Advanced Host Monitor
Version 8.86
Copyright (c) 2000-2011 Advanced Network Software Current language:
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62 test methods!
HostMonitor can check any TCP service, ping a host, check a route, monitor Web, FTP,
Microsoft Office 2010 Home And Business, Mail, DNS servers. It can check the available disk space,
Windows 7 Ultimate Key, monitor size of a file or folder, check integrity of your files and web site; it tests your SQL servers, monitors network traffic and much, much more. See complete test list.
But what is of no less importance is how you can manage monitoring tasks ("test items" in our terminology). Test items can be organized into different groups (folders), each folder has its own settings such as color palette, list of reports, different statistic information, etc.
Tests can be performed on regular intervals (e.g. every 5 min) or on schedule (e.g. every Friday between 6pm and 9pm); tests can be performed directly by HostMonitor or they can be performed by Remote Monitoring Agents installed on remote network. Some tests may depend on another, e.g. you may easily configure HostMonitor to check 10 web servers when your primary router is up, and check another (backup) server when your primary router is down.
30 alert methods
HostMonitor is a network administration software,
Microsoft Office 2010 Professional, it provides different ways to respond on failed services. Audio and visual notifications alert people near the machine. E-mail and pager notifications inform a wider range of remote operators. HostMonitor can take actions that are designed to recover from a failure automatically without human intervention (e.g. "restart service", "reboot computer" or "dial-up to the network" actions). See complete actions list.
Highly flexible Action Profiles allow you to start actions in predefined order depending on the test results:
- E.g. you may start some action only when both primary and backup mail servers do not respond.
- Or an action profile can be set up to page both the IT manager and the network administrator during regular office hours, and to page the administrator alone the rest of the time, while doing nothing else but writing to the log on weekends.
- Another example: when some critical service fails HostMonitor may reboot the server. If that does not help, HostMonitor will send e-mail to the on-call technician. If,
Office 2007, however, the server remains silent during the next three probes,
microsoft Office 2010 keygen, the network administrator is to be paged until the server is brought back up.
Install HostMonitor and you will see how easy it is to implement all of the above with even more sophisticated behavior patterns.
And yes, various macro variables allow you to use the same action profile for hundreds or thousands of monitoring tasks (test items). E.g. If you monitor 10 different services on each of 100 servers, you may use single action to restart any failed service on any of these systems.