« Progressive Certainty Breeds Uncertanties | Main | Prince Chuckles: Follow Islam to Save Gaia » June 10,
Windows 7 Keygen, 2010 Why Didn't Chairman Zero and BP Accept Assistance from Royal Dutch Shell to Clean Up the Oil Spill? Posted by Gregory of Yardale at June 10, 2010 7:02 AM Soon after the explosion crippled the Deepwater Horizon oil rig,
Office Pro 2007 Key, commencing the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Royal Dutch Shell Corporation offered BP and the Obama Regime the use of some fifty supertankers — that were standing by,
Microsoft Office Home And Student 2010, ready to go — to skim up the oil and limit the damage from the spill. BP and the Obama Regime refused. Why would they refuse to use a proven method of oil spill containment in the opening days of the disaster? The main theory is an archaic, 1920s ERA protectionist law called the Jones Act — which exists primarily to shelter unionized workers from foreign competition — prevented Chairman Zero's regime from accepting aid from a foreign company in cleaning up the spill. That is,
Windows 7 Pro Key, he would rather see the beaches of states that didn't vote for him befouled with oil than upset his union puppet-masters. There's also the theory that Obama is just monumentally incompetent. But I have yet another theory why Chairman Zero would have refused help from the Dutch. Unfortunately,
Office 2007 Activation Key, it is NSFW.