Food Additives List Information Complete Food Additives List
Drinking Water Information Best Drinking Water Information
Distilled Water
Energised Water
Filtered Water
Bottled Water
Tank Water
Mineral Water
River or Dam Water
Bore Water
Facts About Drinking Water
Water Distillers, Water Filters, Tank Water or Tap Water
Fluoride in Water
"The Doctor of the future will give no medicine,
Microsoft Office 2010, but will interest his patient
in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the prevention of disease."
- Thomas A. Edison
Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, arthritis, prevention is better than cure, so educate yourself
and take responsibility for your health today. Avoid the swamp of commercialism which ignores
True Health of every human being and presents foods that have no value to the human body,
but instead create a diseased and lethargic environment in the human body.