Learn To Focus �C Just Say ��No��!
I have a question for you, when are you going to learn to say NO? It��s a big part of being successful online; forget online, it��s a big part of being successful in general. This is the one thing that I had to learn and I am still not very good at. As an entrepreneur,
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jimmy choo ramona bag, look at all of them and pick one. The lowest hanging fruit, the one you can execute the quickest and make the most from in the short time, Go with it. Guess what the other five you think that you lost just because you said no, at least half of them, they��ll still be around two or three months down the road. On top of that they��ll probably want you even more because now you have success. You are growing, your projects are becoming bigger and bigger. This is a really big key. Learn to say No not only to projects or to entrepreneurial things at work,
nike dunk high article10014, know your limits because here��s a deal. Focus is the key, it��s the reason most people fail. I cannot express this enough. I had an opportunity once to email Mark Cuban. I asked him this when I was just starting online. ��I am working on six projects at a time Mark,
cheap jimmy choo, you are amazing, and I envy you. What��s the number one advice you would give me�� He wrote me back and I hated his advice. He said ��Kid drop five focus on one��. And I thought ��You do 18 companies how dare you tell me to only work on one? �� I asked someone else and I got a response that I was spread too thin and I should just focus on one��. It just never made sense till one day when I was so tired and fed up I said forget. And I just got rid of everything and I focused on one. And I don��t make this stuff up when I say this thirty days later I made my first money online. I made $300 a night thirty days later because after thirty days I just did one thing I moved forward. Don��t stretch yourself too thin. Don��t get too excited. Know what you are doing. Keep your FOCUS. I am going to do another video in few days where I am going to mathematically prove to you why focus is the key and why Focus in not some hocus pocus advice or some general BS I am giving you. It is the key. FOCUS, look at your plate right now. I know if you are an aggressive entrepreneur I know you have seven things on your plate. Get rid of all of them. Focus on one that��s it. I know it sounds like small advice but I am telling you it might be the best advice I give on this blog. I hope you take it, will come up with more advice soon. Anik Singal is an entrepreneur, expert at using various affiliate marketing strategies to drive highly targeted traffic on websites. He developed and mastered many of the advanced level courses on viral marketing which are currently being used by hundreds of thousands marketers today!