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Old 04-07-2011, 09:05 AM   #1
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  声称“把孕妇尿样放入试瓶中和试剂融合,只需10多分钟,便可以快速简单地测出腹中胎儿性别,橙色代表 女孩,绿色代表男孩。”这种名叫“验胎灵”的试剂在网上兜售引起广泛争议。对此,律师称擅自鉴定胎儿性别在 我国是违法行为。专家指出,单纯依靠孕妇尿液鉴定出胎儿性别,本身就没有任何科学依据,ghd mini styler

  ■ 深圳特区报记者 何泳

  1 网上推销“验胎灵”

  “怀孕后我就很想知道宝宝的性别,最近听说网上有个叫‘验胎灵’的试剂可以快速准确地测出胎儿的性别。 我也买了一套,测试结果显示是男孩,不知道姐妹们有用过的吗?”网友“小龙女”在一个育儿论坛发帖说出心中 的疑惑,她同时表示:“其实我并没有重男轻女的思想,买‘验胎灵’纯粹是满足自己的好奇心。”

  和“小龙女”一样,近段时间通过网络渠道购买“验胎灵”的准妈妈很多。在一些网站的亲子部落里,谈论和 关注最多的也就是这个话题。“昨天我打算买‘验胎灵’,结果被多家网店告知已经卖完了,要过几 天才有货,GHD Deluxe Midnight Collection。”

  没有购买到“验胎灵”的网友“孤独”发帖说,听说有了这个“验胎灵”,自己也想尝试一下。她说:“据出 售这种产品的人声称,相比B超它检查时间要提早10周,准确率更是提高了10%,是不是骗人的 呀。”

  2 两次测试结果不同

  “验胎灵”在网上销售,引发网友议论纷纷。在某网络育儿论坛中,不少网友提出质疑。网友“黑色幽默”发 帖说,“我用了‘验胎灵’前后两次的结果不一样。第一次测试的是男孩,第二次就变成女孩了,怀疑是上当受骗 了。”

  网友“花枝摇曳”也称,她在一个准妈妈网站上看到了购买“验胎灵”的信息,为保险起见,购买了两套“验 胎灵”,没想到,仅仅隔了一天测试,怀孕3个多月的她,第一次测试是男孩,第二次是女孩。“花枝摇曳”质疑 :难道检测结果是随机的?

  网友“辉哥”的一句话顿时在论坛里炸了锅,让质疑的声音占上风。“这纯粹是伪科学,劝大家千万不要买‘ 验胎灵’啊,我一个大老爷们用过之后也‘被怀孕’了。”“辉哥”介绍,自己的妻子买了两套“验胎灵”,妻子 的一次测试结果显示的是男孩。在好奇心的驱使下,他把自己的尿液偷偷放在另一套试剂里,按照说明书上介绍的 方法使用。根据测试瓶上的结果显示他怀了个女孩。这个惊人的结果,让“辉哥”直呼上当。

  不少网友旗帜鲜明地对“验胎灵”持反对态度。他们认为,不管“验胎灵”这种药物是否具有鉴定性别的作用 ,作为政府相关职能部门,都应该对这种现象予以足够重视。首先要填补上立法的空白,将售卖性别鉴定类药物的 行为入罪,并严厉惩罚涉及的机构及个人。

  3 医学专家:用尿液鉴定胎儿性别无依据

  在网络上,有不少妇产科专家也发表了意见。他们都认为“验胎灵”产品没有任何科学依据,简单操作难辨胎 儿性别。专家称,男胚胎和女胚胎所分泌的物质通过母体循环排出体外时,只会存在微量不同。在微量不同的化学 变化下,也只能借助高敏感的科学方法才能进行检测,仅仅通过简单的目测、显色等操作办法,是无法捕捉到这种 微量差异的。

  专家进一步解释说,目前医学上主要有3种方法可以鉴别腹中胎儿的性别:一种是B超。但即使是B超,也没 有人们想像的那么准,GHD IV Hot Pink Styler。因为判断男女的并不是B超机器,而是站在机器后面的医生。B超的准确度取决于医生的经验和胎儿的体位。如 果男宝宝的“小鸡鸡”被身体其他结构挡住,有经验的医生也看不清。所以B超判断男婴的准确度可达95%以上 ,而女婴的准确度则只有85%左右。

  二是在中期进行羊膜腔穿刺法,将羊水细胞培养后进行染色体核型分析。但是这种检查有造成创伤的危险,有 可能造成诸如羊水栓塞、感染、出血、伤及胎儿的危险。若非医学需要,千万不要尝试。

  三是孕晚期,抽取脐带血也可以进行染色体鉴别。这种方法通过分析染色体鉴别母体外周血清标志物测定和胎 儿细胞检测等。

  据专家介绍,在少数情况下可以对胎儿进行性别鉴定,但手续非常复杂,其主要目的是为了鉴别伴随性别遗传 的疾病。在实施医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定前,要由实施机构3人以上的专家组集体审核。经专家诊断通过后,确需 终止妊娠的,由实施机构为其出具医学诊断结果,并通报当地计划生育行政部门。

  4 律师:擅自鉴定胎儿性别违法

  针对相关问题,律师表示,我国自2003年1月1日起实施的《关于禁止非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定和选择 性别的人工终止妊娠的规定》中第三条明文规定,禁止非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定和选择性别的人工终止妊娠。未 经卫生行政部门或计划生育行政部门批准,任何机构和个人不得开展胎儿性别鉴定和人工终止妊娠手术。法律法规 另有规定的除外。律师提醒,消费者在通过网络进行交易时,对商品的安全性、使用效果往往缺乏了解,一旦在使 用后发生伤害性事故,维权较为困难。另外,检测胎儿男女性别的产品,本身已经违背了社会伦理道德,消费者选 购这类产品也面临着道德风险。

  不少专家指出,“验胎灵”出现违反了我国相关法律。有些年轻人利用这种产品主动选择孩子性别,从而做出 “堕胎”等对女性健康不利的举动,也会给中国男女性别比例失调带来更沉重负担。从纯医学伦理角度,“验胎灵 ”也是不能容忍的,人类繁衍应遵循自然法则,如果人为干预,势必会改变出生人口性别比例,对下一代的性别选 择是“过了界的干预”,将会导致灾难性后果。





  “‘验胎灵’不保证结果百分之百的正确,因为其准确率是90%,所以就算验出来结果不一样,我们也不承 担任何责任。”销售该试剂的人在网上吹嘘说。《科技日报》记者曾查阅了美国食品和药物管理局数据库,没有发 现这个发起于美国的药名和公司名,其网站上只有一个有关“验胎灵”的不良反应报告。

  哈佛医学院教授、马萨诸塞州州立医院高危产科医生杰弗里・埃克表示:我从没听说过任何在那么早的阶段可 以通过尿检测出婴儿性别的方法。“假如有人问我是否要买‘验胎灵’,我会告诉他们别浪费钱了” 。

  “验胎灵”公司发起人宣称:我们在产品包装上没有对检测的准确性作任何许诺,也建议消费者不要根据检测 结果作任何决定。实际上,更多顾客进行检测只是为了有趣。“我们非常诧异,竟然有顾客根据检测结果准备男孩 或女孩衣物。”

  国家食品药品监管局相关部门负责人在接受采访时说,网上售药必须经过国家药监局同意,目前经过国家药监 局核准的网络药店共有27家,不在此列的都属于非法药店。对于发现的非法售药网站,药监局会在官方网站“曝 光栏”里予以曝光,“我们没有处罚权,相关案件只有由药监局下设的稽查局移交给工商部门来处理 ”。
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Old 04-07-2011, 09:31 AM   #2
Sergeant Major
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 236
huang1234 is on a distinguished road

12 月 18 evening, 2010, on the professional Muay Thai Chinese Martial Arts Championship at the end of battle, Shunde, Guangdong, China despite a 3-2 aggregate win over the World Muay Thai League, but won all three in points win, two losses and they are all in the short time KO. Prior to the overseas Chinese martial arts with professional Muay Thai battle not on sites, online film and television appeared in martial arts to be deified, was hanging of the world, is not practical in the real argument. Really true? Read history, you will find the most potent, in fact, or martial arts.
top 10 in the world fighting life in China with 4 KO
the highest rate in the world fighting game for that? Muay Thai match? Free fighting game? Unlimited fighting game? The game KO rate is indeed high, but compared to boxing matches and the black market, it is trivial. The world's top black boxing matches are almost never 100% KO rate. Black boxing can not use weapons, in addition, participants can use any way to beat opponents. Once you embark on the ring to only two options: kill the opponent crippled, maimed or killed opponents. Fighters were actually fighting the black market sector the highest level, because only they are truly on their own fist out the threat of death. Estimated the so-called champion could not stand 5 minutes to play.
then the black boxing history, what the most powerful it? A 100 by the gambling companies fighting experts on the survey, ranked the top 10 in the world, there are 4 people born in China, they were ranked first, third, sixth and eighth. They are active in the early 20th century 20th century 70's, which ranked first in 419 straight victories Jackson Hu, which killed 311 field opponents.

However, the most famous 20th century was a black boxer named Although he likes to call himself Any nicknames are not enough to explain his brutal. Boxing world will be recognized during his rule the darkest period in boxing history. Chen Jinsheng attack is the strongest throughout the twentieth century. In all his winning of the game, more than four minutes without a. The most powerful fighter in the exchange that when they appear and Chen extremely weak. Played against a boxer with Chen Jinsheng, said: He is always very strange game, his opponent always easily be cut down, if only to rub it. until I came to understand that they have been hit in the end is how it happened, terrible. > Chen Jinsheng was born in a fighting family, his father, kung fu master, Chen brought up by rigorous training. Chen Jinsheng hitting the city of boxing, he was the Many black boxers were even prepared to hire gunmen to kill him.
historic KO
too far away from us if the black fist, then the Chinese martial arts there are several well-known in the history of the KO. Was repeated characterization of the Fearless film and television works, is a hero of history. 1901 and 1909, Russia and Britain have two Hercules to become famous in China, Fearless announced that challenge, the two got wind flee. Japanese Judo that Fearless will be defeated Britain, Russia Hercules, not convinced, has selected a dozen experts, to try to find the level of Fearless. Fearless Liu let his apprentice sound play, the other five-game losing streak Liu sound. Very angry at team leader, he personally pitched battle with the Fearless. He was counting on skilled craft, but one will know the Fearless play against the powerful. He tried to black hands hurt, Fearless to be seen through, feint a move, with the rib urgent knock their arm, broken ribs fracture on tour, was immediately KO.

as Donnie Yen's interpretation of highly sought after in recent years, Master Yip Man. According to Yip Man's son leaves associate said that his father played the movie was actually more than was even more severe. In the movie, Ye ask a Japanese expert who have rice KO. The reality is Ip Shing already known in Foshan, the Japanese would like to invite him to come when the coach, Ip denied. The Japanese sent a master contest, who requested the yield negative results Ip in less than a minute to play put the opponents get on the ground. Ip descendants returned to take the name of this contest,
Ip disciples, Bruce Lee in Thailand filming of The results of Bruce Lee in The shop had never lost a Car, but have not declared the test of being secret, until two are dead and ambitions.

not on the ring of the civil KO
talk about the history of the legendary hero who, in recent years, there are many folk masters often KO national expert. 20 years ago, faced with the prime of life of the nation's kickboxing champion, close to retirement age in just a few seconds, Mr Fung Chi successor to resolve the battle, the opponent from vanquish. In nearly 20 years, Mr Fung fighting with foreign exchange industry extensively, will have kickboxing, karate, judo, sumo wrestling, Muay Thai, Taekwondo Zhupai players, with Fung's words, is in fact it is both easily defeated them. Mr Fung in 1988 to give lectures to teach boxing in Singapore, arrived in Singapore, where he stayed Martial Arts Association, there are a variety of martial arts practiced martial arts and film to engage a substitute for Sanda, very famous in Southeast Asia martial arts master rushing over to ask one or two. This person has communicated with the boxing skills of Muhammad Ali, and Ali did not move him three punches. Mr Fung regardless of travel fatigue, agreed to exchange hands. After this encounter, the other extremely impressed, and even said In the global sales of 400 million Japanese game In 2002, WU Lian Chi Fu Han was invited to be disciples of transmission Korean boxing, and watching World Cup matches in China and Turkey. Chinese team 0:2 fail. The next day, a clearing in the football held off another game. Ba Ji Quan of the Chinese Taekwondo. WU Lian-year-old branch from 60 to 26-year-old South Korean taekwondo master Kim Jung-phase. South Korean TV station KBS, the national cable television station, WU Lian-sticks on the media, said: WU Lian-branch later described:
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