: Windows 7 SP1 RC very hot candidate Q & A summary
Microsoft publicly released
Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 SP1 RC candidate,
Windows 7 32bit, the compiler version number is 6.1 .7601.17105.100929-1730. Of concern to everyone here to do a summary of scorching issues.
1, Windows 7 SP1 RC What languages are supported?
and Beta test version of the same only in English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese have to wait for the final official version of the (now popular in some parts of the so-called Chinese version of SP1 RC Preview is just before the Edition).
2, Windows seven SP1 RC when completed?
point of view from the compiled version was completed in at 17:30 on September 29, that is, late last month.
3, who can test Windows seven SP1 RC?
and Beta as a semi-public beta release,
Office 2010 Product Key, so any interested person can seek to obtain and install the test,
Microsoft Office 2007 Pro, but after all, is not the official version, so I do not recommend trying to ordinary users. Microsoft said: The final version of SP1 will be completed through the Windows Update to the consumer.
basically, just make sure Windows seven RTM has been installed and the necessary updates on the Windows Update patch can be.
5, I have installed Windows seven SP1 Beta, how to install Windows 7 SP1 RC?
first need to uninstall SP1 Beta test version, then install the SP1 RC candidate, direct upgrade is not supported.
6, Windows seven SP1 RC can directly upgrade to the next full version?
Microsoft says that the upgrade is not supported, and that time users will still need to first uninstall the existing version.
seven, Windows seven SP1 RC have expired time?
the natural. And Microsoft, like all of the pre-release software, Windows 7 SP1 RC also use period, specifically November 31,
Office 2010 Professional Plus Key, 2011, which is more than a year. In fact to August 30, 2011, if you're still using RC version, the system will begin to prompt you to upgrade.
8, Windows 7 SP1 RC compared to Beta adds any new features?
not. The official version of the future will no longer something new.
9, Windows 7 SP1 final version be released?
official statement is the first half of 2011, probably in the first quarter.
10, RC version, and between the official version have any other version?
not, the next step we can see that the official version of the.
Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate, whether a new installation of Windows seven SP1 RC?
can not, because Microsoft did not provide complete system integration service pack image, but the final version will have. , love the Internet, fell in love with Vista123.com