man who preys upon societyand makes easily-deceived people
his dupessir; his absurdhis foolishhis wretched dupessir’ said
the excited Mr. Pickwick.
‘Dear me’ said Mr. Nupkinsturning very redand altering his
whole manner directly. ‘Dear meMr.—’
‘Pickvick’ said Sam.
‘Pickwick’ said the magistrate‘dear meMr. Pickwick—pray
take a seat—you cannot mean this? Captain Fitz-Marshall
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‘Don’t call him a cap’en’ said Sam‘nor Fitz-Marshall neither;
he ain’t neither one nor t’other. He’s a strolling actorhe isand his
The Pickwick Papers
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name’s Jingle; and if ever there was a wolf in a mulberry suitthat
’ere Job Trotter’s him.’
‘It is very truesir’ said Mr. Pickwickreplying to the
magistrate’s look of amazement; ‘my only business in this townis
to expose the person of whom we now speak.’
Mr. Pickwick proceeded to pour into the horror-stricken ear of
Mr. Nupkinsan abridged account of all Mr. Jingle’s atrocities. He
related how he had first met him; how he had eloped with Miss
Wardle; how he had cheerfully resigned the lady foyilai:
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