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Old 04-22-2011, 06:35 AM   #1
Staff Sergeant
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Default 百家乐平台出租 扎兰屯

扎兰屯市是隶属于内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市的一个县级市,位于内蒙古自治区东部、呼伦贝尔市南端的大兴安岭东 麓,东邻阿荣旗,南接黑龙江省的甘南、龙江二县和兴安盟的扎赉特旗,西连兴安盟的阿尔山市和呼伦贝尔市的鄂 温克族自治旗,北携牙克石市,全市行政区域总面积1.69万平方公里,辖9个乡镇,6个街道办事处,总人口 44万人,其中市区人口16万人,百家乐平台出租,由蒙古、汉、达斡尔、鄂伦春、鄂温克等20个民族构成。
中文名称: 扎兰屯 外文名称: ZhaLanTun 别名: “塞外苏杭” 行政区类别: 县级市 所属地区: 内蒙古自治区 下辖地区: 正阳办事处、向阳办事处 政府驻地: 扎兰屯市区 电话区号: 0470 邮政区码: 162650 地理位置: 内蒙古东北部 面积: 16800平方公里 人口: 45万 方言: 东北方言 气候条件: 温带半湿润大陆性季风气候区 著名景点: 秀水景区、喇嘛山景区、柴河景区、金龙山滑雪场、金长城遗址 机场: 兴建中 火车站: 扎兰屯站 车牌代码: 蒙E 获得荣誉: “中国优秀旅游城市”
地理位置历史沿革行政区划名称易改自然概况外驻单位发展状况交通状况城市建设教育事业国家级风景名胜区吊桥 公园秀水风景区柴河风景区雅鲁河漂流 地理位置  扎兰屯既是俄蒙商品进入中国内地的第一个重要城市,也是满洲里口岸辐射全国各地的潜在中心。全 市总面积1.69万平方公里,人口43万。市辖16个乡镇、6个办事处,1个自治区级工业开发 区。   扎兰屯的自然资源富集,具有极其重要的资源优势。拥有耕地260万亩,草场419.2万亩,森林46万 公顷,野生动植物近千余种。盛产玉米、大豆、白瓜籽、甜菜等粮食作物和经济作物,是全国重要的商品粮基地和 糖料基地。地下资源丰富,已经探明的有硅石、石墨、煤、重晶石等。历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚。是历代北方少数 民族游猎栖息之地,http://www.pengke.me/home/space.php?...=blog&id=98418足球平台出租,一代天骄成吉思汗曾在此屯兵扎寨,金长城横贯南北。自然风光秀美,旅游资源得天 独厚,百家乐平台出租。山险、石怪、水秀、林茂、兽奇、鸟异,素有“塞外苏杭”、“北国江南”之美誉,是国家重点风景名胜区和中 国优秀旅游城市。产业门类齐全,http://shijianwang.net/space.php?uid...=blog&id=33892足球平台出租,工农业产业关联度高,与东部经济的互补性强,经济合作的空间和潜力较大。俄罗斯木材、粮食、 牲畜、农机等有型市场初具规模,正在成为大兴安岭东部地区的工商业中心。   
扎兰屯市地处祖国西部和东北部之间的交汇地带,作为边疆少数民族地区,按行政区划属于西部大开发范畴,按经 济区划又是东北经济区的有机组成部分,不仅享受民族区域自治政策,得益于西部大开发的优惠政策,更独得国家 “东北振兴”计划强力拉动的便利,优越的区位环境使扎兰屯面临着难得的历史性发展机遇。历史沿革  据专家 考证,至少在距今7千年前的新石器时期,雅鲁河、绰尔河流域即已有人类活动。顺治年间,沙俄开始入侵黑龙江 北岸广大地区,世代生活在那里的索伦(鄂温克)、达斡尔、鄂伦春等族人民被迫迁居嫩江流域。清政府将嫩江流 域的达斡尔人编为3个“扎兰”(也称“甲喇”,满语,汉译为“参领”之意,清代正三品武官职,每个参领下辖 5个佐,每个佐300人),将鄂温克人编为5个“阿巴”(鄂温克语,汉语译为“围场、猎场”之意),并派官 员进行统辖。扎兰屯境内主要居住着鄂温克人,以狩猎为生。
  康熙30年(1691年),清政府在3个“扎兰”、5个“阿巴”的基础上组建了布特哈(满语,汉语译为 “渔猎、打牲”之意)八旗,将达斡尔、鄂温克、鄂伦春人编在八旗之内,在嫩江西岸宜卧后屯(今内蒙古自治区 莫力达瓦达斡尔族自治旗尼尔基镇北)建立了总管衙门,管理八旗事务。扎兰屯境内雅鲁河畔的鄂温克人被编入了 镶红旗,济沁河畔的鄂伦春人被编为正蓝旗,旗衙门合设在雅鲁河畔的扎兰屯,也称“扎兰衙门”,派“扎兰章京 ”(也称“甲喇章京”。“章京”为官职名,清代军职多称章京,为满语的音译,如参领被称为“扎兰章京”), 坐镇扎兰屯,司掌两旗的军事、行政与司法事务。   中东(东清)铁路修通以前,http://home.a9188.com/space.php?uid=...blog&id=699068足球平台出租,这里山高林密,河流纵横,禽珍兽异众多,为历代北方少数民族栖息、游猎的理想之地。自清末实 行垦荒政策及1903年中东铁路全线通车,大批流民自冀、鲁、豫、黑、吉、辽等地纷纷涌入,使扎兰屯地区人 口逐渐增加,农、工、商各业初露端倪。   光绪二十年(1894年),清政府裁撤布特哈总管衙门,将其升为布特哈副都统,副都统由宜卧奇迁驻博尔 多(今黑龙江省讷河市)。不久,裁撤旧92佐,新组建布特哈八旗,以嫩江为界,分设东西两路布特哈,东布特 哈总管衙门驻博尔多,西布特哈总管衙门驻宜卧奇。扎兰屯境归属西路布特哈,驻“扎兰章京”衙门废止,改设官 庄,专司收容、管理关内流入人口和垦荒事宜,编为军籍屯田。   民国四年(1916年)3月1日,为管理自行流入的垦荒农民和发展招垦事业,黑龙江省在现扎兰屯市境内 的济沁河和扎兰屯分别设置稽垦局,“承总管之命,输垦务,以招徕佃户,督催垦辟,暨清理荒地谬葛,设法振兴 街墓之事。”同时设置管理土地开放等行政事务的佐治局,专事土地开发及管理事务。   民国十四年(1926年)2月2日,济沁河、扎兰屯两稽垦局废止,改设雅鲁设治局(成立县条件尚不成熟 ,暂时设此机构,待条件成熟后改局为县),驻扎兰屯街,归属黑龙江省龙江道。此为现扎兰屯市境正式设治之始 。   民国十七年(1929年)1月9日,雅鲁设治局改升为三等县,定名雅鲁县,归黑龙江省管辖,设雅鲁知事 ,县署驻扎兰屯街。同年2月15日雅鲁县公署改为雅鲁县政府,县知事改设县长,设县长、副县长、秘书长等职 ,下设总务科、行政科、财务科、建设科、产业科、警察局和扎兰屯街公所,并将辖区划分为三个区,第一区为扎 兰屯街,辖11个乡;第二区为济沁河区,辖3个乡;第三个区为博克图区,辖2个乡。   日本帝国主义侵占东北并于1932年(大同元年)建立傀儡政权伪满洲国后,伪满洲国国务院设立兴安局, 不久改为兴安总省,并开始实行省公署官制。6月5日,兴安总省在大兴安岭东麓扎兰屯地区设立兴安东分省,并 在齐齐哈尔设立兴安东分省公署临时办公处。6月27日,裁撤雅鲁县,在原行政区设立布特哈左翼、右翼两旗, 布特哈左翼旗驻扎兰屯,布特哈右翼旗驻博克图。1933年1月27日,兴安东分省临时办公处由齐齐哈尔移驻 扎兰屯,在扎兰屯正式建立兴安东分省公署。5月10日,兴安东分省将布特哈左翼、右翼两旗合并,建立布特哈 旗公署,同驻扎兰屯。兴安东分省下辖布特哈旗、阿荣旗、喜扎嘎尔旗、莫力达瓦旗和巴彦旗5个旗。公署内设省 长、副省长、参事官等职,下设总务厅、民政厅、警务厅3个厅。兴安东分省还设有保安司令部,下辖3个团,总 兵力约500人,主要承担维持地方治安、肃清土匪等任务。布特哈旗公署设旗长、副旗长、参事官等职,内设庶 务、内务、开拓、警务4个科11个股,下辖恩和、乌尔吉、济沁河、博克图5个努图克(区)和扎兰屯办公处( 街)。   1934年(康德元年)12月1日,为加强对地方政权的控制,伪满洲国当局将东北和内蒙古东部地区划为 十四个省,兴安东分省随之改为兴安东省。   1940年扎兰屯办公处改为扎兰屯街公所,博克图努图克提升为行政公署。   1943年10月,伪满洲国取消兴安四省,建立兴安总省,省公署设在王爷庙(今乌兰浩特市),原兴安四 省为总省派出机构,兴安东省随之撤销,布特哈旗划归兴安总省。   1945年8月17日,苏联红军进驻扎兰屯,日伪政权随之垮台。这一时期,共产党在这一地区活动尚未公 开,国民党鞭长莫及,无力接管。在这种复杂、特殊历史背景下,当地上层人物、绅士、富商积极活 动,百家乐平台出租,经苏联红军同意,建立了扎兰屯地方维持会,百家乐平台出租,各努图克也建立了地方维持会。9月12日,扎兰屯地方维持会改为布特哈旗解放委员会。解放委员会设委员长 、副委员长、顾问等职,下设总务、联络、复兴、宣传、救济、公安6个处,并在大河湾等地建立5个分区。12 月4日,百家乐平台出租,布特哈旗解放委员会宣告解体。原兴安东省地区的蒙古、达斡尔等少数民族上层人士和知识分子,共同建立兴安 地区行政公署,归属筹建中的东蒙自治政府。兴安地区行政公署内设秘书室和总务、民政、实业、内防4个处,仍 辖布、阿、莫、巴4个旗(喜扎嘎尔旗撤销)。   1945年冬至1946年春,中共嫩江省工委、中共中央东北局相继派夏辅仁、苏林以及张策、王盛荣等人 来扎兰屯开展工作,并根据东蒙自治政府的指示,依靠达斡尔等民族上层人士和知识分子,于1946年3月27 日在扎兰屯召开纳文慕仁盟人民代表大会,于5月3日建立纳文慕仁省政府,百家乐平台出租,公署设在扎兰屯。5月13日,百家乐平台出租,纳文慕仁省政府发布命令,撤销雅鲁县政府,建立布特哈旗政府。布特哈旗政府于7月25日正式办公,内设总 务、行政、公安3个科。根据1946年4月3日乌兰夫在承德主持召开的“四.三"会议精神,东蒙自治政府决 定将所辖各省政府一律改为盟政府,纳文慕仁省政府遂于6月27日改称为纳文慕仁盟政府,内设秘书、民政、实 业、公安4个处。   1946年10月内蒙古自治运动联合会成立后,在扎兰屯设立了内蒙古自治运动联合会东蒙总分会驻扎兰屯 办事处,为内蒙古自治运动联合会派驻机构。1947年4月23日内蒙古自治政府成立,东蒙总分会驻扎兰屯办 事处随之撤销。   1947年5月1日后,归属内蒙古自治政府纳文慕仁盟政府领导。   1948年2月,根据内蒙古自治政府命令,恢复建立布特哈旗政府,归属纳文慕仁盟政府。8 月7日,http://www.kszzc.com/fenlei/view.php?id=382034足球平台出租,为精简机构,撤销布特哈旗政府,旗政府由纳文慕仁盟政府兼管,盟长兼任旗长,百家乐平台出租。同月,建立城镇和农村两个中心区委,分别领导城镇和农村工作,http://www.pengke.me/home/space.php?...=blog&id=98368足球平台出租,1949年4月撤销。   1949年1月后,布特哈旗为呼伦贝尔盟(简称呼纳盟)辖区。4月11日,根据内蒙古自治区人民政府命 令,纳文慕仁盟同大兴安岭西麓的呼伦贝尔盟合并,建立呼伦贝尔纳文慕仁盟(简称呼纳盟),4月 23日,百家乐平台出租,恢复建立布特哈旗政府,隶属于呼纳盟。   1950年1月23日,根据内蒙古自治区人民政府命令,布特哈旗所属博克图努图克(区)及所属巴林、雅 鲁两嘎查(村)划归喜桂图旗(今牙克石市)。   1953年4月,根据内蒙古自治区人民政府命令,撤销呼纳盟政府,百家乐平台出租,设立内蒙古自治区东部区行政公署。1954年4月内蒙古自治区人民政府决定撤销东部区行政公署,将这一地 区的呼纳盟、兴安盟合并为呼伦贝尔盟,百家乐平台出租,布特哈旗隶属于呼伦贝尔盟。   1956年5月9日,全旗行政区划进行重大调整,其中扎兰屯区改为扎兰屯镇,并将镇区划为东、南、西、 北、中五个区。   1969年8月1日,布特哈旗随呼伦贝尔盟划归黑龙江省。   1979年7月复归内蒙古自治区。   1983年10月10日,国务院批准,撤销布特哈旗,设立扎兰屯市(县级),翌年1月1日,正式撤旗设 市。行政区划  1997年,扎兰屯市面积16 800平方千米,人口42万。辖6街道10镇11乡,其中3个少数民族乡:兴华街道、正阳街道、繁荣街道、 向阳街道、铁东街道、河西街道、成吉思汗镇、蘑菇气镇、柴河镇、哈拉苏镇、卧牛河镇、哈多河镇、雅尔根楚镇 、务大哈气镇、大河湾镇、中和镇、南木鄂伦春民族乡、萨马街鄂温克民族乡、达斡尔民族乡、洼堤乡、�牛沟乡 、团结乡、惠风川乡、太平川乡、库堤河乡、关门山乡、浩饶山乡。市政府驻扎兰屯。   2000年,扎兰屯市辖6个街道、10个镇、8个乡、3个民族乡。 根据第五次人口普查数据:全市总人 口409051人,其中: 兴华街道 26733 正阳街道 23588 铁东街道 13989 河西街道 12556 繁荣街道 21429 向阳街道 30422 成吉思汗镇 31019 蘑菇气镇 14169 卧牛河镇 29507 中和镇 16723 哈拉苏镇 9573 柴河镇 8189 大河湾镇 22944 雅尔根楚镇 15383 务大哈气镇 15694 哈多河镇 12339 库堤河乡 13402 关门山乡 11267 团结乡 15728 达斡尔民族乡 11157 萨马街鄂温克民族乡 8748 鄂伦春民族乡 8453 洼堤乡 9992 惠风川乡 7089 �牛沟乡 6385 太平川乡 7705 浩饶山乡 4868    2001年,扎兰屯市行政区划一览:(可能是2001年或2002年资料。根据当时《内蒙古行政区划代 码》整理)   兴华街道:辖 迎春、铁路、春雷、铁西、绿林、秀水、站前、宏伟、青松9个居委会。   正阳街道:辖 大桥、永安、昌盛、民乐、繁荣、正阳、沿河、红旗8个居委会。   繁荣街道:辖 胜利、兴隆、立新、光明、新风、兴安、小溪、育红8个居委会。   向阳街道:辖 重阳、东方红、新城、金星、卫东、纸浆、红光、红星、糖厂、建设、朝阳11个居委会;向阳村委 会。   铁东街道:辖 五里、平安、东山、石山4个居委会;铁东村委会,http://home.7kill.com/space.php?uid=...blog&id=288300足球平台出租。   河西街道:辖 坝西、振兴、雅鲁、南市4个居委会;回民村委会。   磨菇气镇:辖 利民居委会、团结2个居委会;蘑菇气、凤凰窝、兴隆沟、太平沟、杨树沟、三合、东风、惠风川、爱国、先锋、 南平、北安、中宁13个村委会。   中和镇:辖 振兴居委会;头道沟、前进、兴龙、福兴、光荣、红星、福泉、龙头、库堤河、新林、幸福、架子山12个村委会 。   雅尔根楚镇:辖 新华居委会;五道沟、集体、黎明、明星、三道沟、新建、水甸沟、四道沟9个村委会。   柴河镇:辖 石桥、振兴2个居委会。   哈多河镇:辖 幸福居委会;边北、泥沙河、哈多河、罕达罕、太阳坡、泥沙气6个村委会,百家乐平台出租。   哈拉苏镇:辖 黎明居委会;道南、大兴、三道桥、四道桥、东窑、双北6个村委会。   卧牛河镇:辖 卧北、马场2个居委会;富裕、长发、五星、一心、红石、靠山、卧牛河、新立、大坝、红卫、红旗11个村委会 。   高台子镇:辖 永平居委会;鲜光、沙里沟、高台子、古里金、尖山子、朝阳岗、近郊、马家、石桥、大旗、五一、光明、长青、 建设、奋斗、河口16个村委会。   成吉思汗镇:辖 益民、友谊2个居委会;西德胜、灯塔、繁荣、新民、红光、大甸子、红升、和平、立新、东德胜、新站、火车头 、前进、永丰、永兴、金星16个村委会。   大河湾镇:辖 大兴居委会;大水泉子、幸福之路、大河湾、东升、红光、明星、暖泉7个村委会。   达斡尔民族乡:辖 九村、满都、巴图、中心、白音、海力堤6个村委会。   鄂伦春民族乡:辖 南木、猎民2个村委会。   浩饶山乡:辖 东平台、西平台、浩饶山3个村委会。   洼堤乡:辖 色吉拉胡、孤山子、铁矿、青山、德格吉勒胡5个村委会。   萨马街鄂温克民族乡:辖 马隆沟、护林、团结、猎民、红炮台新村、哈拉口子6个村委会。   关门山乡:辖 宫家街、苇莲河、炕沿山、野马河、湾龙沟、东明6个村委会。   大河湾农场:第一~第十10个生产队。   绰尔河农场:第一~第十10个生产队。   扎兰屯马场:第一~第八8个生产连队。   成吉思汗监狱农场   公安部后勤供应处农场!   2005年,扎兰屯市辖6个街道、10个镇、3个乡、3个民族乡:兴华街道、正阳街道、繁荣街道、向阳 街道、铁东街道、河西街道、磨菇气镇、中和镇、雅尔根楚镇、柴河镇、哈多河镇、哈拉苏镇、卧牛河镇、高台子 镇、成吉思汗镇、大河湾镇、达斡尔民族乡、鄂伦春民族乡、浩饶山乡、洼堤乡、萨马街鄂温克民族乡、关门山乡 。   2006年6月30日,扎兰屯市政府《关于调整扎兰屯市乡镇、街道办事处布局的通知》:乡镇由原来的1 6个调整为9个,街道办事处由原来的6个调整为7个,达斡尔民族乡和萨马街鄂温克民族乡行政区划不变。乡镇 办事处布局调整如下:   一、撤销哈拉苏镇分别并入卧牛河镇、鄂伦春民族乡。   将原哈拉苏镇的三道桥村和四道桥村并入卧牛河镇。并入后的卧牛河镇总面积1550.43平方千米,人口 27864人,辖13个村民委员会和1个居民委员会,驻地卧北。镇名:卧牛河镇。   将原哈拉苏镇的双北村、道南村、东窑村、大兴村和黎明居并入鄂伦春民族乡。并入后的鄂伦春民族乡总面积 2160.53平方千米,总人口16761人,辖6个村民委员会和1个居民委员会,驻地南木,乡名:鄂伦春 民族乡。   二、撤销雅尔根楚镇、高台子镇,并入成吉思汗镇。   将原雅尔根楚镇整体并入成吉思汗镇,把原高台子镇朝阳岗村、石桥村、奋斗村、古里金村、建设村、长青村 、大旗村、马家村、河口村、光明村和永平居并入成吉思汗镇。并入后的成吉思汗镇总面积1176.14平方千 米,百家乐平台出租,总人口62537人,辖29个村民委员会和4个居民委员会,驻地成吉思汗,镇名:成吉思汗镇 。   三、将原高台子镇2个村和成吉思汗镇5个村并入大河湾镇。   把原高台子镇的沙里沟村、尖山子村和成吉思汗镇的前进村、金星村、火车头村、永丰村、永兴村并入大河湾 镇。并入后的大河湾镇总面积581.11平方千米,总人口33998人,辖14个村民委员会和1个居民委员 会,驻地镇德川,镇名:大河湾镇。   四、成立高台子街道办事处。   由原高台子镇的五一村、近郊村、鲜光村、高台子村和向阳办事处建设居、糖厂居组成高台子办事处,新成立 的高台子街道办事处总面积147.9平方千米,总人口16474人,办事处设在原高台子镇政府 所在地。   五、撤销中和镇、关门山乡,并入蘑菇气镇。   3个乡镇合并后的蘑菇气镇总面积1435平方千米,总人口78495人,辖31个村民委员会和3个居民 委员会,驻地蘑菇气,镇名:蘑菇气镇。   六、撤销哈多河镇、洼堤乡,合并组建洼堤镇。   两乡镇合并后新组建的洼堤镇总面积1189.59平方千米,总人口22085人,百家乐平台出租,辖11个村民委员会和1个居民委员会,驻地河北乡,镇名:洼堤镇。   七、撤销浩饶山乡、柴河镇合并组建浩饶山镇。   两乡镇合并后新组建的浩饶山镇,总面积6386.67平方千米,总人口8602人,辖3个村民委员会和 2个居民委员会,驻地四五六山下,镇名:浩饶山镇。   八、在已撤销的乡镇设置办事处。   在原中和镇政府驻地设置蘑菇气镇中和办事处;在原关门山乡政府驻地设置蘑菇气镇关门山办事处;在原雅尔 根楚镇政府驻地设置成吉思汗镇雅尔根楚办事处;在原洼堤乡政府驻地设置洼堤镇色吉拉呼办事处;在原柴河镇政 府驻地设置浩饶山镇柴河办事处;在原哈拉苏镇政府驻地设置鄂伦春民族乡哈拉苏办事处,百家乐平台出租,http://home.a9188.com/space.php?uid=...blog&id=698874足球平台出租。名称易改  扎兰屯史建于1691年(康熙30年),因清朝在此设立扎兰衙门而得名。190 1年中东铁路修筑通车后,扎兰屯地区人口渐繁,农、工商各业初露端倪。1932年伪满洲国在此设立布特哈旗 ,1949年布特哈旗为呼伦贝尔盟(呼纳盟)辖区,1969年随呼伦贝尔盟划归黑龙江省,1979年随呼伦 贝尔盟复归内蒙古自治区。1983年经国务院批准,将布特哈旗改建制为扎兰屯市,级别为县级市 。1984 年1月正式实行市建制。十一届三中全会以后,全市各项事业实现了突飞猛进的发展,城乡经济建设扶摇直上,改 革开放使扎兰屯市焕发了蓬勃的生机。1986年,扎兰屯市被列为开放城市,1988年又被列为内蒙古自治区 经济体制改革试验区,使扎兰屯市步入了全方位开放的轨道。2001年,http://home.huwai8.com/space.php?uid...blog&id=942940足球平台出租,经国务院批准,将呼伦贝尔盟改建制为呼伦贝尔市。将扎兰屯市划归内蒙古自治区人民政府直属管 辖,暂由呼伦贝尔市代行管理。自然概况  济沁河风光(4张)扎兰屯市自然资源丰富,是一块投资兴业的热土 。地貌以山地、丘陵为主,大体上构成“七林二草一分田”的格局。属于中温带大陆性半湿润气候区,四季分明, 年平均气温2.4℃,年均降水量480.3毫米,无霜期年均123天。境内森林面积105万公顷,森林覆盖 率67.78%,森林活立木蓄积量6052万立方米。天然草场面积506万亩,耕地面积319万亩。境内主 要河流47条,形成绰尔河、济沁河、雅鲁河、音河四大水系,市域水资源总量约为25亿立方米。背倚大兴安岭 原始森林,无工业污染源,属于一片天然绿色净土。旅游景观丰富,自然资源组合度好,既体现了大兴安岭的磅礴 气势,又兼有江南水乡的壮丽秀美,是内蒙古自治区唯一的国家级风景名胜区,也是中国优秀旅游城市。外驻单位   扎兰屯幼儿师范学校(正处级事业单位,隶属于呼伦贝尔市教育局)   扎兰屯林业学校(正处级事业单位,隶属于内蒙古自治区林业厅)   扎兰屯农牧学校(正处级事业单位,隶属于呼伦贝尔市农牧业局)   呼伦贝尔市卫生学校(正处级事业单位,隶属于呼伦贝尔市卫生局)   呼伦贝尔市第二人民医院(正处级事业单位,隶属于呼伦贝尔市卫生局)   呼伦贝尔市农业科学研究所(正处级事业单位,隶属于呼伦贝尔市农业畜牧局)   呼伦贝尔市蚕业科学研究所(副处级事业单位,隶属于呼伦贝尔市林业局)   呼伦贝尔市地方病防治研究所(正处级事业单位,隶属于呼伦贝尔市卫生局)   呼伦贝尔市水土保持中心试验站(正处级事业单位,隶属于呼伦贝尔市水利局)   扎兰屯柴河林业局(正处级企业单位,隶属于呼伦贝尔市林业局)   扎兰屯南木林业局(正处级企业单位,隶属于呼伦贝尔市林业局)   扎兰屯马场(正处级企业单位,隶属于海拉尔农场管理局)   绰尔河农场(正处级企业单位,隶属于海拉尔农场管理局)   大河湾农场(正处级企业单位,隶属于海拉尔农场管理局)   扎兰屯火车站(正科级企业单位,隶属于哈尔滨铁路局齐齐哈尔车务段)   呼伦贝尔电业局岭东电业分局(副处级事业单位,百家乐平台出租,隶属于呼伦贝尔电业局)   扎兰屯航空护林站(正处级企业单位,隶属于呼伦贝尔市林业局)   内蒙古扎兰屯成吉思汗监狱(正处级事业单位,隶属于内蒙古自治区司法厅监狱管理局)   公安部后勤供应农场(正处级事业单位,隶属于公安部装备财务局)   中国人民解放军81968部队(正团级军事单位,隶属于中国人民解放军沈阳军区后勤部)发展状况  扎 兰屯市产业门类齐全,发展空间巨大。目前,全市正在全力构建两条绿色产业主线,即构建绿色农畜林产品生产加 工体系,构建以旅游商贸为核心的特色服务业体系。农畜林产业基地建设加速推进,支撑作用明显增强。玉米、大 豆、甜菜、马铃薯、水稻、葵花、杂粮等优势农产品基地建设基础扎实,成为全国重要商品粮基地和绿色农业示范 区,2007年粮食常产能力达12亿斤,绿色有机农作物种植面积达到30.5万亩,绿色有机食品认证达到1 0个,无公害食品认证7个。以奶源基地建设为主导,以生猪、肉牛、肉羊、大鹅、獭兔等畜产品基地和野猪、狍 子、鹿、狐、貉等特种养殖基地为支撑的畜牧业规模不断壮大,牲畜存栏已达276万头(只);积极推进林产品 基地建设,百家乐平台出租,榛子、黑木耳、林果等林产品基地初具规模。   新型工业体系特色鲜明,基础雄厚。以农牧业产业化和绿色农畜林产品精深加工为核心的特色工业体系初步形 成,拥有乳品、浆纸、酒精、油脂、制糖、食品、淀粉、农药、医药、化工、建材等主导产业,产业配套能力进一 步提升,规模以上工业企业达到37家,“吊桥牌”商标成为中国驰名商标,“吊桥牌乙草胺”荣获中国名牌产品 称号。拥有自治区级工业园区即岭东工业开发区,成为承接新兴产业的优质载体和平台。   旅游业发展迅速,知名度不断提高。依托国家级风景名胜区和中国优秀旅游城市两大品牌,突出山水风光和避 暑度假等经典旅游产品,着力发展历史文化和民族风情体验等特色旅游产品,全力打造避暑休闲度假旅游胜地。特 别是融森林火山天池等天然景观为一体的柴河景区、4A级旅游景区吊桥公园、蒙元文化遗存成吉思汗景区、北国 第一漂(漂流)南木景区、山水风光秀水景区、中东铁路遗址群以及鄂伦春、鄂温克、达斡尔、朝鲜民族风情体验 等景区景点独具魅力,2007年接待游客达到90万人次以上,实现旅游收入超过5亿元。   商贸物流繁荣活跃,区域节点城市的地位日益显现。充分利用区位和商业历史文化资源优势,围绕农畜林产品 生产加工产业,全力建设呼伦贝尔区域性节点商贸物流中心,农产品批发、农资、大豆、马铃薯、牲畜、农机具、 木材、煤炭等大型专业市场和物流平台年交易额达7亿元。成功承办了2006年和2007年度呼伦贝尔(扎兰 屯)绿色食品节,目前,正在启动辐射东北地区和俄罗斯的扎兰屯绿色食品城建设,百家乐平台出租,以引领绿色食品产业健康发展,百家乐平台出租,抢占国内外农畜林产品高端市场,对外知名度和影响力不断扩大,外向型经济初见端倪,百家乐平台出租。交通状况  扎兰屯市区位优势明显,发展环境良好。位处内蒙古与黑龙江省的交汇处,是哈(尔滨)大(庆) 齐(齐哈尔)呼(伦贝尔)经济协作带中的重要节点城市。滨洲铁路与国道111线、阿北省际大通道、S302 线贯穿全市,南至齐齐哈尔航空港仅120公里,西南距乌兰浩特机场270公里,与全国最大的陆路口岸满洲里 市有铁路和公路相连,相距九个小时车程。现扎(兰屯)阿(荣旗)铁路计划于2010年12月建成通车。城市 建设  新兴的扎兰屯市市政建设规划性强,设计起点高,电力供应充足,通讯方便快捷,供水、污水处理、垃圾 无害化处理等城市公用设施较为完善,市区人均公共绿地面积8平方米。目前,正在有序开展“三城”(国家级园 林城市、国家级森林城市、国家级生态市)创建活动。教育事业  扎兰屯市现有学校212所,其中教师进修学 校1所,普通高中3所(其中岭东高级中学是呼伦贝尔市教育局的直属高级中学),职业高中1所,中等职业学校 4所(皆属呼伦贝尔市教育局直属中等职业技术学校),普通初中33所,小学174所,幼儿园1所,另有教学 点76个。   教师进修学校在校生237人,教师30人,专任教师17人,专任教师学历合格率100%。普通高中2所 ,另有盟属高中1所。有教学班90个,在校生总数为6000人,其中一中教学班49个,在校生3200人; 教职工143人,其中专任教师109人,专任教师学历合格率72%;二中教学班18个,在校生890人;教 职工73人,百家乐平台出租,其中专任教师49人,专任教师学历合格率57%;培英高中(私立)教学班4个,在校生184人。2003 年全市普通高中招生1300人,初中毕业生4250人,入学率为30.5%,高中阶段入学率大约为35%。 职业高中教学班26个,http://shijianwang.net/space.php?uid...=blog&id=33989足球平台出租,在校生1020人,教师116人,专任教师101人,专任教师合格率46%。   全市有市属小学166所,其中市区13所;乡镇153所,其中16所中心小学,百家乐平台出租,137所村校,教学点58个,在校生总计15609人,小学教师总数2268人,其中专任教师2166人 ,专任教师合格率为97.7%;全市义务教育阶段初中30所(含5所九年一贯制学校),在校生18808人 。其中市区初中9所(含社会力量办学学校2所),在校生6450人;乡镇初中23所,在校生12358人。 初中教师总数1543人,其中专任教师1388人,专任教师合格率为77.6%。另外有特殊教育学校1所。 中小学占地面积294万m2,其中小学187万m2,生均59.1 m2,中学107万m2,生均58.1 m2。经过二期义教工程和危改工程,全市中小学校舍建筑面积25万m2,其中小学18万m2,生均 4.8 m2,中学7万m2,生均3.9 m2,全市中小学危房面积有20865 m2。   2000年全市基本普及了初等教育,小学适龄儿童入学率为97.4%,http://uc.demo.01on.com/home/space.p...blog&id=110875足球平台出租,初中阶段适龄儿童少年入学率为80%。小学辍学率0.1%。初中辍学率市区0.8%,乡镇4 .8%。   今后,市区将撤并部分中小学,建规模学校,实现教育资源整合及优化,形成南、中、北各1所规模中、小学 校的办学格局。农村将按照“一个乡镇集中建设好1所初中和1所中心小学,人口相对较少的乡镇联合邻近乡镇集 中办好1所初中”的原则,建寄宿制学校,实施集中办学。到2006年全市规划初中22所(市区4所,农村1 8所),其中九年一贯制学校10所,寄宿制学校20所,教学班396个,在校生15600人;规划小学78 所(市区8所,农村70所),其中寄宿制学校13所,教学班628个,在校生22100人。国家级风景名胜 区  
2002年5月17日,扎兰屯市被国务院批准为“国家重点风景名胜区”,http://cougarcricket.net/forum/viewt...=716314#716314足球平台出租,这里钟灵毓秀,人文荟萃,北方少数民族风情独具特色,百家乐平台出租,更有跌宕生姿的自然景观,群山叠嶂,河流密布,山清水秀,五步一景,老舍、叶圣陶、李准、胡绍衡等历史名 人曾驻足此地流连忘返,并留下大量脍炙人口诗篇。党和国家领导人叶剑英元帅赋诗赞曰“雅鲁河畔扎兰屯,几派 清流拥水村。铁索悬空新瀑急,吊桥桥上忆长征。”吊桥公园  坐落在市区北部的吊桥公园,于2005年被国 家旅游局评定为4A级景区,是扎兰屯风景名胜区一颗璀璨的明珠.吊桥公园是扎兰屯人的骄傲,也是扎兰屯的象 征。吊桥公园因园内吊桥而得名,占地68公顷,由沙俄中东铁路局修建于1905年。现在,美丽的吊桥公园已 发展成为集自然景观和人文景观于一体的综合性公园,是内蒙古自治区东部最大的公园,园内按功能分综合游艺区 、动物展区等六个区。   吊桥公园以自然风光为主,较少人工雕琢,http://itwoxin.com/home/space.php?ui...blog&id=110939足球平台出租,自然植被丰富,园内有百年吊桥、一柱亭、垦石园等园林建筑。 扎兰屯吊桥公园位于呼伦贝尔扎兰屯市区北部,占地面积68公顷,是一个集自然景观和人文景观于一体的综合性 娱乐场所,百家乐平台出租。吊桥公园始建于1905年,园内有悬索桥和桁桥,是专供当时沙俄贵族们享乐的场所,因园内吊 桥而得名。   除吊桥外另有望湖亭、三角亭、环形湖、月形拱桥、一柱亭可供参观、浏览。园内古木参天,杨柳婆娑,亭台 错落,绿草如茵,碧波荡漾,可谓是处处皆景。步入园内,游客会感觉到浓浓的文化气息,叶剑英元帅的“雅鲁河 畔扎兰屯,几派清流拥水村”的著名诗句镶嵌在影壁墙上。新修建的“垦石园”中的碑廊上撰刻着许多领导和著名 作家老舍、李准、叶圣陶、胡绍衡等一大批文人墨客的诗作和墨宝。园内庄严矗立的苏联红军烈士碑和革命英雄纪 念碑,使这里成为爱国主义教育基地。   公园内还设有动物区、花卉区、儿童游乐场。
秀水风景区  扎兰屯市区被群山所环绕, 雅鲁河水犹如一条仙女手中飘舞的彩带, 委委婉婉地撒落在绿树丛中两岸风光如画。形成多处风景区, 出吊桥公园乘车北行2公里到秀水风景区,秀水风景区青山叠翠,碧水回环, 林木葱笼,碟恋蜂萦一湾河水衬着青山,远远望去,恰似低眉垂首的含羞少女,平静的水面映衬着她那楚楚动人的 风姿.黄昏,一片余辉洒入河水,象有人撒了一把胭脂,飞光异彩,染红河水,人们便将这一带湖光山色称为秀水 。
柴河风景区  柴河风景区在扎兰屯市区西南185公里处,是探险旅游者的好去处,柴河风光气势博大、雄浑壮 观,有野兽出没的原始森林 ,也有月亮湖、水帘洞等景点。   
雅鲁河漂流  距扎兰屯市区北部32公里处的雅鲁河漂流是“北国第一漂”。波光粼粼的水面上,五颜六色的橡 皮舟如盛开在水面上的朵朵莲花。漂流中,桨与水的击打声,盘旋于头顶鸥鸟的啼鸣声,水花四溅和人们的欢笑声 ,组成了一组合谐的大自然交响乐。如此享受悠闲、美妙、刺激的感受,难怪每年要有上万游客在此浪遏飞舟,体 验回归大自然的快乐之旅。   
扎兰屯市社会事业蓬勃发展,人民群众幸福安康。全市现有各类中小学204所,年在校生5万人以上。农牧、林 业、师范、卫生四所院校历史悠久,地质勘查研究院、农研所、蚕研所和地方病研究所的科研开发实力雄厚。民间 艺术远近驰名,卧牛河镇被文化部命名为中国民间特色艺术之乡。卫生事业长足发展,有大型医疗卫生机构4所, 医护人员1500多人,医疗保健水平不断提高。扎兰屯市民风淳朴、治安稳定、人际和谐、环境优美、服务优质 ,是最适宜人居住的地方。 文明开放的扎兰屯市热诚欢迎天下有识之士投资兴业、谋求合作,共同创造美好灿烂的明天! 词条图册更多图册 扩展阅读: 1
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Old 04-22-2011, 06:36 AM   #2
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2120310 2010 年 05 月 22 日 19:08 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Pitakas
Salmonella results by
(Sàma ¤ ¤ aphala-sutta)
Maxin De Temple Holiness Patriarch stresses in Guangdong
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammàsambuddhassa! (three times)
Homage He Buddha, Allah Han, who is conscious! (Three times)
Members of Friends of
Yin, Master, lay monks are:
Good evening!
Two nights ago, we talked about is not there blame the king asked the Buddha, as his family, engaged in a variety of occupations, through their own labor, access to wealth, to feed themselves, feed their families, support parents up and down to feed his wife and children, can also help Qinjuan, engaged in various social welfare benefits, and as a monk, what the results can be seen, the effect.
The Buddha gave the \King replied, no.
However, if a monk just to not work, then become a monk just to avoid social responsibility. King knows there must be more than than these, the monks of the Most Excellent results.
The Buddha said that when a good man listening to Dharma, to have confidence in the Buddha, his thinking: \, a monk, the hold on a variety of ring.
we learned the night before the \
Buddha said to the king continued:
\and beasts; vijjà is clear, the knowledge, skills, meaning. \
this means is: just as there are now some respected monks, but they lower the trick by which to survive. What trick is it?
\br> \Similar to the \
\For example, according to a harbinger of thunder what will happen.
\For example, Dream Interpreting, that is, according to some people dream of doing that this dream of divining what the future will happen.
\Fire for (aggihutta), lit the fire with wood and then cast some food into it. Brahmanism with some of the worship of fire for the flame has the habit of heretics, whether at home or outdoors, they spilled rice every day, sprinkle butter, meat, etc. to vote for some of the flame. According to Brahmin tradition, they believe that as long as the food or the offerings into the fire, can, through Vulcan A Agni (Sanskrit Agni) the information to them to be gods, such as large or god Brahma, who in order to to gain, prayer, disaster or other purposes.
\surgery, solutions of Animal Language. \
\The equivalent of \
\Similar to the \
\that is his ring.
Buddha went on to say:
\, arrows accounting, accounts for the bow, arms accounted for, women accounted for, men accounted for, the boys share, virgin accounting, accounting servant, maid accounts, like accounting, Acacia, buffalo accounting, accounting bulls, cows accounted for, accounting goat, ram total , chicken accounts, quail accounting, accounting for a large lizard, earrings accounting, accounting shells, animal accounted for. \to predict what would happen, or a person's good and bad fortune.
\withdrawal; the enemy will be attacking the king, the king will be our retreat; we will win the king, the king will be defeated enemy; enemy king will prevail, we will be defeated King; so, one party will win, party will be defeated. \
\will deviate from the sun and the moon orbit, the stars will depend on orbit, the stars will deviate from the orbit, there will be a meteor, there will be days of the fire, there will be earthquakes, there will be days of drums, the moon and stars will heave Huiming; lunar eclipse will be so The results, so the eclipse will be the result of this eclipse will be the result of sun and the moon orbit there will be so by the result of deviation from the sun and the moon orbit the result will be that the stars orbit there will be so according to the results of orbiting stars will have such a deviation from the results of such a meteor would have the results of such a day will be the result of the fire, the earthquake will have such a result, there will be such a day the results of drums, the moon and stars would have such a heave results Huiming . \.
\will be rainfall, will be drought, will harvest will be famine, will be stable, there will be dangerous, will get sick, will be healthy, Indian calculation, calculation, arithmetic, poetry, world science. \There is also a variety projections, suggesting ways to predict the world or the people good and bad.
\[select Kyrgyzstan] married, marriage, marriage, divorce, debt, loans, fortune, fate,pandora bracelets sale, abortion, men can answer curse, curse lock jaw, hands curse, curse deaf, asked mirror, and asked the Virgin to ask God, worship the sun , worship big [Brahma], fire-breathing curse, call on auspicious days. \
\recombination. \
\Unfortunately, bad luck is the mantra to others, or to do some surgery to make people unlucky number.
\vow, vow, curse spirits, home to curse, curse impotence, impotence curse, choose foundation, offering the foundation, the net mouth, bathing, for sacrifice, vomiting drugs, laxatives, drug treatment upper body, lower body drug treatment, drug treatment head, ear oil medicine, eyedrops, nasal irrigation, eye drops, ointments Tu, ophthalmology, surgery, pediatrics, Shi radical medicine, internal medicine. \
\OK, there is no any result from the risk of not keeping the precepts.
\When he conquered the enemy, the enemy often will not be afraid to infringe.
\ring. \If a person has a moral character, with a literacy, that is, with the precepts, he will be able to experience the joy of the heart not at fault. So \Because of your behavior, language was not at fault, it is natural that the heart can experience the joy of no-fault flawless.
Buddha said to the king continued:
\senses. Peaceful faculties door, that is, eyes,pandora sale, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind.
\phase, the net phase or the phase cause trouble there, but only stay in the see level. Just look to see, not know this person is beautiful, that person is not pretty and so on.
\He did not take the in the hands, feet, smile, laugh at, talking,pandora bracelets, watching, and other firms for, but honestly look at it. For example: Look at this man's face, a mole long, How long fingernails, mouth How long, How long ears, called to see details of these features.
\... nose, tongue tasted the smell of incense smell ... ... ... ... ... ... When the body touched the touch sense of knowing, do not take in phase with the phase does not take. If the roots are not intended to protect lives, it will be greed, fear, Zhu E, into the poor law. implementing this Lvyi to protect Italian roots, and take hold Italian roots Lvyi. He Lvyi and endowed this holy peaceful faculties, had no experience of the joy inherent. magnate, is the true guardian than the library peaceful faculties door. \
us through the \If we want to go outside from the room side, it must be through the door. We call this world, can not do without two things: one is subjective; the other is objective. \\This is both the root and the environment, mind, and the outside world.
the heart of all the objects have to be some recognition, known as \What we see outside through the color of light? Look through the insights for, so we can see through the eyes red, yellow, blue, white, light, darkness.
ears? Can hear sounds, such as: human voices, the drums sound, car sound, the wind sounds, bird sounds. Why do we know that sound? As we have ears, ears by the ear from the knowledge born able to hear sounds, sound knowledge to know what it is.
If this place is very smelly smell that something stinks, or this thing is very fragrant, what it is perceived by it? Awareness through the nose to the.
eating something, that sweet, salty, fragrant, spicy, bitter, these flavors are tasted by the tongue.
We know that the weather was cold or hot, that low back pain, leg pain, headache, pain here, where the pain is to perceive what is it? To perceive by touch the body.
when we thought: this thing is good, this thing is bad, how about yesterday, tomorrow what. Which like all things in mind, the corresponding known as the \Edge of the area law is very broad.
If a root door is broken, or did not play his due role, it is impossible to perceive the corresponding foreign environment. If a blind person's eyes, he can see the light, see color, to see people, mountains and rivers of the earth to see it? Can not, because the \If a person or a deaf ear plugs, and he heard the voice outside. If a person's body paralysis, and the knife he used, he would not know. Therefore, the outside person or cognitive beings are perceived through the root door, is not it? Did not root doors to knowledge through the external environment? If so, please give an example. All through the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind that six cognitive, as well as the seventh species? (No.)
We speak of the troubles, that is generated from here. Why bother? Worry no more than that through the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind produced. Because of contact with the outside world, eyes color, see all sorts of things, if they feel beautiful, will not like? Would like beautiful things, or will special like those very ugly, very dirty things? As human beings, are like beautiful, beautiful, good-looking, pleasing to the eye thing, it is human nature.
nice to see things as, naturally there will be music by heart, or will feel very comfortable. See things, and then generate the feeling of a glad and comfortable, these are all normal physiological responses. However, if you see something beautiful, our hearts will always go to mount, to seek, this time, students from what the heart? Students from the greedy! Is not it? Want to get, own, possess, will go to attachment.
And if you see some ugly, vicious, horrible, dirty things, our hearts what will happen? Will be rejected, do not like. This time the subject is likely to be affected by worry, just do not like the feeling that this is a normal mentality. However, this does not like the response, your heart went to hate, hate, fight it, so he lit the?, Or get angry.
and the same, if we see a beautiful, beautiful things, since students would be greedy. But the human heart is like so: have, you still want more; have been, but also want long-term tenure; possession, do not want to lose, afraid to lose, is not it? If we like, craving something, as long as it has any changes, variation, until the final destruction, disappearance, and our hearts what will happen? Will suffer pain, will not like it,pandora jewelry, is not it? Who like their favorite things broken or burst out? Is for his family, who like their spouse is taken away? Who does not like, is not it? Who like his wife affair, who like her husband was having an affair? Do not like. However, sometimes happens is that we see, hear, know, what will happen this time? Our hearts will produce pain.
another example to others praise you, you will get high: praise you look beautiful, you'll elated; praise your handsome or very clever, you will triumphantly, airs. But if others criticize you, \Ear is sound, and then you go tell this is a nice, pleasant, that is not pleasant. So nice to students from the greedy, did not sound good to students from?.
give another example, we often encounter, we are in a very quiet meditation, suddenly next to a man coughed, your reaction happen? Lose your temper? Or when we are focused on, when suddenly someone outside to speak, this time your heart is full of rejection, is not it? Heart is filled with greed or exclusion? Heart? Is? Heart. Why do students start? Heart? Because the sound reached your ears, your ears hear, you do not like the sound or the sound with your request is contrary to their own, so you? Heart lit the.
lot of people like listening to music, all kinds of music, such as: pop, classical music, and even to the Vatican music, Buddhist, why would like to hear? Because the melody and. Listening to music, listening to music what is the heart? When the ears to hear such nice, pleasant voice, it will play music by the students, because students from the music by, you will like it, because like, it is easy to mount, and then students from the greedy.
no one will want to hear the voice of Guikulanghao and terror, would not like to be scolded, been cheated, been criticized, was being sarcastic and ironic. Why not? Because when they hit the ear sound knowledge, we will judge: This is a good, this is not good. In other words, students do not like from the heart because there are judgments. For example, there is now a foreigner with a smile yells at you, and you do not understand English, what will happen? You might think that he was only talking to you, or praises you. Why do you hear the same voice, but not angry, even thought he praises you? This is because you do not judge. What is the root of the door
guard it? If you can only stay in view, not to judge, there does not greed and?, Good and bad, the net phase and not the net phase, the United States and is not beautiful? No. Look just stay in view, the root guard the door, as the ancient sages said, \Listen is the same, just stay in the listening, not nice or not nice to judge, because the judge, there will be good or bad, with good or bad, will the heart to care about, care about people in general, the better to raw greed, bad for students?, and then rejected, resisted, hate, and even hatred.
example: sometimes we hate someone, hate for years, decades, to recover his reason, he just said that you word it in the past. He said something that slander you, hurt your self-esteem, or a very unfeeling words, then you hate him, or even blood feud. However, in retrospect, this statement may be only \If the analysis, he said, perhaps not saying this for a minute, perhaps only half a minute, so much he forgot, a number of years experience, you said to him: \hour, how come you said I would. \It is because you listened, and then to judge, saying he does not feel pleasant to the ear, as if the hurt you, hurt you, so you hate the thought of hate, hate the thought, time and again repeated. As if rubbed with a piece of dirty cloth side of white walls, wiping a wall on the dirty one, and then wipe again, the wall will be more dirty, and if so rub a few years, this piece of white walls have been very, very dirty, and is not it? Our heart is so kind, to increase the hate making a bad business once again made this a hate, hate, hate the two made two ... ... is comes out of this.
we think again: He said the sentence is only half a minute, you hate a few decades, a few years in exchange for half a minute, worth it? He says it just like a gust of wind blowing, and your heart is constantly crawling, worth it? Really is not worth it. What were these people? Disguising the ignorance of people called.
troubles are come through the root door, through greed,?, crazy come. You want to pursue? For example: hard-earned money to buy a house or buildings bought a luxury car, not that you want to praise someone else's sentence? - \also said: \Now few people in this world is really envy you, are you doing and perhaps others were jealous, is not it? So, really no need for some sense of things to pursue their goal, students from the troubles, good raw greed, bad life?.
If a person really be a good guardian of the root door, he would not have to experience the joy of the inner - the heart was not at fault, no defects happiness. If you really do not see chaos, chaos heard, not cranky, and not to care about right and wrong, good or bad judgments, attachments joy, your heart must be able to calm.
This is the root of the Buddha to protect the teachings of the door.
Buddha went on to say:
\the object will not float. \And \Similarly, in meditation, when emphasis on \My heart sank to the premises which is called \If the concept is weak, the heart will be scattered.
What is a \\level, more advanced, is completely, clearly, that not only know, but more clearly the know. Therefore, \Know the object.
then went on to explain how to maintain the concept of Buddha and are known:
\,],[awakening, talk, keep silent is to know. King, so the situation right than the reading and the library is now known. \pears. Emperor must use double as Sangka sewn cloth, so called repeat clothing.
\here talked about how to cultivate mindfulness
are known methods. The Buddha asked us not only in the room, in a quiet place is known only to cultivate mindfulness, but in daily life to do every movement, you can cultivate mindfulness is known. Developing mindfulness practice is a kind of knowledge is.
should know how to train is it? Note in the sense mentioned in the four stages, four stages from shallow to deep in the training process:
1, is useful to know (sàtthakasampaja ¤ ¤ a);
2, suitable for being aware (sappàyasampaja ¤ ¤ a);
3, the line at being known (gocarasampaja ¤ ¤ a);
4, no ignorance is knowledge (asammohasampaja ¤ ¤ a).
First, the training is to know that you are mindful to do everything,pandora online, for example: walk to know when to walk; know when to stand to stand; know when sitting sitting; lie down when that lying; talking all the time know, talk; silence when that silence; and even eat and drink Lazard are awake, rather than muddle, so it is called is known.
to walk the following example to illustrate how to train them in their daily lives of these four are known.
first is useful is to know (sàtthakasampaja ¤ ¤ a). sa is owned; attha is significant, benefit; sampaja ¤ ¤ a is now known; sàtthakasampaja ¤ ¤ a positive knowledge that is of interest.
What is known is it good for walking? When walking, choose good places to go, or consider before walking: \refers to the practice or to help develop effective ways to help. For example, think: \, heard that Buddhism is helpful. \
example, people now listen to some discovery with you, you think: \But if someone invites you to the club tonight, go to bars or go shopping now, do you think go to these places that do not help, so you will not go.
Before going to know, \
to speak, is the same, you said if it is helpful to each other, there is interest, you say. However, we often without thinking too much nonsense, is not it? Whining all day long, especially some of the older women, whining all day, her family, his son does not like. The problem is when you talk, is there the first thought you said that the sentence has no meaning? If meaningful, so much nonsense it? Is not it? Thinking before speaking words have meaning, which is good is known. The second is appropriate
are known (sappàyasampaja ¤ ¤ a). Appropriate knowledge is knowledge is deeper than useful, why? Because when we go to a local time, not just know there is a benefit to that place, and to consider suitable to go, not all are suitable to do something meaningful.
held inside a classic example: it is helpful to see the great elders, as elders to see big, we can know what is good and what was bad; can be heard from him to the teachings of the Buddha; can take Industry Department, to learn meditation methods. Learn meditation because the method can make us stop worrying, so it makes sense to see a large elderly, there is interest. However, if the elders busy big time, for many believers are saying, you went to consult Grand Ayatollah; or large Presbyterian is meditation, you go to disturb him; and elders taking a break or large, you travel at this time, for or not suitable? Are not suitable.
Here we give another example of speaking. Buddha in the \Therefore, when we criticize a man barked at the time, first introspection is not the situation right, the following five conditions:
first, snapped others in the first Reflect when you scold is not true? If it is not the case, you are wrong to others, is not it? Or just another rumor, and you cursed him for a meal, with your authority, he had just said no such thing, you say: \first think about the fact that there is no basis for criticism.
second, also take into account on the other side did not help. If he can not stand the criticism is simply a person, you have a criticism of him, and he very, very wronged, to die to live, or hold a grudge, for this person, you criticize him, he does not make sense, no interest, is not ? So, when others snapped, but also think of him did not help.
third, depending on your point of departure, motives. You are in order to suppress him, mean to by critics, accusing him get his own happiness, or really want to help him. Therefore, in criticizing other people's time, with compassion, criticizing the motives, the starting point is good for each other is to let the other party to change, so that we to blame, criticize him.
Fourth, the language should be appropriate. If he had just made a little bit small, you make a fuss, with some hard to hear the words to accuse him, or even personal insults, it is not appropriate.
Fifth, in the appropriate forum. \
includes both the five conditions have interests, but also include an appropriate unsuitable. When a person in the accused, if the five conditions of the situation right, that is appropriate and necessary; if not the situation right, it is inappropriate and should not be said.
third is the line at being known (gocarasampaja ¤ ¤ a). Here the \Here the \
such repair is now the breath you read, do not immediately think of where to go, but to the first breath in my heart, to know the breath, then walk. Another example is through the line, we do not take a walk through the line or as a strolling Xia Zhuan. The line at the time,pandora charm, stood by the track, one end of the first, if the heart was relatively scattered to closing your eyes, nose breathing on his heart, and so the heart can be clearly aware of breath, then slowly walk, walk, and still aware of the breath, went to the other end by way street door and back.
Why? Why?
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