This is a quick post on a slick new way to make sure that all of your new databases are set up just as you like. I'm running a little behind on the next regular post as the netcard in the machine I use to build the screenshots expired,
Office 2007 Standard, so that will be coming after I get my machine patched back together. Database SettingsUsers often want to have a set of common settings and code for all of their new databases,
Microsoft Office 2010 Professional, and this wasn't very easy to do in the past. In Access 12,
Buy Windows 7, all you have to do to create a startup template is to create a new database called blank.accdb and put it under \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\1033\Access. When you click on "Blank Database" in Getting Started,
Purchase Office 2010, we'll make a copy of that database and start from there. That means you can easily load things like: Library codeReferencesDatabase propertiesRibbon XML & the loaderDefault forms & reportsOther configuration settings <div