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Vol. 25, No. 5, 2011
Physical Human-Robot Interaction through Force Interface Preface
pp. 511-512(2)
Authors: Ott, Christian; Nenchev, Dragomir
Safe and Compliant Guidance by a Powered Knee Exoskeleton for Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation of Gait
pp. 513-535(23)
Authors: Beyl, P.; Knaepen, K.; Duerinck,
Office 2007 Enterprise, S.; Van Damme, M.; Vanderborght, B.; Meeusen,
Windows 7 Home Premium, R.; Lefeber, D.
Effects of Impedance Reduction of a Robot for Wrist Rehabilitation on Human Motor Strategies in Healthy Subjects during Pointing Tasks
pp. 537-562(26)
Authors: Tagliamonte, Nevio Luigi; Scorcia, Maria; Formica, Domenico; Campolo, Domenico; Guglielmelli, Eugenio
Fast Reinforcement Learning for Three-Dimensional Kinetic Human-Robot Cooperation with an EMG-to-Activation Model
pp. 563-580(18)
Authors: Tamei, Tomoya; Shibata, Tomohiro
Imitation Learning of Positional and Force Skills Demonstrated via Kinesthetic Teaching and Haptic Input
pp. 581-603(23)
Authors: Kormushev, Petar; Calinon,
Microsoft Office 2010 Key, Sylvain; Caldwell, Darwin G.
A Direct Physical Interface for Navigation and Positioning of a Robotic Nursing Assistant pp. 605-627(23)
Authors: Chen, Tiffany L.; Kemp, Charles C.
On the Ability of Humans to Apply Controlled Forces to Admittance-Type Devices pp. 629-650(22)
Authors: Nambi, Manikantan; Provancher, William R.; Abbott,
Microsoft Office 2007 Product Key, Jake J.
Performance Analysis of a Haptic Telemanipulation Task under Time Delay pp. 651-673(23)
Authors: Yip,
Office 2007 Enterprise, Michael C.; Tavakoli, Mahdi; Howe, Robert D.