, 2 times a day service.

herbal poisoning:

ginger juice: eating raw Pinellia, Arisaema occurred swollen tongue, throat dumb, take 6 ml ginger juice, warm boiled water, 2 times a day.

cold uterus infertility:

ginger, brown sugar, lamb: 500 grams of fresh ginger, brown sugar, 500 grams, the ginger smashed machines labeled as mud, mixed with brown sugar, steamed 1 hour, during menstruation start of use, add 200 ml per 1 teaspoon hot water 3 times a day, even for 1 month. Medication ######ual taboos.

nausea and vomiting:

ginger, orange peel soup: 9 grams of ginger, orange peel 9 grams, 500 ml of water, boiled water 2 times service,

ginger, half Summer Soup: ginger 6 grams, 6 grams of Pinellia, 500 ml of water, fried water 2 times service.

vomiting of pregnancy:

ginger, brown sugar, tea: 30 grams ginger, brown sugar, water, 500 ml, decoction, and even served a day for 5 days.

ginger, reed rhizome soup: 30 grams ginger, reed rhizome 30 g, 300 ml of water, decoction. Even a day for 5 days.

stem intestinal roundworm Yin:

ginger, honey and tea: ginger juice 10 ml, 10 ml honey, boiled water, daily 2, even for 5 days.

ginger, honey and tea: ginger 200 grams, the ginger smashed 200 ml water, boil 3 minutes, to slag juice, honey

100 ml blunt, day 1. vaginal atrophy


ginger, cooked with, lamb stew: ginger 150 grams, cooked with pieces 15 grams, 250 Kocse mutton pieces, and simmer gently for use.

frozen shoulder: the old ginger 50 grams, 30 grams of light blue, white and sprinkle 15 ml, were smashed, sizzling hot compress the lesion or the microwave oven hit,

every 30 minutes, several times a day .


ginger, pepper, brown sugar soup: 10 grams of ginger, pepper 10 grains, brown sugar 25 grams, water 500 ml decoction.

ginger, saffron, Treats external agent: ginger 30 grams, 30 grams of safflower, Treats 25 grams, add water, soaked in 500 ml of 10 small

, the fry 200 ml to the residue juice, add 200 ml 95% ethanol mix, rub frostbite Department.

bone tuberculosis:

ginger external side: 500 ml ginger juice, juice juice to play backup, add 300 ml water 100 ml, with a towel soaked

wet, by hot iron affected area. That for cold towel to the local degree fever, day 1.

furuncle carbuncle:

fresh ginger, fresh taro external side: fresh ginger 100 grams, 100 grams of fresh taro Sin net to rough skin, were smashed drunk, plus appropriate surface

mix thoroughly, external surface of the skin 2 times a day, each dressing 1 hour.

hand ringworm:

ginger, white wine topical agent: 250 ml of fresh ginger juice, white wine 500 ml, the ginger juice into the wine with bubbles after 3 days

, rub the affected area 2 times a day sooner or later.

tinea pedis:

ginger, salt, lotion: 100 Kocse ginger tablets, 50 grams of salt, add water, put 500 ml boiling pot, add water into the pot

1000 ml, the temperature does not burn hot wash the affected area is not advised to 2 times a day morning and evening for 30 minutes, usually 3-7 times cured.


external side of ginger: ginger simmer the heat, gently rub the affected area, the degree of skin slightly red, 2 times a day.

numbness of the limbs:

ginger, vinegar lotion: poor circulation limbs, numbness caused by cold, take ginger juice 100 ml, 100

ml of vinegar, hot 2000 ml of water, the temperature should not burn hot wash is not the limbs, 1 for each night.
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